Puppet MastersS

Star of David

Disproportionate retaliation: Israeli jets strike 34 targets in Gaza Strip

© AFP / SAID KHATIBA ball of fire is seen following an Israel airstrike in Rafah, southern Gaza, on July 1, 2014. Israeli warplanes launched in the early morning hours of Tuesday, dozens of airstrikes on different targets in the Gaza Strip, including sites belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
The Israeli Air Force struck 34 targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, carrying out "precision strikes" against Hamas and Islamic Jihad structures, the IDF said in a statement early Tuesday.

According to reports, sites in Khan Younes, Rafah and Beit lahia were hit.

"Following over 18 rockets which were fired at Israel since Sunday evening, IAF aircraft carried out a precision strike against 34 targets in the Gaza Strip," the IDF said.

Four people were injured, according to Israel Radio citing Palestinian sources.

"The IDF will continue to act in order to restore the peaceful living to the civilians of the state of Israel. The Hamas terror organization and its extensions are solely responsible for any terror activities emanating from the Gaza Strip," IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said.

A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip early Tuesday landed in the Eshkol Regional Council, causing damage to several cars and a fire close to a packaging plant, which was quickly put out by emergency services.

Another rocket landed in the Sdot Negev region, causing no damage or injuries.

Light Sabers

Genocidal Israel threatens to "eradicate" Hamas after missing settlers found dead

Danny Danon
© Kobi KalmanovitzDeputy defense minister Danny "Genocide is Cool" Danon.
Israel on Monday confirmed finding the bodies of three settlers who disappeared in the occupied southern West Bank on June 12, blaming Hamas for their kidnapping and murder despite showing any evidence that the Islamist movement was behind it.

"During the search for Eyal Ifrach, Gilad Shaer and Naftali Frankel, the IDF discovered 3 bodies near Hebron," the Israeli army said in a statement on Twitter.

It was not immediately clear how they died.

Deputy defense minister Danny Danon also confirmed their bodies had been discovered, saying they had been murdered by "Hamas terrorists" and calling for a widespread operation to "eradicate" the Islamist movement.

Public radio said the bodies were discovered in a field near Halhul, a town north of Hebron, about 10 minutes from the roadside in the southern West Bank where they were last seen.

The Ynet news website said the bodies were found by soldiers and civilian volunteers.

Comment: Terrorists = Palestinians. Therefore, the Israelis are calling for genocide, clear and simple. See also: Abducted Israeli Teenagers Found Dead - A Convenient Development (for Israel)

Che Guevara

VIDEO: HARDtalk speaks to anti-Zionist Israeli historian Ilan Pappe

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, at its heart, a story of two peoples and one land. Both see history as their justification. Which means a historian who appears to change sides inevitably becomes a figure of enormous controversy. HARDtalk speaks to Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe who says the record shows that the Jewish state is racist; born of a deliberate program of ethnic cleansing.

Not surprisingly he's widely reviled in his home country. His work has been both supported and criticized by other historians. Before he left Israel in 2008, he had been condemned in the Knesset, Israel's parliament; a minister of education had called for him to be sacked; his photograph had appeared in a newspaper at the centre of a target; and he had received several death threats.

Comment: Good job, Ilan Pappe, on dealing with Stephen Sackur's slime-ball questions. It must be difficult speaking rationally with a moral and logical black hole.


Canadians' "anti-Semitic disease": How can world tolerate B'nai Brith's filth?

© ReutersZionist shill Stephen Harper.
Not long ago, I was handed the most outrageous, vile, dishonest and slanderous calumny uttered against the people of Canada. It was contained in a full-page advertisement in the National Post (founder, Conrad Black), a newspaper handed out - free, I'm happy to say - on my Air France flight out of Toronto. Here is the headline: "Almost 4 million Canadians are afflicted by this disease." Beneath this title is a half-page, very blurred and uncaptioned colour photo of a large crowd - they could be football supporters, rush-hour commuters in Vancouver, you name it; they are mostly white males but include women and with at least one dark-skinned man close to the camera. Beneath the picture, this incredible ad continues: "Left unchecked, it [the disease] can result in violence tendencies. Many times, those infected haven't been diagnosed and may pass it on to their children, grandchildren, colleagues or friends. Please help stop the spread of this disease before it contaminates your community."

This is frightening stuff, of course. Could this refer to some of the six million Canadians who may be living with HIV/Aids? Or the 4.5 million Canadians affected by arthritis? Or the 2.5 million Canadians believed to have diabetes? Or even some of the estimated 7.8 million Canadians treated for depression each year? Nope. This is far more serious. For the "disease" afflicting "almost 4 million Canadians" is "anti-Semitism" and this disgusting advertisement - published without comment by one of Canada's leading right-wing newspapers - was produced by B'nai Brith Canada and the "Jewish Christian Alliance".

"At the first sign of anti-Semitism," this appalling ad concludes, "call the B'nai Brith Canada Anti-Hate Hotline..." In other words, this pro-Israeli Jewish group - whose exaggerations and hateful propaganda have been rightly condemned by Jewish Canadians - claims that four million of their fellow-countrymen and women are sick, racist neo-Nazis. What other conclusion are we supposed to draw if almost 9 per cent of the Canadian population is "diseased", "infected" and "contaminated".

Comment: There is a social disease infecting humanity, but it's not anti-Semitism; it's psychopathy. The same disease afflicting the Nazis, the Commies, ISIS, Harper, Obama, Poroshenko, and the idiots at B'nai Brith.


VIDEO: U.S. fighting alongside ISIS, playing both sides of the conflict

ISIS proclaimed Islamic order on territories they captured both in Iraq and Syria. The area they now hold contains economically vital oil sites. Where does ISIS get the funding it needs to snatch power in the region? Even Washington has played its role in the rise of ISIS - as RT's Marina Portnaya explains.

War Whore

Ethnic cleansing in Ukraine: Obama is the war criminal, not Putin

© UnknownUS installed puppet in Ukraine Yatsenyuk, who has no qualms calling 7 million people living in the SE of Ukraine evil and inhuman. How that will encourage the people of the southeast to accept the Kiev junta is not known.
In February this year, the Obama Administration violently overthrew the freely-elected and Russia-friendly President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. We hired gunmen dressed to appear to be from the Yanukovych government firing into the "Maidan" crowd who were demonstrating against Yanukovych. This made it seem to be violence from him, not from Obama's team. Obama further justified the overthrow by saying that Yanukovych was corrupt. But virtually all recent Presidents and Prime Ministers of that country have been corrupt. The Prime Minister who had preceded Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko, was even in prison for it. Britain's Guardian noted in 2004 that, "According to Matthew Brzezinski's 2001 book Casino Moscow, which devotes a chapter to Tymoshenko entitled 'The Eleven Billion Dollar Woman,' she was guarded by an entire platoon of ex-Soviet special forces bodyguards." However, during the Obama Administration's 18-24 February 2014 coup in Ukraine (called not a "coup" but a "revolution" by the coup's supporters), they got her freed from her 7-year prison sentence, and she immediately announced her campaign to become Yanukovych's successor as President. She was widely regarded as Obama's preferred person for that post, but instead the person that she chose to lead the interim government as Prime Minister became Ukraine's leader (with the expectation that Tymoshenko would soon be elected and then take over), and Tymoshenko wasn't elected, so Obama was faced with a predicament. Since the person whom she had placed in temporary control did Obama's bidding, he has been allowed to stay on in the new permanent Ukrainian government, in his same official capacity, ruling Ukraine as the Prime Minister, just as he was during the "interim" government.

The way to remove a democratically elected President (and/or Prime Minister) is by constitutional means; and a coup is not constitutional - not even in Ukraine, and it's certainly not supposed to be the constitutional means in the U.S. Yet we immediately recognized the coup-government, because we had actually installed it.

Comment: The disparity between truth and lies in the Ukraine crisis has become so obvious, it's a wonder that anyone still buys the MSM swill being shoved down Americans' throats. Opinions on the conflict are thus a clear indicator of where an individual's true loyalties lie: those who buy the lies are either lying themselves (e.g., the psychopaths Obama, Nuland, etc.) or give truth absolutely no value. Either way, a stand must be taken. Do you support truth and justice? Or lies and brutal psychopathy?


Snowden leak: Only four nations not subject to NSA surveillance

© AFP Photo / Paul J. Richards NSA, spying on the whole world.
Previously undisclosed files leaked to the media by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden now show that the United States National Security Agency has been authorized to spy on persons in all but four countries.

The Washington Post published on Monday official documents provided by Mr. Snowden that shows new proof concerning the extent of the NSA's vast surveillance apparatus.

One of the documents - a file marked "top secret" from 2010 and approved by the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court - shows that the NSA has been authorized to conduct surveillance on 193 foreign government, as well as various factions and organizations around the world, including the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

"Virtually no foreign government is off-limits for the National Security Agency, which has been authorized to intercept information from individuals 'concerning' all but four countries on Earth, according to top-secret documents," journalists Ellen Nakashima and Barton Gellman wrote for the Post.

Comment: Looks like the NSA has the whole world covered. And some still deny the existence of an American Empire... Thankfully, all empires fall, and the U.S. will be no exception.

Bad Guys

Mind games: Facebook tweaks users feed, causes positive and negative emotions

© Dado Ruvic/ReutersActivists and politicians called Facebook's experiment 'scandalous', 'spooky' and 'disturbing'.
It already knows whether you are single or dating, the first school you went to and whether you like or loathe Justin Bieber. But now Facebook, the world's biggest social networking site, is facing a storm of protest after it revealed it had discovered how to make users feel happier or sadder with a few computer key strokes.

It has published details of a vast experiment in which it manipulated information posted on 689,000 users' home pages and found it could make people feel more positive or negative through a process of "emotional contagion".

In a study with academics from Cornell and the University of California, Facebook filtered users' news feeds - the flow of comments, videos, pictures and web links posted by other people in their social network. One test reduced users' exposure to their friends' "positive emotional content", resulting in fewer positive posts of their own. Another test reduced exposure to "negative emotional content" and the opposite happened.

The study concluded: "Emotions expressed by friends, via online social networks, influence our own moods, constituting, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence for massive-scale emotional contagion via social networks."

Comment: Creepy.


International meeting for ISIL held in France

Supporters of terrorist group MEK in Paris
© Unknown
The Mujahidin-e-Khalq (MEK) (Iranian armed opposition group financed by Washington) held a large rally in Villepinte, near Paris, on 27 June 2014. More than 80 000 people attended the event.

While the main objective of the meeting was to support the Mujahidin military base in Iraq, Camp Asharaf and their fight against Iran, MEK president Maryam Rajavi seized the opportunity to violently lash out against Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and rejoice over the progress achieved by the Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

Comment: Can it be more obvious that the West are sponsoring ISIL and terrorism and that the chaos in the Middle East is by design?


Best of the Web: Paul Craig Roberts: 'Washington leadership has totally failed the world'

© TheAtlantic.com
A final number for real US GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 was released today. The number is not the 2.6% growth rate predicted by the know-nothing economists in January of this year. The number is a decline in GDP of -2.9 percent.

The negative growth rate of -2.9 percent is itself an understatement. This number was achieved by deflating nominal GDP with an understated measure of inflation. During the Clinton regime, the Boskin Commission rigged the inflation measure in order to cheat Social Security recipients out of their cost-of-living adjustments. Anyone who purchases food, fuel, or anything knows that inflation is much higher than the officially reported number.

It is possible that the drop in first quarter real GDP is three times the official number.

Regardless, the difference is large between the January forecast of +2.6 percent growth and the decline as of the end of March of -2.9 percent.

Any economist who is real and unpaid by Wall Street, the government, or the Establishment knew that the +2.6 percent forecast was a crock. Americans' incomes have not grown except for the one percent, and the only credit growth is in student loans, as those many who cannot find jobs mistakenly turn to education is the answer.