But those are the 'anti-vaxx rebels'; loud and growing in number though they are, they remain a minority. In the meantime most are still behaving as if they're terrified of something WAY more dangerous than Covid-19. Mass compliance and 'auto-enforcement' of COVID 'rules' show no signs of abating. We're headed for the worst-case scenario: a state of full-blown global totalitarianism.
In the first half of this NewsReal, Joe and Niall cite documented 20th century government research into 'programming people' with 'mind control techniques' through drugs, hypnotic suggestion and terrorism, to suggest what's really motivating or prompting peoples' bizarre behavior: a combination of terror of government, and, perhaps less consciously still, terror of the wrath of Mother Nature.
In the second hour, they highlight some of the latest Covid madness, the frightful and potentially record-breaking 'super-outbreak' of tornadoes that smashed up Kentucky, and the Anglo-Americans' latest Democracy™ pow-wows regarding Russia's supposed 'barbaric invasion of Ukraine'.
Running Time: 01:50:59
Download: MP3 — 78 MB
YouTube made us remove one minute of this podcast (at roughly 01:03:00), in which we showed a Tweeted video clip from a sports match in which a professional football player was seen clutching his chest. 'Copyright', allegedly. More likely, the Control System is playing whack-a-mole with as many instances of players collapsing on the field as possible. Anyway, the edited version of this podcast is apparently being 'approved' and will shortly be up on the NewsReal YT channel (here). The full version is also available to view and download on Odysee. Show Notes
- Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, 2019, Tom O'Neill
- German police using 2-meter long sticks to enforce social distancing in public places
- German schoolchildren confessing vaccine status daily?
- Manchester United player leaves field clutching his chest
- Fauci in March 2020: 'vaccines could do more harm than good'
- Photos and videos of the tornado damage in Mayfield, Kentucky
- Deadliest tornado 'super-outbreak' in US history, April 2011
- Two longest-duration US tornadoes, 97 years apart, occurred in almost the exact same location
- Mayfield city was scoured 35,000 feet into the air
- G7 leaders warn Russia all sanctions on table over Ukraine border buildup
- China says democracy used as 'weapon of mass destruction'
Reader Comments
"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Psalm 23:4
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
Isaiah 41:10
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Proverbs 29:25
"The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe."
Hebrews 13:6
"So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
1 John 4:18
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
Are the People tied to it, or just frightened of it failing, for them then, even a poor plan is better than no plan, so are well passed time for alternatives, as without, what chance is there of them alighting proper, and us being span along in another tiresome yarn.
Me enjoyed it.
The pandemic will end when society decides to resume normal life rather than waiting for COVID “dashboards” to register zero cases, said the authors of an article published Tuesday in The BMJ.
“Pandemic dashboards provide endless fuel for news coverage, ensuring the constant newsworthiness of the COVID-19 pandemic, even when the threat is low,” wrote Peter Doshi, Ph.D., The BMJ senior editor, and David Robertson, a Ph.D. candidate in history at Princeton University.
“In doing so, they might prolong the pandemic by curtailing a sense of closure or a return to pre-pandemic life,” the authors wrote.
"It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when it started, but we are now at a point where the threat posed is undeniable to any rational person: those treating COVID-19 as an unending apocalypse, worthy of stripping away all personal freedoms in the name of security and safety by emergency decree, have embraced the same subtle shift in thinking that Dr. Leo Alexander warned about in his 1946 article, Medical Science Under Dictatorship , written following the Nuremberg Trial of the Nazi medical doctors. This move to totalitarianism also draws upon the playbook Lord Bertrand Russell described in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society . Russell proposed the use of mass psychology to institute a “scientific dictatorship” that places the state between children and their families, first exemplified in the imposition of gender and race ideologies in the schools, and now, in implementing child vaccine mandates..."
CME's are being produced but I believe that the real action will begin in 5 days time as these features cross the limb of the Sun.
As soon as someone tries to use the shamdemic to justify yet another atrocity inflicted on us to destroy even more of our enconomy, rights, and liberties (which is all but guaranteed anytime someone invokes COVID), call them what they really are: a tyrant sympathizer and abettor.
Remember, the entire purpose behind the plandemic is to instill a sense of panic and fear in the population in order to get them to act in a certain manner, so that said...
Anytime someone tries to invoke the flim-flamdemic in order to pass some new law or legislation, they are doing the work of a tyrant.
Anytime someone tries to use the crapdemic to keep people afraid and attempts to justify what is being done in order to 'protect the people', they are doing the work of a tyrant.
Anytime someone tries to claim that 'combating the virus' or 'protecting the world from a cold' justifies trampling all over basic constitutional rights and the free will of free men in a free society, they are doing the work of a tyrant.
First of all, I would like to make the following clarifications. I am not racist, xenophobic, sexist, fascist, (continue big brother’s list) ...
I have a huge love for everything that lives on this planet. Everything is alive including the earth itself, and she is sick of all the selfish, unruly children she is carrying right now. For sixty years I have been disgusted (and now revolted) by the establishment whose power finds its justification in religions and the lifestyles they entail. They are currently in the process of destroying all life on this planet. Trained as a journalist (Université Libre de Bruxelles), I have NEVER worked in any "Mainstream" media, which did not prevent me from looking for a solution and I found one, or rather, I found the one who found one. The only one, in fact. In writing these lines, I am only doing what I consider to be my duty towards life so that it continues on Gaia.
Here is therefore, in response to the single thought of which we are all more or less afflicted, a short unique article presenting the only solution.
Link to the UNIQUE website :
The rest is the ”cesspool", as Larry and Sergei, the creators of Google, say. Yes I know, it's hard to hear but it's their word to qualify the websites that are not in the 2% they are interested in, that is to say the 98 other percent of the Internet.
If you (really) like kids, read this site, watch the videos (start with the solution here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEvzt0-Knvs), buy/read Claude's book "La Clef du Miroir" because it's all there. Make it go viral. I have no doubt that you can do it.
If you don't think you can change anything, then your soul is already dead, but it can live again. Share and spread this without moderation in all the news blogs and social networks until the victory follows so that LIFE has a future because currently, it does NOT have one. You have the right not to do so and to call me whatever you want. Only then, stop complaining and asking for a solution. Choose your family: shadow or light.
Signed by a grandfather who loves children, animals, trees, rocks and who has never been interested in stock market, in machines and their modes of production, which are largely responsible for this mortifying society.
Well the 'vaccine-type-thing' is certainly beginning to show its true colors: A death shot!