Sean "Diddy" Combs has been accused of allegedly drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl as two celebrities joined in at a VMAs afterparty in New York two decades ago, according to a new wave of lawsuits.Who are those "two celebrities" who enjoy to rape children ?
VooDoo6 I guess I have not bothered to see what he was doing immediately proceeding the recent charges brought against him(perhaps outing some taboo narrative like: "vax shots make you sick"). Or if it was was merely news of settlements he payed out to previous claimers of harm as his current defense lawyers allege...But a timing element isn't explored much here other than previous possible settlements. The entire thing might be a "funded' distraction to keep the public eyes off of other things going on?I see it as a mirror that reflects the social-cultural attitude & acceptance of the decay/erosion of values/moral compass.
One time years ago RC asked for a link to a "non-disclosure agreement" meeting on RAP music. Of course this is a "conspiracy theory" denied by Ice Cube. [Link]I had heard about it a long time ago, and from several sources.
which is about to breakI think you are right . The hasty recent attempt to complete the pyramid on the dollar bill and erect the Fourth Reich will fail. And the people of the US won't be worse off in the long run(I think) - your predictions(on another post) of the US ultimately being reduced to pre world war one geo political standing.
The hasty recent attempt to complete the pyramid on the dollar bill and erect the Fourth Reich will fail.What a neat coincidence you brought the term "pyramid" up ...
Because it is the lower layers of the societal pyramid the Western "elite" squandered and destroyed by their incompetence.Well by argument, it is "incompetence" as a cover up narrative for a very successful on going covert eugenics project(i.e. as you mentioned above subsidized illegal drugs being given to black teenagers as distributors to induce line breeding down in IQ to support the industrial prisons in the US). The target of the pyramid reduction is based on non-productive members of society (upside down on production vs. consumption). So you have the poison food, and the pharma drugs that speed up death of older people(i.e. unfunded liabilities lowered to avoid default on the US government debt). You have migrants of younger age subsidized(with pre loaded debt cards) as they enter the US(sure some are gang members to support the narrative that all are gangs: "illegals!!!" ), but most are to replace the unproductive seniors with productive tax cattle. There is no "incompetence" here. It is a plan!!
The target of the pyramid reduction is based on non-productive members of society (upside down on production vs. consumption).Herein lies the core of the failure and incompetence, I would say :
There is no "incompetence" here. It is a plan!!And I think the plan was (and is) incompetent.
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