Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation
The two key financial investigators who testified in Congress, detailing billions of dollars and decades of illicit activities by the Clinton Foundation, dropped a Twitter bomb on Friday morning.

Larry Doyle, who testified alongside former DOJ boss and partner John Moynihan, said the CFO of the Clinton Foundation admitted to the duo during a Nov. 30, 2016 meeting: "I know where all the bodies are buried."

Although it does not mention the executive by name, the Tweet was referring to Andrew Kessel who has served as Clinton foundation CFO since 2004. "There is strength in numbers," Doyle said in a follow up Tweet. "This country is worth fighting for. Let's 'keep punching.'" Doyle included a video clip with his alarming Tweet, detailing the meeting with Kessel and illicit financial practices of the Clinton Foundation, including using charity funds as a personal "piggy bank." You have to wonder what Kessel told these investigators about Bill Gates? That clip is below. This story is developing.

During this time period of the Congressional Hearing Case Study of the Clinton Foundation, whistleblowers (Lawrence Doyle and John Moynihan) detail interviews they had with Clinton Foundation CFO and another senior executive at Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative