Greetings, fellow manipulators and deceivers, and welcome to our course on how to create a fake pandemic! As you know from our previous courses, the first thing you need for an undertaking of this kind is to own some mainstream media. As experienced mass manipulators, we're sure you own a medium outlet or two, so let's get right into it!
Manufacturing a pandemic when there isn't any is much easier than you might think. As usual, we will need the right focus, repetition, some misdirection, semi-made-up numbers and your regular psychological tricks.
To start a fake pandemic, we need an appropriate virus. It should be something new that people know little to nothing about - that way you can tell them just about anything, and they'll know nothing to contradict your claims. Something with a scary or cool-sounding name is best. The media will love talking about it.
It can be helpful if this new virus is closely related to other viruses that are neither new nor rare.
That way you can throw these into the mix whenever you need to bloat the numbers. The world of viruses is amazingly diverse, yet the common people know nothing about it, so there's always enough to choose from. I mean,
most people can't tell apart a virus from a bacterium, or even a very small spider.Perhaps the most difficult part is the right timing. You can't make up a pandemic out of literally nothing - there has to be something going on. So you may have to wait to come upon the right thing, but you are already used to this. Once you identify the right situation, it's all about making the most of it.
Once you find the right virus that's spreading at a reasonably useful rate, it's time for propaganda!
Now you have to tell people about it every day with a very serious face, a sense of danger in your voice, and some well-selected and modified numbers.For those of you with the appropriate resources, there is a bonus idea you can use. You can manufacture the virus yourself, release it secretly to another country, let them discover it, and then blame them for starting the pandemic. This will make you look a lot better than if the virus started in your own country, and it can of course be used to demonize a country of your choice, if you set it up right.
Whichever way you get the virus going, now you need to focus on numbers.
People die from diseases every day, but the common population has no idea what the actual numbers are, and that's what we're counting on. And even if people hear a number, they don't know what to think of it unless you tell them. You can tell people that over half a million people die every year from the flu - which is true - but the average Joe doesn't know whether that's OK or a sign of a crisis. This he will read from your voice and your face.So you'll have an ordinary virus, spreading at an ordinary pace, killing an ordinary number of people, but you will tell people every day that this is extraordinary, unprecedented even, show them the number of new cases every day, acting like you've discovered an alien base under your Capital city, and repeat that this is going to get worse and might reach catastrophic proportions. This has happened many times before, and people always bought it. Sure, in the end it will turn out, as it has before, that the actual number of deaths was 1% of the predicted number,
but by that time you'll be distracting people with other made-up stories, so nobody will be paying attention.Once the virus spreads to many countries, which, in today's world, is unavoidable, you have to quickly identify the one where the situation is the worst, which will happen by means of various local factors, and focus on that one the most. You will report how bad it is there every day, and imply that very soon it's going to be that bad everywhere unless people do what you tell them.You have to convince people that this virus is worse than other viruses. They have to believe they have a higher chance to die than they had ever before. This is where you have a wide selection of handy tricks.Usually case fatality rate is calculated from the estimated infected population.
That's not what you will do with this one.
You will calculate it from only confirmed cases, which will give you a much higher death rate, perhaps ten to a hundred times higher. Then you inform people that the death rate for seasonal flu is only 0.1%, which is the rate calculated from the estimated number of total cases, but you'll act like these two death rates are comparable. The death rate for flu from confirmed cases is around 10%, but people must never hear of this number! You'll tell them it's only 0.1% and this new virus has a case fatality rate of whatever you can get out of the situation.
To get a higher death rate, there are two main kinds of tricks. 1. You have to bloat the number of the deceased. 2. You have to keep the number of infected relatively low. (But high enough for people to see that this thing is spreading fast and will reach their homes any minute.)The number of confirmed cases depends on testing and diagnosing people, so you have to think about how many people to test and whom. It's best to test the people who are the most likely to have the virus and to die from it. So test the most in areas with the already highest number of cases, which isn't even suspicious,
and test mainly old and sick people. Those are the ones who will be dying the most, of course. You do not test in places where you would get few positive results. Then the case fatality rate wouldn't be scary enough.
You also need the numbers of daily new cases to rise, at least for a while. So start testing slowly, and then increase the rate of testing. The rate of confirmed cases will rise along with the rise in testing, so it will look like the virus is spreading faster than it really is. If you test 500 people today and find 50 new cases, test 1000 tomorrow, and you'll likely find about 100 cases. This doesn't mean an increase in anything other than your testing, but people will easily be convinced that today twice as many people as yesterday got infected.You may be wondering, "But how do I bloat the number of the deceased? Aren't such records difficult to fake? Don't people keep track of that?" Not to worry!
Once you convince everyone that there's a crisis, you can give this virus a special status, and when people with cancer or pneumonia die with this virus, instead of cancer or pneumonia, which would normally be the official cause of death, you'll be able to write down the name of your new virus. Since everybody will be hearing about this virus 24/7, nobody will notice that this is very unusual. So now you'll have all these sick old people dying from things that would have killed them in a few weeks or months anyway, but you'll be able to attribute the deaths to your virus. This should boost the death rate significantly.Monitor closely everything that's happening, look for any peaks in the statistics, and focus on those. You have the whole world to choose from, so make sure you don't miss any serious cases.
Of course wherever things calm down, you start ignoring the place. Since old people will be dying all the time, you must look for the rare cases of younger people dying and magnify them as much as possible.Pay attention to discrepancies in the events in various countries. Some places will have higher death rates, usually for rather uninteresting reasons, but if you're creative, you can make up your own reasons for why it is so and gain further advantages out of the situation. We are sure you'll be able to find ways to demonize countries that need demonizing.
Once all of this is going on, you can usher in the police state of your dreams. Lock people in their homes, make them wear masks and keep a distance from each other (this will make it more difficult for them to talk about what's going on, and their main source of information will be your media), and if at all possible, make them snitch on one another. Widespread paranoia always helps. And of course, accuse those who complain of being inconsiderate and selfish etc. etc. You know the drill. Just like 9/11. Remember how we accused everyone who didn't fall in line of being unpatriotic? Worked like magic, didn't it? (Good days.)Now, your usual danger will be the few people who are somehow always immune to our bullshit and will investigate and inevitably discover at least part of the truth and do their best to publish it. This is nothing new to you.
Above all, you must keep any such voices out of the mainstream media. No statistics other than the ones you need, no comparing with other diseases (except for carefully selected ones that fit your narrative), no bringing context and perspective into this, none of the things these people always do. Bring some fake 'experts' in the media who will say whatever you tell them to, and so on.
Some scientists and doctors will try to publish papers that doubt the official narrative. These must be, as always, prevented from being published. Any incriminating content must be constantly removed from wherever possible. Our friends at Google and Facebook will help you with that.
You can also conduct some fake polls that show that the majority of the population supports the measures taken.Restrictions put on the population will of course greatly affect the economy, but corporations will ride it out, and small businesses will fold, giving corporations even more power, which is what we want, right?So that's about the basics of manufacturing a fake pandemic.
You can monitor something perfectly normal and create the crisis in people's heads. And with the mess you'll create, a real crisis or two is bound to appear somewhere, so make sure to use it well.
Also, while you'll be distracting everyone with this 'deadly' virus, you'll have the opportunity to pull off a few dirty tricks behind everyone's back, so don't miss it!
When it's over and people start saying that it wasn't nearly as bad as you told them it would, you will tell them, as you can probably guess now, that it's because of the measures you had taken. Then you'll just distract them with some other bullshit as usual.
All right, that's it. I hope you enjoyed our presentation and that this was helpful. I'll be looking forward to seeing a good fake crisis in the near future!
Thank you all for participating.
Reader Comments
"Yeugghh. How could I have bought that suit????"
I think they have done a great job in their grand mind programming project in ponerizing the masses and beating them into submission. This can be very challenging, but best not to identify I think, and just watch the show. Anyone got any pop corn, I'm all out and so are the shops?
you might however have overlooked how thick and slow the general public might be; (if/when they decides to be thick/slow offcourse). ๐ค
does not mean they are necessarily slow/thick i hope. hmm ๐ค
in the end; "herd immunity" / not the end of the world.
I damn sure hope so.
(data here)
Great minds and all that.
1. Try to do something about the things you can do something about.
2. Accept that there are things you can't do anything about, and don't worry yourself to death over them.
We all deal with people we love but who are clueless and don't listen. Tell them as much as they can handle, but not more. If you get too much resistance, you just have to let them believe what they want to believe. Pressure won't work.
Find creative ways to make people see the facts. Think about what the right questions to ask them are, that could wake up a few neurons in their brains. Don't expect much success, but you can try.
In this current situation, one of the most obvious and undisputed facts is that more people have died of the flu this year than with covid-19, despite the numbers for covid being bloated. So tell people that and see how they react. If there's even a glint of interest, you can tell them more, but if they shrug it off with no change in their attitude, then there's probably not much point in telling them anything more.
We are all here to learn, and we don't have the ability or even the right to force others to learn. They learn at their own pace, and we have to accept that. To keep your sanity, try to 'enjoy the show'.
Also, don't panic yourself, or you just make yourself part of the same equation.
If I was the captain of a ship about to go into a storm, and I heard one of my crew members say something along the lines of the "we're all going to die" crap, I've read in SOTT comments over the last few days, they could consider themselves lucky if they weren't fed to the fishes.
In my family of Mum, brother, sisters, & niblings*, only Mum, brother, & nephews #1 &2 are awakened. (IMHO, bro was somewhat late to the party of truth. ) Meanwhile siblings, spouses & niblings* & their spouses, (except #1 &2 nephews) have the blinders on.
So that's a pool of 16 with 4 awake, and 12 cog. diss'd. (Including moi, would be 5 - I like to think - to 12.)
*Nephews & nieces.
How do other folks' families compare?
Not 'true' in the sense of something to hit on people and say - 'I told you so' - but the truth that shows you, you are free instead of the framing in story that works to replace truth with compulsive habit reaction.
The trouble with narrative identity is it is always some sort of reality adjustment. There is no peace in it.
From your peace you can relate to the lives of others even if they are invested in barking up the wrong tree.
You cant tell anyone what they are not willing or ready to hear. Or rather - they will not hear or will hear something else.
Look for where you can find shared willingness and open channels of communication that acknowledge the power to make choices - including poor choices. Because only this can make a better choice after re-evaluating its experience of results.
lastly but firstly - be who you are and let your simple presence become the context of what you say and do - and that others see and engage with because you are there - rather than masked over or so involved in past and future as to miss what is here - now.
Mind structures can take us out of Life and into the sense of controling life - or the imperitive to do so - as if anything we do doesn't also have unintended or adverse consequence that can be worse than the original condition - and more concealed - such as death by medical treatment - which in UK/US and no doubt other developed nations is AT LEAST the third leading 'cause' of death and is the system that has the evident ability to choke the global economy.
I find self asking, "How/when did I miss this?" Excellent suggestions!
Sheeple are led to the slaughter.
See, e.g., HFL's first point and follow up.
And how do you bloat your cases even more? Why, you make test kits for corona virus that are contaminated with...corona virus:
If they don't actually catch it from the kit itself (and then also spread it to even MORE people), they will still register as positive cases! Genius!
But regardless, the stats say it all:
TOTAL RTA Hospitalisations: 74,680 in 2019.
Gardening Hospitalisations: 87,000: 6,500 were hurt by a lawn mower flowerpots caused 5,300 and hedge-trimmers caused 3,100 hospitalisations.
And that's just gardening... DIY is another category as will be people exercising with bricks and watering cans of water suspended from garden rakes because they can't go to a gym. People running for the first time and twisting ankles, people cycling for the first time and head-butting trees,... I am told it's already happening.
Lego bricks hammered up nostrils by bored kids: 7,568
Yes, I think I'm safer on a bike. But the fascists just love their lockdowns, and their army of home guard hitlers love it too.
"TV might be linked to earlier deaths among those who watch more than a few hours a day, but more concretely, the devices themselves kill 176 people a year. Literally. They fall on people."
My brother's suggestion: "Officer, I was just en route to buy an enema kit at the pharmacy", or anything else they'd prefer to avoid the details of. (Also, make some phone calls - on someone else's phone* and find the package at a 'drug'* in a town you wish to take a road trip to.) When you get there, realize you forgot your credit card.
*Of course, there's no guarantee that we're not all real time tracked via voice id but they're unlikely to let that secret out to prosecute anything. (Here, they even drop murder prosecutions rather than reveal their precious, 'secret' stingray and similar surveillance that's been going on.)
** Pretending I'm a Brit. (Drug store.) ( I don't know if RTA is UK, Canada, or where. Here, they're called MVA's or MVC's,)
Yes you CAN go shopping... most use cars so need a rucksack to blag it as no panniers, .. I'd maybe pick up a few beers and some snacks to make it worthwhile wearing the damn thing. Normally have a ride out with mates so we'd have to ride at a distance, etc. As I say, you're more likely to end up in hospital having a gardening or auto erotic accident involving a hose pipe and a hamster.
Madness,... !
" rucksack to blag it as no panniers," Say wha???
'backpack to carry is as ... otherwise, no luck???" I.e., NO CLUE!
lol I loved that!
Very fetching, wot.
As in, throwing a chicken wing off the balcony and saying to cat lady: "Fetch!" ?
The mask she was sporting looked a bit like half of one of those black push-up "Maria" bras.
I'm wondering when they're gonna come with ball-gags attached to prevent people from stating the obvious.
*Some SOB Team FUKUSraHell type.
Surprisingly his death wasn't registered as "death by coronavirus".
R.I.P. Bill.....[Link]
Ain't no sunshine.
S'funny, in UK (southern) I notice; although the negative-charged atmosphere is foreboding, the Daffodils are striking this year and looking brighter than usual and flourishing thickly. Its quite contrasting. Also, there seems to be a lot of ravens and crows around and about, in the streets, making a racket. Rats are a bit more openly roaming, though not too noticeable... Yet. So far the streets are still kept relatively clean and bins collected. We shall see what tidings this month brings.
So, a lot going on, ay, whats coming next, I wonder? The CorpGov aided by the Military Complex might be taking over the reigns of food production some point in the year, perhaps. Hope them ye-olde school farmers are ready! They gonna hav'ta to master those diplomacy skills when CorpGov want them to comply with things they don't. Though probably not quite yet, more for next year with the next flu-season lock down, but could be sooner... Probably will.
Guess this is the New World Reality now. But... however hard our soon-to-be very-overt One World Government might try - and they will succeed for a while - it won't last. And that's coming from me, a pessimist! Though it indeed gets darkest before the break of dawn brightens - so... darker it will get, yet.
Don't forget to keep an eye out for cosmic happenings up in the sky, folks; comet clusters approaching, our 'Dark Twin' sun on the approach in far out elliptical orbit... coming back in through the Oort cloud, right? Heh.. Lets see what that brings!
"Come friendly Comets rain down on Earth!..."
As many here know: Things up there have a profound effect on things down here; electromagnetics, gravity wells and pulls tugging at the quantum strings, maunder-minimums, Earth-changes etc. That's what this is mainly about... The occultic side to our 'Shadow Government'; THE Government, the unseen government residing over and above that which is visually presented to us on a nation by nation basis, for they follow ancient occult laws tying strongly into the cosmic undercurrents, the astronomic ripplings and inter-galactic alignments, and the intensifying subatomic weaves and waves and wot-not, threading its way throughout the Universe... and the unseen Dark Ones have always understood this, and its effects on humanity. They know this and want to close us off for whats coming.
But they also need us to give our minds to them at some spiritual level... consciously or subconsciously, it doesn't matter too much for it still constitutes "choice". Choice is everything behind โฆ EVERYTHING, when its broken down. For here, we must "choose" to give ourselves over to 'them', both as individuals and as a human species en-masse, collectively. First, the individual basis, is to coax (mostly through our shiny screens) us into choosing to be part of the herd in comfort so we are tied into humanity en-masse as a group species - 'joint and severally liable' like a signed Contract. This is why its so important to keep growing our consciousness as individuals, and continually increase our awareness, so we stay above it on a individual souled basis. The less we do this, the more the collective human consciousness goes under with herd mentality and develops the "hive-mind". The hive-mind is not immune to nefarious external forces because of its low vibratory-resonance state. Only if the individuals making up the collective are developing their minds individually do steer back round the collective-mind "upward" to healthy collectiveness in mutual respect and cooperation, would it then form a robust human mass-consciousness facing Light, in unison, and the Dark Ones lose their power. This is what they know.
If we do not do this, then the collective becomes a hive-mind and steers individuals - even those not wanting any part of it - "downward" back into bondage, dragging all humanity down. This is where we at now, at another historic cross-roads, another significant step for collective humanity... further "choosing" slavery... AGAIN!
We all know this here. But its good to have it reminded.
Just keep your souls free, peeps - even if the flesh is not - and we will get through this!
As already stated; this dastardly plot will not last forever. For collective consciousness steers cosmic events to us like a super-magnet, for better or worse, in this case WORSE, as it brings cataclysm to us. It will be a painful 'cleansing' if you will.... devastating to most... but its necessary, and joy will follow (apparently). Its all Cyclical, been going for aeons.
First little teaser sign in the skies coming up! Comet Atlas:
But what about the period leading up? Can we hold out until "joy" arrives? And what about our loved ones? Is there anything to help them? Hm...
The mandatory vaccines (no, not Mandatory's vaccines!) forced upon us will further seal our spirit in flesh, or at least it'll attempt to considerably, and to try to cut off and isolate those insolent souls amongst us rebelling against bondage once and for all, to better deal with.
The vaccines will make us weak in mind and body and puny in heart and soul. Coupled together with recent happenings going on at the macrocosm scale, is synchronised with projects like 5G and the triple-layered SpaceX orbital-satellite frequency-net... or 'shells'... cloaking all of Earth... there will be no getting away no matter how high the mountain or deep the forest we run to... It is an all out affront against ALL humanity, an attempt in the making to imprison ALL the divine sparks of Humanity, ensnared. It is to us the effect of being shut off from the be wholly encased, planetwide, living within a giant Qlippoth shell. The Kabbalah is a 4D STS manual to our spiritual enslavement btw.
Our psychopath leaders who are Gog, will send forth their ranks and file making up the hordes and masses making up all the lesser-souled who are always far more numerous in number - and alas, many its number may well be members of our household, unwittingly sold unto themselves - becometh Magog; rising from the east do they, as do all men each day rise with the passage of night and day traversing our sky.
We will likely be forced to face a pivotal choice: Rebel. Or find a more 'meditative' way round it.
For those of you out there who would quite understandably rather opt for the latter - especially if you have children or any other dependents who come to rely on you - then there are other ways to mitigate such circumstances. Here is a very promising list of things to implement when the time comes, courtesy of "in-house" medical expertise (I've slightly 'edited' list to arrange to fit - hope SOTT editors don't mind): However, if, like me, you are one of the more fortunate ones to not have dependables counting on you (at least not immediately or direct dependable), and are a stoical unyielding type rightly incensed on the grounds through principle alone - the audacity of vastly inferior soul-stock given the unconstitutional authority to even dare think they have the right to forcibly tamper with our bodies?!... Well, I say; when that time comes when our Gog overlords send their black-holed Magog servants - or any their proxies of abomination born of the accursed Jehovahn heresy - do come knocking on your door uttering their blasphemies of forced vaccination and microchipping to comply (lest we be perpetual "prisoners of war" ankle-tagged never to leave the house) then in noble indignation, and on behalf of those who cannot or have not the courage, head out and face head-on in your final reckoning the checking-out of this inferior 3D world under the muzzle-flair of a Hecklar and Koch - with your teeth at a minion's throat! Then that's okay too.
Those bringing violence to our doors uninvited must themselves learn that violence breeds violence, and this is something some of us born for this moment must teach to them. We are probably doing them a favour afflicting upon them returned violence in kind, because what free-will violation they impose on you, if it is not paid off through prospective lessons because they are unable to be learned in this current incarnation of theirs, then they will most likely have it carried over in the form of karmic payback to their next life - but with added interest.
Its ironic really... After much inner turmoil's of late, almost losing myself to the abyss, I feel strangely at peace with myself now in these times of insanity. I feel soon to have a legitimate reason to "take up my sword"... My Crocea Mors. Its set in me a certain... feeling of quiet content.
Should my cup come to pass, and should I muster up all the courage I hope is lain dormant within me to make that most final of final commitments... my fate sealed... is, in all honestly, to hope my violent demise should wake my family out from their trepid stupor - for dangerously are they, sleep-walking into the feckless oblivion which abounds all round - and from my death is to visit duly on them those much-needed 'shocks' so received, 'shocks' of which Gurdjieff speaks of. And, from that, might spare my family from becoming relegated to the "soul-smashed" slag-heap of primal matter.
In the UK right now things are... poised. There is pause... to reflect... "Selah" as the Jews might say. But we know its the calm before the next storm brewing... Another ramping up of the next leg-up toward "Planet Draconia".
I pray... if, when , "the knock" at the door comes a knockin' - or should they just break it down - I pray I check-out of this world in a magnificent display of valour of bloody reprisal the likes of which they have never before seen, for they would not be standing there if they had -- leaving their chambers hot and magazine clips empty before my last moments finally pass!
Anywayโฆ On a more positive note - Birmingham UK just the other day:
Good Luck Everybody!
Whichever way you choose to meet the unstoppable darkness which lie before all our paths; may it be done out of Love, in Faith and with Great Courage!
(Just call me Anna24.)
SpaceX loses third Starship prototype in cryogenic ground test
A prototype for SpaceX's Starship space vehicle collapsed during pressure testing early Friday at the company's facility in South Texas โ the program's third failure during such testing since...If they come to vaccinate or microchip me, I have similar thoughts to yours. Living like a slave is not my thing.
So if things go south, I guess I'll meet you in Valhalla.
Haven't seen you round these parts very much lately, hope you are well?
I don't have the finances to make a movie, unfortunately. Not even a really low-budget one, like those really bad 1980's sci-fis clumsily mixing in fading 1970's 'porn stars' cavorting their retro-latex antics to appeal to wider audiences. And even if I did have money, I wouldn't know how or where to start. Besides, I think I'd make it too difficult for myself - and for those working with me. I'm a bit of a stickler and would probably get lost in silly set-pieces that don't matter. I mean; should there be Hobbits, or Ewoks for example? I don't know...
Vaccines... Chippin'... Yeah, the phrase "OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!" couldn't ring in my ears loud enough long enough.
I look forward to meeting you in Valhalla. And until then... Keep up your fine works
P.s. I'm not a big guy, nor am I a small guy. Just right
I have a feeling I've neglected to answered some pertinent questions when we last left off way back when. I can't find any right now, but do let me know if that is the case. I have more time on my hands now (for obvious reasons, Lol)
I hope you and your family are keeping safe and well in these uncertain times? And try to maximise your 'once-a-daily' this glorious sunshine this afternoon!
I think the last thread was back last summer sometime although I cannot remember the article. The subject was non existence and non being.
If remember correctly, you were perplexed by ''there is no no being, but there is non existence. I left a comment that what if there are not necessarily the same thing. That is the last time we exchanged comments. Hope you have some new ideas on this?
Yes, my family and I are fine thanks.
This little catch-up has been nice. G'night Graeme.
Pretty clear that the COVID-19 crisis has been engineered by Bill Gates from seasonal flu in order to crash the global economy, normalise authoritarianism, and further the elites' goal of one world government.
Gates paw prints are all over this psyop. He owns the WHO of course, and heavily funds medical research institutions such as in Berlin which produced the first test protocol, fast-tracked by the WHO, and the Institut Pasteur.
The lockdown has meant many millions out of work, institution of regimes which have been compared to those of a police state, in the UK and in New Zealand, and calls by Gates, Blair and Brown. Gates is also calling for compulsory vaccination, and digital id, ie microchipping.
And it is very hard to organise protest if you cannot gather together or even leaflet.
COVID-19: Bill Gates Engineers a Global Crisis from Seasonal Flu [Link]
"tie the shoe laces . . .but not to each other."
And other two videos that were showing EXACTLY how electrification of Earth is done since Spanish Flu are now deleted from Instagram and Youtube thanks to factcheckers. Welcome to the Brand New World
One could make a similar article with how to manufacture a global warming crisis. There are so many similarities. This corona circus even has its own hockey stick, which worked so well for the climate circus. The same players involved, massive media push, fake experts, talking about CO2 of which most people know nothing, use of children when necessary, shaming the elderly if necessary, the need to abandon democracy as it is an emergency to save the world etc.
The manipulative tricks of the trade are the same and when one thing doesn't work, like the climate circus which people started to catch on to, then another cause celebre takes over which follows the same agenda.
Media manipulation: CBS News posts fraudulent video of ICU nurse crying over poor working conditions
CBS News posted a video of a nurse who claimed she quit her job after being asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask. "America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected,"...I don't know who to call, The Stasi or The Gestapo?
still no lock-down. but the debate is intensifying.
i owe you a few beers
Michael Gove said the conspiracy theory that links 5G technology to the spread of coronavirus is โdangerous nonsenseโ
T he minister doth protest too much, methinks
I missed it.
Ignore those old conspiracy nuts who think that new, untested things should be considered potentially dangerous until proven safe.
*For those who may not know, 'conspiracy theorist' is a derogative term for people who do a lot of research (unlike their opponents), know incredible amounts of little known facts (unlike their opponents), and have very poor opinion on mainstream media, including Facebook.
To think we use to laugh out how Americans got suckered by Orson Welles' War of the World broadcast - can anyone tell me the difference between them and us now
I'd be more than happy to have permanent gestapo 'distancing rules, for life!
Also, the more they interfere with people in the everyday, the more "faculty X" virus goes around. LOL.
"Sunbathing is a revolutionary act".
Sorry to say that, but as I suspected, this is a real serious virus and not "just flu" or dodgy stats. This is from my wife who has just returned there today after sick leave, and returned home completely traumatised and not wanting to go back.
real people are definitely dying. (most are probably old though. would be dying sooner or later anyhow).
hmm, mum is 85y, still fit as a fiddle.
This helped me thru thick.
In Germany... the french had crossed over... the mom's warned their girls
my mom went to spain on a group/health tour a few weeks ago. picked up a really bad cold down there. after their return, it turned out four in the group tested positive on the corona-virus and one of her friends died after a few days. (don't know how it went with the others). mom tested negative and recovered, (after passing her cold on to me and the rest of the family).
at work, 4 has tested positive/recovered by themselves, and 400 was quarantined/probably not tested.
what i am really wondering about is the ratio of persons infected with mild/no symptoms vs severe cases. in my head that would be a main parameter for evaluating the need for restrictions.
I don't know about true mortality rate, nobody does as it's a function of test rate. The only important stat is inter-day hopsitalisation rate vs capacity.
I know guys on here are all having a laugh about this. It's the 911 conspiracy lens you can't see without. People get used to being lied to. But if it looks like a turd and smells like a turd... maybe it's a turd - not a plastic hoax turd sprayed with turd fragrance.
Yes, 911 got me to question most things, but it's one thing to browse the internet looking for confirmation bias like David Icke, and another to see it for real. Listen to Icke's latest interview on London Real,.. he's completely lost the plot now. A foaming at the mouth lunatic. Fact is nobody here knows anything beyond speculation. But what a great way to get rid of troublesome dissenters, release something real that nobody believes in. Because they know everyone is a conspiracy theorist now. All the good servile people who put their masks on get to survive. It's like the zen student who gets trampled by the elephant because his master said all was illusion.
I would provide further updates, but looking at the comments this is obviously no longer the place for that.
How does a mask help prevent illness if one believes the illness is a transmitted virus ... unless there is a conspiracy to kill off people whilst pretending it is a virus
Hmmm ...(other subject) prince phil still around do you think?
Thanks in advance hash
It was a comment re COVID, a name created by some think tank, consisting of all roman numerals (accepting 0)
So not only is there the usual gematria to look at, the values of the roman numeral can also be used
100, 0, 5, 1, 500 = 606 or 616 if you add -19
"...but it's one thing to browse the internet looking for confirmation bias like David Icke, and another to see it for real. Listen to Icke's latest interview on London Real,.. he's completely lost the plot now. A foaming at the mouth lunatic..."
I suspect a very small percentage have listened to David Icke - we're far more likely to be listening to people like Dr Andrew Kaufman or David Parker. Why resort to the extremes of people like Icke unless the more moderate counter-arguments are viewed as a threat to the narrative
Thanks much though for offering your input re 'the Roman VI'. I was very curious when Hash wrote it first and always so fascinated by your insights re numbers and names.
Its missing one O but the spiel is the same. To make those who are caught in little details MORE CONFUSED. The big picture is the only that matters!
BTW. Saying thank you is MUCHO important if you value your progress in releasing Karmic debt and cleaning your spiritual world.
I frankly feel this is about semantics. HW's point from which this all flowed, was simply another expression of the logic of economics in purchasing or selling anything, long ago simply expresses as. "Buy low, sell high."
Before one attaches malevolence to such decisions, one must first, Christlike, declaim, "I will never attempt to buy low, nor sell high again. If presented with identical* items to purchase, I will never attempt to buy the lowest price one - the subject here - nor the highest (might as well just literally burn the money and buy nothing) - but promise to always just do some perfectly random choice."
Beyond that, we're just getting into trying to compare macroeconomics to one's personal microeconomics and how one exercises one's free choice in using one's purchases with some hopeful or theoretical change in macroeconomics.**
* In economics called 'fungible'.
P.s., One could inquire into the tiny irrelevancies of where whoever went off the subject (the far most common tact is the use of ad hominems, - e.g., "Get angry much?" - but I ain't going there until each pay me $100 for every subsequent RC post on this.***
** Last sentence could be re written. Must get paid the big $, as per * above, before I fix. There's that self interest again!
*** See? There I go expressing economic self interested. Nothing wrong with that. It's directly associated with logical behavior and the best system of govenment, libertarianism, wherein the system trusts people to look after their own interests as they always know it better than others, and contra the absurdities of Marxism, where the system presumes that folks will care for others they don't know before they care for themselves and those they care for more.
P.s.,, Just made that up.
the rest of the part were sitting on a pub next by, watching. what came as a surprise to me back then was that poorly looking people was consistently giving him a few coins, while people in nice suits went straight by - or even threw out insults.
well. an insignificant story offfcourse. but unfortunately; a story which i have seen repeted itself too many times, when it was not about bacheleors to be married.
Brakar That doesn't surprise me. I once spent a couple of days in Sydney, trying to raise money on behalf of a major charity, that I believed in at the time.
I received twice as much from people in the poorer districts than in the very affluent areas inhabited by the nouveau riche who often rudely refused.
Whether that is actually true for this time, it is likely to be the cause at some point in the future
The crux of the issue is whether cowering away in isolation 9 months of every year is the best solution - I suspect the reaction has more to do with fulfilling agendas that addressing the problem - corporations are already advertising "the new normal"
My music teachings, omly here at Sott
I've found this guy's work rather convincing to people who'd rather not do the simple math themselves. Although there are several assumptions he makes which I believe to be false (i.e. the initial climb, at least in the USA has little to do with infection, rather than the number of tests slowly doled out in an already massively infected society with few casualties.)
Peerless Reads by Andrew Mather on YouTube until they yank it. His more recent slides are filled with simple graphs, math, and data anyone can access.
This goes to the moral obligation of competent folks in a free society to become informed about relevant facts and then make reasonable judgments about those facts, and let that control their interactions with others, including their government(s). (See comments of Founding Fathers.)
AmeriKans wrongfully/(immorally) abdicated that responsibility.
The numbers are in plain sight and tell the story pretty clearly, but people think the numbers mean what the media tell them they mean, rather than what they really mean. The numbers clearly say this is no big deal, just like the flu. Even the bloated numbers say that. But media tell people the numbers are really high, and people believe that as if they can't see the numbers are nothing out of the ordinary.
So people are looking at numbers that are in the thousands but acting like they're in the millions.
But we know and can learn a lot more than that - we know the media pushes a narrative, they are narrating someone else's agenda
We should be able to tell the difference between news and narration
... then there's the things we learn, PNAC's desire for a new Pearl habour, the Patriot act drawn up and passed in days (written months before), the ambitious plan to invade 7 countries, all set and ready to go, and, of course, the whole Bin Laden fairy tale
So yes, we only know what they "show" us ... 24/7 bombardment of a single narrative, bill Gates' Event 201, Rockefeller's 2010 Lock Step plan, instant identification of the baddie (infected Bat or Asteroid), agendas coming to the fore, such as cash free society etc.
GREAT & HILARIOUS SUMMARY OF 'Conspiracy Nuts' (sic) vis a vis 'Masses' of (close-minded) Asses, or 'Sheeple'.
* I thank who first posted it here, but forget who they were.
I found a pinterest, which I hate, and which seems to cut the captions out. (I've not signed in to see it.)[Link]
20 years ago, they would have laughed and said "We need to change 'Trevor' to RC" Hee hee.
The nature of denial.
While the commoners are busy worrying about what mask to buy, and how to survive without toilet paper; we are busy buying the very arse you sit on. We are nationalizing it all! What does that mean you ask? It means your children' children's children's children are OURS.. It means that you will not get out from under our grip, even in death. It means that you will work, or you will work, or you will work, work. Until-we unroll a universal wage, and then you will do just as we say, you will live where we say, you will buy what we tell you,we already watch you 24/7, but we will dictate your every thought, in fact, we will be in charge of your minds from this point on. Oh wait, some of you have already given yours to us. Some of you were the 'experiments', some of you breathed it in you while you slept, or while you walked your doggy at the park. It went in through your eyes, or it went up your nose. Maybe it went up your ----.
YOU ARE OURS. WE OWN YOU. YOU WILL NOT STOP US. YOU are TOO SCARED, YOU HAVE NO _____. YOU DON'T DARE START WITH US. OH, you thought you could. We saw you, you, resisters. We saw you around the world beginning to rise up. We saw it. We talked about how to stop you from creating a world wide revolution. AND now look at you! You are divided! haha, and not just divided, but you are isolated into very very small groups, and you have no longer a voice, you are mice, no wait, you are fleas. YOU can do nothing but sit in your house on your devices, and become more and more isolated as we notch it up incrementally, until you are completely broken and begging for us to let you out.. boo hoo. YOU don't even see what is right there in front of you, because you don't have the ability to THINK. You were born into the construct. You think it is normal. You miss it, and we laugh at you. You missed the "test". You missed the mistake that we made, and we laughed at you-because you didn't catch it, and you didn't really question it. Well, most of you didn't. Some of you were getting close. Some of you blew a whistle, but we took care of that. We buried the stories. Or we simply just put out a cover story. You didn't see the mistake. You failed the "TESTS". You didn't see what was right there all the time. It was there all the time. Now, if you don't mind, we will continue with buying the world, OUR WORLD, the World that is all ONE. AND WE OWN IT. Excuse me, I have to push a button to buy this channel. ta ta.
NEW NAME: Covid1984 Just read at [Link]
Ovid's full name is Publius Ovidius Naso ... could be green language inferring the public sheep and the nose
Dates around Ovid are sketchy but we can be "certain" that he was born on 20 March 43 BC (Chinese lock down started 23/01 and UK lock down started 23/03 - close but no cigar)
I found this odd though: So he rose to and resigned from those three positions all by the time he was between 14 and 18?
Happy FullMoon
Dont feel bad...I lived in Chicago the entire time he was coming up there and never saw him...
RIP JPrine
Rudolf Steiner said Ahriman (Satan) is gonna incarnate as a human being in the 21c. (exactly 2030) and will prepare the ground with lies, fears, transhumanism, occult materialism. And Luzifer will blind drag people into false spirituality the fake astral light (new age).
I've not finished that article, etc., but I'll be surprised if they allowed any legitimate comparative statistical/epidemiological questions happen.
Dr. Birx: We have 'very liberal' recording of COVID deaths; if they test positive, 'we are counting that'
During Tuesday's White House press briefing, coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx explained that COVID-19 deaths in the United States have "very liberal" recording guidance, noting that...Once the public wakes up from the hypnosis (because sooner or later, the media have to start talking about other things), they might notice this is total fraud.
And 4 are the numbers of the horsemen of the apocalypse!!!
The First Seal: "I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. "
Corona is Latin for crown. The coronavirus is the first horseman. It is the end times!!
Heck that was off the cuff in one minute flat, I could spout this garbage out all day.