Sources said the chancellor raised the point in several Covid meetings that a mooted three-month booster regime - more frequent than originally anticipated - could begin to impact on future spending.
Comment: Perhaps the regularity of the boosters was unknown, but there's sufficient evidence, such as forms that had blank spaces for additional vaccines received, as well as the sheer quantity of vaccines ordered by governments across the planet, that reveal more than one vaccine per person was anticipated, despite claims to the contrary at the time.
As just one example, the UK has a population of around 63 million and yet, according to Wikipedia, 'by February 2021 the British Government had placed orders for a combined total of 457 million doses across 8 different vaccines'. That's at least 7 boosters per person. And, as noted below, the government has just placed another order of 114 MILLION doses. The population total obviously includes children who are at no risk from coronavirus but are at an increased risk of serious, and deadly, injury from the experimental injections
A Whitehall source from outside the Treasury said Sunak had not opposed the measure but warned prices were likely to rise and that the cost to the exchequer should not be underestimated. They said the additional cost would need to be paid for in either spending cuts or tax rises.
"He made the point, rightly, that people would feel the effects of that spending in NHS and household budgets. These doses do not grow on trees," the source said.
"Worst case scenario, if a new variant comes along or if Omicron doesn't burn out, if we have to do this for years to come, that's billions in costs that has not been foreseen which has to be paid for."
The increase in national insurance, earmarked for NHS waiting lists but eventually aimed to help tackle the increased costs of social care, is expected to bring in £12bn a year which the Treasury could raid for additional cash for jabs.
Comment: Note that the increased costs of social care will be, in part, due to the vaccine mandates that threaten 123,000 healthcare workers with the sack.
This month, the government has signed contracts to buy 114m additional Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna doses for 2022 and 2023. Those are in addition to the 35m additional doses of Pfizer/BioNTech that were ordered in August for delivery in the second half of next year.
Sunak is said to have raised the point most recently during Wednesday's meeting about "plan B" measures that more regular booster doses were not built into current spending plans. Additional boosters, should they be required every three to six months, could cost an additional £5bn a year.
The UK does not disclose what it has paid for vaccines, citing commercial confidentiality. Reports have suggested a significant additional cost for the doses, after Pfizer raised prices because of increased demand.
In August, the Financial Times reported Pfizer increased the price of its Covid-19 vaccine by more than a quarter and Moderna by more than a tenth in the latest EU supply contracts.
A Treasury source said: "We are continuing to do whatever it takes to support our fight against Covid, including providing new funding to roll out our booster campaign as quickly as possible to protect people from Omicron. We will also ensure that taxpayers' money is spent responsibly."
Comment: We can be sure that the treasury are not spending taxpayers money 'responsibly': Profiteering & cronyism: UK gov spent £122 MILLION on dodgy contract for PPE hospital gowns that it never used
Sunak is also facing the possibility of having to revive Covid support measures for businesses, which have not been reintroduced under plan B measures because firms are not required to close or enforce social distancing measures that can limit capacity.
Comment: A rather deceptive statement considering that hospitality businesses across the country have reported near total cancellations following the 'plan B' restrictions during the usually profitable Christmas period. Note that, for many, following 20+ months of government enforced losses, this will no doubt lead to their businesses going under.
Powerful business groups such as the CBI have not made public demands for further support - though footfall numbers have begun to drop and leisure and hospitality are likely to feel the effects of public caution.
The research group Springboard found footfall at UK high streets fell by 2.7% in the week to last Saturday. They had been expecting a Christmas shopping surge on Saturday but that did not materialise, suggesting that concerns over Omicron kept people away.
Comment: At this point, some fragile people are indeed scared of their own shadow, as well as the mild Omicron variant, however most people will be shopping less due to an uncertain future, and the losess they've already suffered, as well as forgoing the shopping experience because the restrictions mean its simply no longer pleasurable. Instead they will opt to stay home and shop online. In turn we can expect that high street shops, small and medium businesses in particular, and the economy they support to lose out to the big online retailers.
Demands from business groups, as well as MPs, are likely to increase if Boris Johnson needs to impose further restrictions - even if they do not include business closures.
Lobby groups are likely to argue that stricter social distancing measures or curfews would have a significant financial effect that would need to be compensated.
Comment: Where will the money come from? Doesn't it seem like the government are, knowingly, plunging the country into a debt that it knows it will never recover from? Although one supposes that, luckily for them, there's always 'The Great Reset'.
Sunak's department was forced to defend itself over the weekend after it emerged that Treasury staff held celebratory drinks after the November budget, in contravention of lockdown rules in England.
A spokesperson said it was a "small number" of staff who celebrated around their desk and Sunak was not aware of the event.
Comment: As noted in the last paragraphs, amidst the supposed 'deadly pandemic' and the apparently critical lockdowns and infinite boosters that are destroying the economy, a number of recent high profile leaks showing government staff flouting their own restrictions have scandalised the government.
In just another galling example, Conservative party aides threw a Christmas 2020 party whilst the average citizen was threatened with police raids if they dared see their own extended family:
Also check out SOTT radio's: NewsReal: COVID And Mind Control - Do People Fear The Virus, Or Their Government?