This article has more irony than merited.I think the irony was appropriately illustrated. It could have used a few lines about the hypocrisy raised to the surface by sanctions against Russia though.
The Eco-warriors can eat their own sawdust, fossil fuel is abundant and can be economically farmed.While coal and especially lignite are surely fossile fuels, the same has not been provenbeyond doubt for oil and gas.
Winternights3 I feel a long retort coming my wayScore 1 possibly for you on that, but how long is long I query. Seems like it ought be at least more than one paragraph, so score nullified I suppose....ha, ha.
Buffalo_Ken Have you researched your river bed?Winternights3 - out of respect for you, I won't take offense. I'll consider it a genuine question and the answer is yes ....but I have more to learn and the metal detector might help in that regard. I have a middle of the line Garrett ACE 300....I got it for other reason still unresolved, but like anything it takes practice to use a tool one is not familiar with. I believe I have a post here, or was it elsewhere...but I have posted about the fact, the irony of it, that the New River bed in the southeast US of A is perhaps the 3rd oldest on planet earth. Finke is the oldest, in Australia flat, and it mostly is dry....might be a good place of using a metal detector, but I digress. I can't remember the 2nd oldest, and like many things from the past there is debate regarding age, but I can say with confidence the place I reside is built upon bedrock strong and old. I want to honestly send good health thoughts to you, and seriously, I need 8 hours sleep to keep my sanity!
Unakite is a metamorphic rock that forms when granite (an igneous rock) is altered by hydrothermal metamorphism. During metamorphism, plagioclase in the granite is replaced by epidote to produce a rock composed primarily of green epidote, pink orthoclase, and clear to milky quartz. [2] Unakite can also contain minor amounts of magnetite, chromite, ilmenite, apatite, zircon, and other minerals.More info here: [Link]
How stupid is it to destroy infrastructure in place for the sake of burning old life....mostly plant life, but still - how stupid is it?
If I wasn't biased, I'd conclude the German's are the most stupid of all.
And the question above could be asked about pipelines sabotaged as well...
these windmills must not be performing, but if you know anything about fracking you don't need to take the windmills down to get to the old life.
Twisted up shit foolishness all around from both sides.
This article has more irony than merited.
Cause nobody in their good mind is gonna take down a windmill performing....the capital has already been spent, so that is out of the equation. So, one can conclude the windmills in place are likely "net negative" energy wise and probably in hindsight ought be recognized as money poorly spent in the first place. I hope Germany gets their shit together and cold peasant are effing mean.