What is in the Pfizer vaccines? Recently, Dr David Nixon, a Brisbane GP, decided to find out, putting droplets of vaccine and the blood of vaccinated patients under a dark-field microscope.
That's a more radical decision than it might sound. According to Sasha Latypova, a scientist with 25 years of experience in clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies, the contract between Pfizer and the US government prohibits independent researchers from studying the vaccines. They claim it would 'divert' these precious resources away from their intended use fulfilling an 'urgent' need.
Is that true in Australia? Who knows? All the Commonwealth Department of Health has said about its contract with Pfizer is that it is commercial-in-confidence.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration performs tests on all Covid vaccines for composition and strength, purity and integrity, identity and endotoxins, but it provides scant details other than the batch numbers tested and whether they passed. (Spoiler alert: they did.)
In the US, the Centers for Disease Control specifically states that all Covid-19 vaccines are free from 'metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys' and 'manufactured products such as micro-electronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors'.
Notably, this list does not include graphene oxide which has been widely investigated for biomedical applications. Some researchers sing its praises, its 'ultra-high drug-loading efficiency due to the wide surface area', its exceptional 'chemical and mechanical constancy, sublime conductivity and excellent biocompatibility'. But there's a catch. 'The toxic effect of graphene oxide on living cells and organs' is 'a limiting factor' on its use in the medicine.
So is there graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots? What Nixon found, and filmed, is bizarre to say the least. Inside a droplet of vaccine are strange mechanical structures. They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips. These are not 'manufactured products' in the CDC's words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag. Nixon's findings are similar to those of teams in New Zealand, Germany, Spain and South Korea.
Comment: One of Dr. Nixon's clips is shown during an interview
An Italian group led by Riccardo Benzi Cipelli analysed the blood of over 1,000 people, one month after they were vaccinated, who had been referred for tests because they had experienced side effects. They ranged in age from 15 to 85 and had had between one and three doses. More than 94 per cent had abnormal readings, deformed red blood cells, reduced in counts and clumped around luminescent foreign objects which also attracted clusters of fibrin. Some of the foreign objects dotted the blood like a starry night, some self-assembled into crystalline structures and others into spindly branches and tubes.
The Italians think the objects are metallic particles and say they resemble 'graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds'. They believe the damaged blood is contributing to post-vaccine coagulation disorders, which in turn contribute to increased malignancies, while graphene-family materials are associated with oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation and damage to those parts of the immune system that suppress tumours.
The artificial mRNA concoction which is 'cloaked' from the recipient's immune system is also likely to reduce the recipients immune function, increasing the likelihood of new or recurring tumours.
Nixon has shared his findings with Wendy Hoy, professor of medicine at the University of Queensland who has called on the Australian government and its health authorities to explain the apparent spontaneous formation of chips and circuitry in mRNA vaccines when left at room temperature, and the abnormal objects that can be seen in the blood of vaccinated people. Hoy thinks that these are 'undoubtedly contributing to poor oxygen delivery to tissues and clotting events, including heart attacks and strokes' and asks why there is no systematic autopsy investigation of deaths to investigate the role of the vaccine in Australia's dramatic rise in mortality.
According to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, excess mortality was over 17 per cent in July. It is similarly elevated in other highly vaccinated populations.
In Germany, excess mortality in people over 60 increased by 174 per cent between 20 September 2021, when 85 per cent of people over 60 were fully vaccinated, and October 2022.
In the UK, there have been more excess deaths in the last three months than at any time during the pandemic or indeed since 2010. In the most recent week, excess mortality in England was 16 per cent.
In the US, excess mortality in people aged 25 to 44, and in those aged 75 to 84, is 18 per cent, and it is 15 per cent in those aged 65 to 74.
The situation is all the more alarming because there should be fewer deaths now, since so many people died earlier in the pandemic. There has also been a dramatic rise in people with disabilities.
As for Covid, in Australia, vaccine efficacy appears to be negative, judging by the statistics in NSW which are far from perfect but the best in Australia. They show that 88 per cent of people who died were vaccinated even though they made up only 85.5 per cent of the population. They also showed that the unvaccinated made up only 0.15 per cent of people in hospital with Covid and only 1.1 per cent of people in ICU.
Why is this? Almost certainly, because the unvaccinated who die of Covid in NSW are frail and elderly with multiple comorbidities, living in aged care or palliative care or at home, and don't go to hospital. Why weren't they vaccinated? Probably because they or their doctors feared it would kill them.
The question is, how many others is it killing too? Until health authorities tell us what's in the shots, we won't know.
Reader Comments
it has a 91% clot shot rate of at least one shot.
NYC used to never be like that. I wonder if it has anything to do with the death shots.
Check out Lincoln Karim's channel on jewtube. He documented the entire 2+ year event in NYC.
I get everywhere I go by bike. Gave away my car in August of 2010 and never owned one since. In all that time I've only had one incident, so far, where on a clear day, at a busy intersection, with traffic lights, and white painted lines for pedestrians, with a white pedestrian light blazing indicating that it was 'safe' for me to cross... I soon found myself inches away from being hit by a kid in a jacked up pick up truck who thought he'd rush through the intersection by making a left turn where I was crossing. He didn't see me until nearly too late. I wound up on the ground, the force of the fall broke my hand brake in two. I just sat there and looked at him as he said out the window, "Gee mister, are you alright? I'm sorry. I didn't see you."
I picked myself up and shook it off. Picked up my bike and wheeled it across the rest of the rest of the cross walk. It was then that I realized I needed to add a bit of paranoia to my bike ride, just out of necessity. That was back in 2018 or 2019, before the declared scamdemic and clot shots, in a small sized western town of about 35,000.
These dayz I'm reading about the vaxxed becoming more aggressive, more irrational it seems, with each booster. When people realize they are the dead walking and have nothing else to lose, violence & murder are not far behind. Sometimes I wonder if I should start carrying a small side arm for self defense as I have a conceal carry permit. Wonder how long it'll be before we start hearing about tales of road rage and the like...
Mark Crispin Miller is a Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. He is the author of several books, and has a substack blog. In his blog he has a series titled; 'In Memory Of Those Who Died Suddenly.' Here are some of his entries [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
Yes for fuck sure I am biased, so I doubt I'll be on jury, but convictions are blowing in the wind and strings fixing to be cut and then let the chips fall where they will.....cheaters always lose in the end.
Me, hell no to the flu shot. They drive the flu seasons. Ya notice how they always seem to know ahead of time what strains are going to be circulating?
The obvious answer is because they are shooting those strains into everyone's arms and the viral shedding does the rest.
I'll never take another jab, and only time I show up in a doctor's office or the hospital will be over my dead body.
Best to you sbc Ken
'Safe' vaccines shed the very diseases they're supposed to prevent
The New York Daily News reported on March 21, 2009 a vaccine story that should have had the vaccine industry, health officials, consumers, and parents especially, concerned. Dominick Tenuto, of...Sad to say, but true....if something comes out of this, something seeming to be better, just remember, I been up the ass of an elephant and it killed me metaphorically.
I hope something comes better out of it, but the chances seem slim.
Both parties compromised, and that mother effer out of SC, slimy lindsey his name be....he better watch it....cause if you call for the death of another, oft times you call for your own head to get sliced off.....that is the way it works in the jungle and in the jungle is where we are.
I play to win and I play fair and I care not for senators out of SC who wish harm upon others nefariously.
Rules are needed obviously, but too many rules ruin everything.
The Medical Establishment has been part of the crime of the millennia and so it means they deserve no trust nor any participation. Just don't participate and if need be, don't comply. Ignore the edicts, do your own thing, be true to yourself, and cause no harm.
The Genesis of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic - [Link]
The Re-Emergence of H1N1 Influenza Virus in 1977 - [Link]
In 1977, H1N1 influenza A virus reappeared after a 20-year absence. Genetic analysis indicated that this strain was missing decades of nucleotide sequence evolution, suggesting an accidental release of a frozen laboratory strain into the general population.
I wonder which US lab engineered and released the 2009 version H1N1 flu controversially engineered to escape immune system - [Link] Yoshihiro Kawaoka is still going strong, now professorship in virology in the Department of Pathobiological Sciences, working with influenza and Ebola viruses [Link]
My first boss was a Vietnam vet, called Ken. He taught me K.I.S.S or Keep It Simple Stupid, or so stupid even a simpleton can understand. I imagine he had to do often with McNamara's Morons.
Simple rulesโ
He claims that's 200x which is a relatively low magnification. It could simply be the h20 evaporating and crystals reforming.
We know it's clearly fucking poison but I wouldn't put too much credence into this guy. Reminds me of the "snake-venom" nonsense from a few months ago.
He seems to be very sure that its nanomachines - a huge jump IMHO..
I could see how someone who's never been behind a microscope could believe it's something nefarious. Which leads me to believe this "scientist" is FOS....
It's like ignoring the "mass murder" and focusing on something trivial like what quality was the weapon used.....
Which in my book is where the alternative media (funded by primary media anyway made to look like Holywood on pure donations?) carefully moves the major premise (mass murder) to a minor premise (what's in the vax you don't intend on having anyway!).
Just an observation....
I guess if people need to be told by someone else what time it is then they never will keep time close to themselves.
People just love other people's "theories" .....that is about all I get from these short sharp discussions, reading peoples comments is more interesting than the garbage acting as a catalyst for yet simply more debates (never solutions though....) always written carefully to frame the discussion and always away from the real culprits, who imho cannot be debated at length because they too are Wolves pretending to be Sheep and are effectively using up precious time, which is where action or inaction lay.
How does someone disprove any theory here when the author is on payroll or has use of high end equipment we cannot ever own and thereforestation prove or....disprove.
They all look like dead end debates to me.
defenestration I think it is....
wants to sell you her wares so you can avoid food shortages lol....offering a discount .....ahhhh bless lol
Perhaps this demon missed the scripture which states:
"I gave to you freely, so give"
I guess she might of misunderstood she has been given life freely herself, but wishes to make some crypto out of all the fear and confusion regarding people buying their own life from her.
Thanks. I need a hug, I'm so upset about the game yesterday, but I'll get over it...
I remember, you and Si and I having a conversation many months ago and that is why I enjoy getting hugged by you!
Christian83 - do you all remember the thread of this conversation? I do.
Why not a peasant inquires. why not?
I do as well.
I'll never forget.
Serious business on the way Danny and best to you,
Prion happy meal.
You get spongiform encephalopathy and a plastic toy,
I got a burger I'll give to you for free and who needs fast food anyway?
Sometimes it is convenient, but most times it is just harmful....
just like using those kids trapped to get the juice out for
the sake of fuckwits fixing to get
You know danny - scale matters and some of us remember and we play for keeps.
Don'the worry my friend.
They know not the hour of their visitation.
Itโs very odd, but he made a very sound case and was acting on behalf of humanity with great courage. rip
That is how committed these people are to "keeping people decieved" ....
We live in a world where deception runs deep, where people are primed to trust, also pyrotechnic and anamorphic trickery somehow becomes truth because it was magically caught on camera, crisis actors and disinformation has left me sceptical of everything. Not saying he is notherwise genuine, trying instead to explain what prevents me from blindly following.
Was he effectively stealing and testing the vax or was he given permission to use the vax?
They can't kill all of us (if they try they will learn about family strong) and it is incumbent upon us to back them into a corner and then let the knife slice their necks. With either hand makes no difference - they are in the corner, we KNOW, and we are coming to get them - one at a time.
Justified Retribution in response to the killing of an innocent man just trying to speak truth. Justified Retribution for plans nefarious made by elitist in their own minds only and we know better.
It is on the way.
Graphinehydroxide or Oxide or parasites or mRNa. ...
It changes nothing.
Where were these information peddlers prior?
Nowhere. You only hear of them AFTERwards, with a theory to sell that cannot be proven or disproven.
Where is the preventative aspect EVER discussed, here or anywhere for that matter,
That is the difference danny.
And really, once you seen a child suffer, once you seen harm caused, once you sensed it up close, there is no going back danny and that is also the difference.
The rabbit hole is deep is it not?
The former is always preffered to the latter.
Prevention takes on many forms, knowledge, experience etc, so keep your loved ones close, protected, informed which I sense you will, always.
Both people in that video are drawing money (reward) for their deeds...
Why do it for money? Fair question?
Ego is a driver strong as well....and collective ego is to be denied Danny.
That is what I think and I think collective ego is running rampant and it is time for
Justified Retribution on it when it causes large-scale harm to innocence.
simple - like a hug returned.
"Where were these information peddlers prior?"
'"we" were learning of these things, folks like Dr. Noack, Dr. Young, etc were dicovering. There is information lags when there are middlemen involved. This Operation COVID-19 like all other military operations are conducted "In Real Time". Not moves to be made on some chessboard, every moment counts.
Your questioning the narrative is perfectly understandable however I disagree. This individual was an unknown variable who made himself part of the narrative by putting himself out there. I see no reason to question his intent, information or death as a psyop. In fact in my mind I give him more credence. I recently saw several doctors have stated that there is no mRNA in the vaccines however under an electron microscope there are cube like bodies being โassembledโ that donโt look organic to me. The graphene oxide/hydroxide hypothesis seems more likely than not. And if thatโs the case it may be the reason the good doctor was murdered instantaneously, like during his 2nd or third video. The only reason anyone knows about it, is because he was โlive.โ
Anyone who chose NOT to become jabbed did so on choice anyway, the point being where we prevented for ourselves AND others ourselves where were they? Common factor in collusion.
THE TRUTH speaks for itself, so is the financial requisite for reward even necessary now between me and you freely giving information or should we start charging lol?
Take from the healthy and balanced and give to the sick and disturbed.
Soon, very soon, there will only be sick ones left.
And all the world shall be mine.
For the sick all worship me. They know nothing else. They have no other direction. No other purpose.
They only have eyes for me.
My body.
My blood.
My world.
Taken from thee.
your master and ultimate superior,
-Not a chance mate, nature is about to kick his saggy arse.
My body
My blood
My world
Redeemed for me.
Truly yours,
Shut up, Satan.
Trapped in this realm (fallen world.....not worth investing in!!)
lets gather people, i will lead you all to end these mother fuckers, asap
whose with me?
nazi maggots gates, fauci, shwabby, fkn fat pedo, all of them must die fukn now!!
this is planet depop, crimes against humanity
nazis not use ovens anymore and death camps,
they use vaccines.. of bullshit and mental fear.. fuk all in this shit scam.. il kill you all..
When, where. Fuk it. IDC.
Way to go Mayday!
I hope to offer free heating! I'm kind like that.
Since no guns .....had to get creative.
"The climate engineers are currently carrying out a massive chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding cool-down in the western US. Night time temperatures in my location of Northern California were dropped by 30 degrees in a single day. Unorganized moisture flows from the Pacific Ocean are being pumped into northwestern US states. This moisture is being heavily seeded with patented chemical ice nucleation elements which facilitates surface cool downs while drying up much of the rain that should have fallen in the West. Over the next 6-10 days the weather makers are scheduling an expansion of this manufactured surface cool-down that may cover the majority of the US. Though many are now waking up to the climate engineering reality, very few are yet aware of the engineered winter weather scenarios. On the wider weather engineering scenario, crops are being crushed by droughts, deluges and flash freezes. How much longer do we have if we continue on the current course?"
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 5, 2022, # 378 [Link]
"The war on children indeed, and society as a whole.
Do NOT comply."
consolidate equity first (big large investments and manouvre to undertaking, wills, probate, estate claims etc etc ie "you know where the dead are as vultures will be there")
Then capturing the unvaxxed, tax protesters, white God fearing self sufficient homestead erst etc...
Using famine mainly because 90% of people ALREADY handed their health, defense, financial and governing autonomy to Jews....
Good luck world.
1 third die from the shot
2 thirds left to fight for resources.
That is about all I see on the horizon.
"The wages of sin equals death"
Keep paying and working for the Jewish peeps, quickest route, more convenient, now your all bothered about your future having financed Satan's children.....
How does that now look?
Well.....no mark of allegiance no "life" on "their own" world, run by them FOR THEM exclusively.
You get what you paid and invested in.....your future hell!!!
Enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Who did YOU SERVE?
"...The emails also reported that the Bill Gatesโ Foundation worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chinese-produced medications to be sold outside China and help โraise Chinaโs voice of governance by placing representatives from China on important international counsels as high-level commitment from China.โ... " [Link]
It would appear that a growing number of apparently independent sources are seeing these things under Dark Field microscopy. Some see it in the actual vaccine and some in the blood of the vaxxed.
I'm a doubting Thomas. I want SOLID evidence. I want traceability, vial batch numbers, whatever details and verification can be obtained.
Where there's smoke there's fire. This is looking increasingly real. But give me some serious hard data.
So, to elaborate, these administrative injections must of been made somewhere, in some facilities, so go back to those facilities and then examine the recipes, talk with the operators, ask them what instructions they were given, and then lets get down to the bottom of the matter at hand. If there was nefariousness, as I suspect there was, then let the fact be presented and then let a jury of peers well selected choose punishment for those who thought they could kill all the peasants without a fight.
All of this sounds far-reaching and dystopian, but such technology is frighteningly "do-able".
I play to win and I hope you do as well, cause I prefer to play with winners.
I'll play with losers for awhile, but after awhile up till now they lose and
better ideas on the way.
Time for
Justified Retribution so strong little denying will do when one is evidently harmful for no good reason.
Meanwhile the great majority of the people, who played along with the whole Lock Step exercise (bullying the unvaxxed, informing on their neighbors etc etc...) have suddenly acquired short memories and a strong sense of denial.
Manufacturing facilities have a habit of catching fire, or meeting with "natural" disasters at convenient moments.
Having said all that, I do believe that one way or another, justice is ultimately served. When one enters into a Faustian bargain, the devil comes to take his due payment eventually. And I'll do everything I can from my little corner of the world to facilitate the process, which is why I do what I do.
What I am going to find out I suppose is where the jabs were manufactured.
That would be a starting point to begin a serious investigation and the reality is - the evidence is already in because - WE KNOW.
Best to you in your efforts,
Justice Must be Served!
For the sake of the peasants, many amongst us, and we know....we know, we know!
From the link per the time allotted for edits: Lieden Netherlands
Oxford and Keele, Desau Anagni
St. Louis, Andoverer (MS), Kalamazoo (I been to most them places...)
Pleasant Prairie and Puurs in Wisconsin I reckon...and really so many other places mentioned.
...and really so many other places mentioned including Marburg - I'd start there maybe to get the data demanded, but really, it has already been deduced and we know and justice plays for keeps.
I play to win.
How do you play Martin?
Do you trust the CDC? In 2018 Antoinetta Gatti and her colleagues found 44 different vaccines had heavy metal contaminants. The only vaccine that didn't, was a vaccine for dogs. Here is one link discussing their findings: [Link]
Thanks in advance.
PS> You are correct in that "toxic sludge" isn't mRNA, I'll grant you that much
A book from 1920 Warning of - The Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated written by Dr CHAS. M. HIGGINS - (full pdf book) [Link]
SATAN is trapped in this realm (fallen world.....not worth investing in!!)
Satan's sired offspring are also trapped, with only this realm to force their hand onto, time is ticking, they know it, I absolutely LOVE knowing it!!
The new heaven and new earth is to be created.
Strictly guest list only (no gatecrasher can make it into the Kingdom without the correct credentials).
How Ricardo Bennington Cipelli and his group of Italians acquire both vaccines to test (which come off a production line....see AstraZeneca videos) or droplets of other people's blood and from known to be vaccinated people?
Who could possibly have access to this and still not be primed for allegiances (they now employ their own whistle blowers for disinformation and such???) ...... given the sheer level of secrecy adopted to the letter so far with such huge amounts of foreplanning?
Honestly I didnโt respond to your last post because it was too confusing for me. I think you misspelled a word or two or used an acronym I was not familiar with.
By the way could you cite the myriad of examples youโve seen of nobodies posting videos against the establishment at great peril to themselves that turned out to be tools of the establishment itself, who were murdered (or thought to be murdered). Considering you donโt believe in too much out there(which I can empathize with but also disagree, I feel I must qualify my words.
I mean Kappy comes to mind. The gentleman who publicly exposed pedophiles in HollyHell who was suicided. I suppose the establishment could be gaslighting us?
I might be totally wrong (but I doubt it!) by saying I believe ALL PARTICIPATION (the whole or complete employee demographic) would of HAD TO OF BEEN already "on board" or primed to some degree, given instruction BEFORE the roll out, not even just simply as both vetted during interview processes, or are known by their MASTER (employer) by accurate processes to reduce (as a preventative measure) things like espionage/data theft.....this was years in the making, billions of vials (contracts with glass manufacturers ).....needle points (steal manufacturing)....ad nauseum...
I suspect huge amounts of production, data logging, packaging and then distribution had to been known by all medical personnel under employment secrecy, government knowledge of who is who (Digitally!!!!)....names, addresses, previous employers, touch my nose, wink wink, funny handshakes above warehouse/production line personal level and EVERYTHING pre ordered, Digitally stock entries, Barcoding of ALL necessary physical/material requisites, planned to the binary dot.
That is what I believe.
In a nutshell I think the audit trail has had to be HEAVILY guarded, much like weaponry (which it is.....biological weaponry).
I doubt a roll of tape from a tape gun for sealing boxes for distribution would evade both physical or video knowledge in a place like AZ in Macclesfield.
Audit trails using RFID is incredibly accurate BTW.
I think people generally underestimate the close eye they would of needed to keep to pull this off. Doctors and Nurses are ON PAYROLL and so are "bought" anyway so even the notion of a good nurse or good doctor reeks of a certain level of naivety I simply don't see or observe as being gambled with, given the sheer height of the stakes involved.
Could you prove at the time you KNEW the vaccine was anything further than hunched was worse than simply a bad idea? Me neither. We're we vindicated by trust, faith in our thought process. Evidence is vital, I don'the deny, but sometimes asking someone to prove fort knox actually has gold inside and will only accept a peak behind the door will skiffle even the most staunch sceptic (like me!!)
That's my 2cents
First I might ask....
Does the possibility exist that a heavily guarded audit trail can be used to know Digitally from production to end user/jabbed can be audited?
I was also the first person to suggest targeted (specific named individuals) could be given a specific vial from a specific batch, determined by government knowledge of who is who!
That was because I know even a tube of toothpaste can be traced back to a specific shift time of manufacture and details of its ingredients list and present employee register can be achieved, or has been for decades.
Even the concrete floor of a new apartment has been given a expiry date because everating is batched, tested and electronically filed away. (That I can prove!!)
I'm not calling anyone a liar to make myself clear,
โI happen to see the same every decade, same template, the persecution card somehow makes the theory more believable it doesn't really.โ
What other examples have you seen that would cause you disgard this carbon expert and his hypothesis? When you think about how many carbon experts who a familiar with graphene, not many probably it seems a little esoteric to me.
I mean as far as lying & gaslighting. Weโve seen it on a mass scale with intelligence apparatus from China to the US to England. Itโs pretty obvious that those many banned/leaked videos showing the Chinese dropping like flies was a massive psyop.
By the way have you seen Dr Nโs video?
I said he could of just allowed multiple scientists he had contact with do the same test and that way if vindicated others had the truth also.
I wonder if it was about views likes subscribe and donate, which kinda makes them harder to trust imho.
What does knowing what's in these vaccines add to the fact you already sense it is dangerous?
No I didn't need to watch it because the info of content was already given to me by you, and I always listen to what the initial viewer has to say, or wants to comment on
Why didn'the he seek peer review, even outside of officialdom, which is how scientists work is the conclusion offered by multiple tests done using same method to arrive at the same result.
Just saying.
He might be still alive now had he performed this basic science protocol.
Offering safety in numbers. All of it seems staged/ framed.
There is no spoon. I mean with your take EVERYTHING could be contrived I suppose.
Good luck with thatโฆ ๐
It's a joke. An in joke here as well.
I will keep questioning this narrative and these buffoons who need to call their channels which need to emphasise words like "thruth" "knowledge" and none of them prove what they are "selling" so why not say so?
Don't know why you think I'm making fun of you.
I have no problems with you. Sorry you thought I was doing.
All the best....
Myself, I need luck, I love luck, I relish in it, I like to dream in 4-leaf clover fields, I got a horseshoe and a rabbit foot I keep, and I respect uncertainty.
Give it some consideration danny....
Counter act it by saying NO.
as you say - just say no thanks....I'll pass on that by virtue of free will and informed consent...
move along drug pushers....
we are coming to get you if you harm the children and you already have....so be aware...
watch out closely - we are coming to get you.
Not kidding and the snow is about to fall in Buffalo if it ain't already and it will be a storm to remember - measured in meters
Perception of what I might think you were lucky of ,might otherwise be a burden or something using a different perception.
I don't understand why people do the things they do, but I know cause shows effect, so I'm not sure where luck comes into it.
But I get the vibes again.
In a fair game luck is part of it, and the best games, have luck involved because it is part of life danny.
โYou watched it on Bit chute. So that HAD TO BE REAL then (?) That makes by default then every video true based on the trust alone of the viewer, does it not?โ
Are you to question my perception of reality now, just to make a point.
Like I said questioning is good, painting EVERYTHING as potentially manipulative not so much. We disagree. Iโve also asked you multiple to cite examples of your critique about people using victim hood to seem more believable as youโve insinuated as practically fact with Dr No even though you never heard of him til I posted. Youโve ignored every request, odd since you're so resolute.
As far as Intelligence goes.....I prefer to see it in action, not entirely spoken of using buzz words like "truth" which is not how the truth works.
The alternative media is NOT there to inform you or prevent societal ills, it's a billion dollare damage limitation exercise fraught with clearly seen illogical remedies.
They are riddled with maxims like:
"Don't take our word for it, do your own research" "buy our organic anti vaccine remedy 10% discount"
Providing a comments section for you to provide the facts, which to me shows no confidence in the truth being "sold" because they all help the coming digital currency by accepting.....you guessed it.....crypto....YAY!
They buffer their promotions with bs snake products.
I don't care if you follow these blind guides, it's your trust to give to who you choose.
I don'the trust them and I clearly state why, also if I'm wrong why not just take the piss like everyone else, I will even laugh with you! I'm comfortable in my beliefs and will be vindicated eventually anyway, lies cannot make it past the gate.
Let's start with the Prophets, then Yeshua , they died to prove the truth....do you believe them?
Notice how altmedia sells health products but never tells you a good varied diet free from poison and regular exercise produces the best results.
It's called scapegoating.
Name "1" named person who can be proven to of actually prevented paedophilia in ANY industry (Inc hollywood)?
Name me "1" industry insider (lol) who is currently preventing paedophillia in the present time, just "1".
Who ever you come up with was somehow ignorant of what Hollywood is or ALWAYS WAS by being accepted into it as a performer?
How does one believe a PAID ACTOR might be the better question.
I would love the Kabbalah kids here to smooth those questions off the horizon....
I think Dr Noโs HYPOTHESIS about graphene hydroxide has merit. Although not reported often in the press, many people have died w/in 24/48 hours of the clot shot according to cross references of VAIRโs/CDC data. In all likelihood most likely the vaccines are a hodge podge of poisons, viruses and yes potentiallyโฆwait for itโฆ graphene hydroxide as the first step towards our overlords technocratic wet dream fantasy. Inserting a borg bridge/self replicating system as it were into the human body via a โvaccineโ transforming people for the fourth industrial revolution seems completely plausible in my estimation.
Making broad and sweeping assumptions & generalizations about what is โtruthโ and โliesโ is not my cup o tea and seems counterintuitive to me.
Funny some people might even refer to SOTT as alternative mediaโฆ
I cannot run out of something I never had in the first place.
That is my take on luck.
Yeah people say good luck (I found myself saying it also lol)....
But luck is just another invention of man's mind, the luck of flipping game card over is a mathematical probability set by player amount and caRd distribution over said amount of players, cause and effect.
I won'the hold my breath (while the donations roll in eh)
Remember a few months ago I was called a shill a nazi a this a that for stating collusion between ALL governments. ......
Well I remember.
Parzival added a comment that has vindicated me.
And like clockwork the said commentors are NOWHERE TO BE SEEN.
So who is putting words in who's mouth now.
Your obviously defending the industry you choose to dwell amonest and immerse yourself in, so that should be part of the course.
Funny to watch though.
Lies are hard to defend, which is why altmedia subscribers are left to answer for their hero actors.
I guess I'm being sanctimonious?
You haven'the shown the same respect, actually your position is to avoid answering eh.
I don't care.
I already know the answer.
All the best
Hard defending liars.
I guess I should say " good luck with that" but what has that got to do with you proving your wild claims and theories backed by nothing.
My health depends on avoiding vaccines your ego is balanced on what's in them hahaha...it's the deep state or is it the straussians.....nope it's grapheeeeeen hydroxxxxxxxxxide
What is the most harmful thing to life on earth.
A: world supremacist Judaism
B: Jewish funded Nazism
C: graphinehydroxide
You failed to answer for your bs now all you can do is question me because I asked for evidence to back your wild theories.
I hope people read these comments. And see your disinformation credentials.
They can make their own conclusions in silence, but truth never fears scrutiny.
" I witnessed the Nazi storm troopers SWAT his house during a live broadcast about this very topic...."
When is the bar open Ken, all this explaining gets me thirsty!
Let's try and be nice to eachother.
Do you think Ken will let me in the bar, looking like this?
GraphineHydroxide.....OK OK. ..
I just thought it was moot because whoever got jabbed cannot unjab so to speak.
I hope people read these comments. And see your disinformation credentials.โ
โIt was you who brought up Naziโs 1st..โ
Iโve made peace with others who seemed generally earnest & sincere. You donโt strike me as having either of these qualities. I havenโt heard an ounce of contrition so letโs just drop itโฆ
When people find out it's something obviously bad, which it is, then people may be more likely to wake up to the almost incomprehensible evil, and extent of the lies, as it's concrete evidence of the elite's lies .
And then people will be more likely to realise, accept, the nature of the psychopaths we are dealing with and respond properly! Hopefully.
.. It's anything but moot from that side of things. If there is truth in this video similar things will come out and they will back each other up eventually, and other things happen in many ways that corroborate, cause it always comes out, time will tell i guess..
This fact alone USED to be prima facae or grounds for an emergency response & reaction. Instead tptb ignore & omit these deaths and suffering hardships from the human discourse, this has to change.
Beyond the biological virus component, mRNA, spike. Something that can kill that quickly.
The bore is or the rub is that we have a couple completely valid theories. A meeting of the minds on Del Bigtree(?)s show might be fruitful. A frank discussion with everyoneโs perspective from graphene hydroxide to mRNA/Spike/gene therapy, parasitic organisms to snake venom and as well the actual ingredients list.
Everything should be discussed. Nano particulates, gels are of particular interest because I have seeing so many foreign inorganic materials under the electron microscope. A forum in the round would be helpful who knows maybe the โheaviesโ at SOTT could put it together or have their own.
Itโs important even discussing the possibility that there is actually NO virus and that viruses donโt exist should be included although I disagree, debate is paramount and often fruitful.
My mom recently stated with indignation that "they'" are planning to combine the flu shot with the Con-19 Vaxx.. and since she got so sick from that darn flu vaxx the last time (pre-Scamdemic), she will only take her 5th Con-19 Jab, soon.. Because it must be done. Its like these poor NPC-s are brain-programmed to walk off the cliff as a good Lemmings Death Cult. Like on remote-radio-control.. She also only likes just one kinesiotherapist - her favorite - , but poor therapist also got the Con-19 jab and as a result she is sick as a dog - so out of action. :-o
Sad irony is that with age people become simultaneously more incorrigible in their take on trivial matters, and yet increasingly uncritical, if not downright fanatical, of whatever government authorities appear on their TV screens to bark orders and spread fear.
Prion happy meal.
You get spongiform encephalopathy and a plastic toy, just look at Ronald around all those children and you get where they are coming from.
I put one away for 12 years.
I hope to actually kill him one day, with God's permission.
Get me some good deeds on my account.
Mess with children you deserve to be killed.
It was lacking entirely, and choices were coerced unfairly, and justice beckons.....
Those chose and voted to harm children are criminal obviously and they ought be hung up mercifully if not drawn and quartered.
On top of that, those using other humans to mine their bodies are going to suffer hellfire and torment permanent and they will die a red death for the harm they have caused and their spirits will be dismissed from the universe forever.
That was my wake up call to convenience food sources, and so the choice was again made for us and meant our choices are circumvented.
Can we honestly say we KNOW what we are being sold?
Vaccines as we knew them are no longer. Everything purporting to 'help' you will now contain DNA altering tech. ultimately designed to shorten your life. Medicine as we knew it is no longer. And it will take decades for the medical field to regain the trust of people....thinking people anyway.
A line is being drawn.
Here is why I think "germ theory" is a bad idea gone wrong.
1. It is premised on an idea that there are "little things" out there trying to cause harm to us humans and such....
2. The little things are so fancy, so delicate, so strong, so uncertain......
3. Others recognize that folks don't care for uncertainty....
4. These others are nefarious in spirit and in mind, and they take advantage of the fears of the folks...
5. The fears of the folks are based on collective experience...past experience at the hands of others.... but still ...and really the folks know:
6. It is wrong to take advantage of well-founded fears, and that is what the others do in regards to germ theory.
I think they all should be cut off and then hung up - fear pushing elitist are on notice - we are coming to get you one at a time.
Disclaimer : Statement from the Country Bumpkin Association, no affiliation with the poster of this message who is but a messenger for the country bumpkins and a peasant at heart and in soul without a doubt. Thank-you for your consideration.
BK, Poem of the Day, 111722 1056
as posted now.....111722 1104
Perception of what I might think you were lucky of ,might otherwise be a burden or something using a different perception.
I don't understand why people do the things they do, but I know cause shows effect, so I'm not sure where luck comes into it.
But I get the vibes again.
We are here today, gone tomorrow.
I love all of the sott.net commentor, especially people who engage my mind, it's taken me years to find you lot. Should I apologise for having a differing view not that I should but feel I have too here.
Anyway I'm not up for fighting you guys so take care.
Why should he be allowed to roam freely being all the evident harm he has caused personally?
I mean do you think it is a coincidence his wife divorced his ass when she did?
I don't and that mother fucker has got it coming......karma swiftly for billy bad ass is the chant I'm doing now in my mind.....
Him and his cohorts individually.
something smells in Denmark don't you think....I mean something is amiss big time and embalmers ought know when dead bodies can't easily have their blood pushed out and replaced with embalming fluids.....something is amiss and thank goodness for some of those dealing with dead bodies to express sentiment they are privy too being their business entails dealing with dead bodies daily.
I recall seeing videos of those "strings" growing in samples over a year ago, before the fatter, longer versions started showing up in dead bodies
They look horribly alien to me, should we be more worried about people that don't die - are they going to eventually just explode scattering alien critters everywhere
However, without justice nothing gets solved, nothing gets resolved, same ole same ole, and then eventually we all die. Like everyone and everything on the planet as a whole. Sad, but justice must be served.
By the end of February 2021, โPfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.โ
This data which emanates from the โHorseโs Mouthโ can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.
They need the population down to 500 million. The Georgia Guidestones told us everything we needed to know for 30 years. We didn't heed - THEY have removed the warning.
Coming soon.....
Scamdemic II
Death shot II (Compulsory)
Another 10 million die
rinse .....repeat