The last of the major mental disorders, psychopathy, was clinically described only in 1941 by Dr. Hervey Cleckley. Psychopathy is complex and counterintuitive, and understanding has been very slow, even though some psychologists credit (debit?) psychopaths with starting WWII and with creating the 2008 worldwide financial meltdown, in addition to the many serial murder cases that attract wide attention. The Western understanding of psychopathic mental disorders is only now beginning to attract serious attention by the general public and that would seem to be entirely appropriate given the high associated costs of psychopathic behaviors.
Largely unrecognized is that there was an active but clandestine psychopathy study group operating behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. The apparent last survivor of this group died in 2007, and it is an amazing story.
Dr. Andrew Łobaczewski was a Polish psychologist in the mental health field during the Cold War, working particularly with psychopathy. Dr. Łobaczewski was in the last class of psychology students before the Soviets imposed Pavlovian concepts on psychological studies within Poland. Dr. Łobaczewski labored under very trying circumstances, facing ideological resistance, censorship, official repression, and prison. A group of like-minded mental health workers behind the Iron Curtain produced a body of knowledge similar to and in some cases more comprehensive than that of Western psychologists, particularly the works of Dr. Hervey Cleckley in the USA as updated by Dr. Robert Hare in Canada. Dr. Łobaczewski's group found it necessary to maintain anonymity, and some members of the group were unknown to others while keeping up a correspondence through a chain of personal contacts. At least one member of the group died under mysterious circumstances.
Dr. Łobaczewski's group embraced Dr. Cleckley's concept of destructive psychopathy and produced additional original research, historical references, and descriptive terms based on the Greek term poneros, meaning evil. Dr. Łobaczewski's book is titled Political Ponerology. In his book, Dr. Łobaczewski used the term pathocracy to describe sick totalitarian societies.
In a series of hair-raising conflicts and escapes, the basic draft for Dr. Łobaczewski's book was thrown into a furnace immediately before a Stalinist secret police raid, the manuscript was rewritten and turned over to the Vatican where it disappeared, and was again rewritten and turned over to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's National Security Advisor, where it again disappeared. It was finally published from Dr. Łobaczewski's notes in 2006, just before the good Doctor's death in 2007.
This may sound like the plot line from an Indiana Jones movie, except for Dr. Łobaczewski's unquestioned scholarship and insight. The convergence and harmony of Dr. Cleckley's ideas with Dr. Łobaczewski's ideas reflect close agreement within a very complex subject area. Political Ponerology was translated and endorsed by recognized linguistic and psychological authorities.
The publishing of Dr. Łobaczewski's manuscript added the final drama to this long saga. After all his struggles and facing age and illness, Dr. Łobaczewski appears to have been desperate to find a publisher for his life's work, and the book was published by Red Pill Press, a small Canadian publisher of esoterica, conspiracy theories, and space alien literature. The editor of Political Ponerology, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, is quite an interesting case. She is due considerable credit for bringing Political Ponerology to publication, but other of her endeavors includes research into lizard creatures, UFOs, and alien encounters. Her editorship of the Political Ponerology manuscript, as reflected in the forward and in footnotes, indicates a very negative and conspiratorial view of the George Bush Administration, but ignores LBJ, a real psychopathic-type, controlling president of the USA. In Knight-Jadczyk's current writings, Bush and Obama are the bad guys and Putin is the good guy. Go figure. But Knight-Jadczyk's idiosyncrasies do not refute the excellence of Dr. Łobaczewski's book.
Comment: The above is not quite accurate. Lobaczewski wasn't "desperate" in the sense that he simply took whatever he could get. He could not find a publisher when he finished the book in 1984/5, but he contacted QFG on the merits of its existing research on psychopathy, as Lobaczewski describes in a letter to Knight-Jadczyk and Quantum Future Group included in Ponerology:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.As for UFOs, that's something of a low blow. SOTT also covers and researches UFO sightings, ufology, and related topics, as do many respectable scientists, historians, and other professionals.
I have got your Special Research Project on psychopathy by my computer. You are doing a most important and valuable work for the future of nations. [...] The profound study of the nature of psychopathy, which played the essential and inspirational part in this macro-social psychopathologic phenomenon, and distinguishing it from other mental anomalies, appeared to be the necessary preparation for understanding the entire nature of the phenomenon. The large part of the work you are doing now was done in those times....
I am able to provide you with a most valuable scientific document, useful for your purposes. It is my book "Political Ponerology - A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes". You may also find copy of this book in the Library of Congress and in some university and public libraries in the USA. Be so kind and contact me so that I may mail a copy to you.
Very truly yours!
In her editing of Political Ponerology, Laura Knight-Jadczyk did indeed compare Łobaczewski's descriptions to the Bush Reich because at the time of publication, that was the current political climate. Comparisons could have been made to numerous other politicians and political parties, American and otherwise (including Johnson, whom we agree displayed many psychopathic traits), but an editor's job necessitates a degree of brevity and such comparisons should be easily made by the informed reader.
On the topic of President Putin, again, regular readers will be aware of the mainstream media's pro-Western, anti-Russian propaganda. However, this article was written two years ago. A lack of understanding of Putin's integrity could be forgiven back then. Now, it would be a little more difficult to excuse given Russia's successful military assistance to Syria and the US's complete humiliation and unmasking of their part in the rise of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh in the Middle-East.
The novel elements in Dr. Łobaczewski's description of psychopathic systems as compared to the Western descriptions are as follows (terms and concepts in italic are common to both the systems of Dr. Łobaczewski and of Dr. Cleckley):
1) Dr. Łobaczewski posited that societies alternate between "happy times" and "unhappy times," over periods of decades. A more apt description in Western terms might be "undisciplined times" and "disciplined times." In happy, undisciplined times, life is prosperous and good, moral and intellectual values erode, and there are growing public displays of licentiousness and excess with an accompanying loss of civic virtue.Dr. Łobaczewski's book included a remarkable section titled Spellbinders that described unique individuals with various moral and psychological pathologies that can and do attract vulnerable followers. The Spellbinder places his followers on a "higher moral plane" than other citizens and these followers may be "showered" with "attention and property." In a healthy society, Spellbinders are ignored or refuted or laughed out of town. In a hysterical society, Spellbinders may become dictator of Russia, Fuehrer of Germany, or President of the USA. The role of Spellbinder is a constant fixture within pathocracies, but the chosen vulnerable followers depend on the quite variable ideology of the particular Spellbinder (class for Marxism, nationality for Fascism, ethnic and Leftist in America currently). The consistency of this pattern, always resulting in a destructive conclusion, is reminiscent of Transactional Analysis games. Note that being in the chosen group of the Spellbinder's followers conveys short-term advantage, but tends to long-term damage and destruction of the entire system.
In the USA, an example of happy, undisciplined times was most obvious during the Roaring Twenties, which was followed by the Great Depression and WWII.
Comment: It should be noted that applying Łobaczewski's theory, 21st century Western culture has been as much at the zenith of "good times" as at any other point in history. Good times, for a society, are always predicated on the exploitation and suffering of other nations and categorised by a dearth of psychological understanding, individual and macrosocial narcissism, an avoidance of all and any news or data that might 'rock the boat' of comfort or 'burst the bubble' of insular individualistic consumerism and hedonism and a disinterest in important topics like politics in favour of superficial pursuits like sports.
2) Hysteria is characteristic of times when the existing happy period is collapsing. In this context, hysterical times are noted for both somatic and psychological illnesses and moral laxity. Dr. Łobaczewski emphasized and gave examples of familial mental disorders disrupting and creating maldevelopments of personalities of family relatives exposed to one person's mental disorders. Mental disorders among the political leadership distort perceptions, attitudes, and actions among citizens. Hysterical times may generate moral and intellectual sloppiness, illogical political arguments, pathological dishonesty, social conflict, and economic disruption. Latent social divisions arise and are encouraged as a means of political control.
A profound period of hysteria was during the time leading up to WWI during which Lenin came to power in Russia. A second period of hysteria led to massive economic and moral collapse during the years of the Weimar Republic, from which came Hitler's rise in Germany. Lenin and Hitler had the characteristics of psychopaths. Following the moral excesses of the Clinton years, Obama now exhibits the characteristics of a clinical psychopath. With its Constitutional values and history, the USA is not fertile ground for a psychopathic state, but Dr. Łobaczewski tells us that another episode of pathocracy is quite possible and may perhaps be inevitable. Obama is quite capable of creating massive damage to the Constitution and to the economy before we return to more disciplined times. Pathological dishonesty is a marker for psychopathy in Dr. Hare's system, and we have seen an abundance of pathological dishonesty recently, particularly in regards to Obamacare.
Comment: We may not agree on UFOs, or Putin, but we can agree on that!
3) Reduced discipline and the erosion of moral values during periods of hysteria allow the proliferation of alternate moral and social viewpoints, including personality disorders. Dr. Łobaczewski's system identified several mental disorders closely related to psychopathy, including terms denoting psychopath enablers and psychopath foot-soldiers. Dr. Łobaczewski's system was also very rigorous in identifying and distinguishing hereditary neurological defects as opposed to neurological injury, either or both of which may result in neurological conditions related to psychopathy; nurture and nature individually and collectively may contribute to the development of a psychopathic personality and related mental disorders.
Comment: By Lobaczewski's definition, nurture cannot "individually contribute" to developing psychopathy. Psychopathies are hereditary; characteropathies are acquired.
4) Though psychopathy is quite superficial, it is the only mental disorder that attracts, or generates, large numbers of followers who have limited psychological stability and moral values. Only the more gullible members of society, including psychopath enablers, succumb to the attractions of the psychopath. Most members of society retain a "common-sense" -- Dr. Łobaczewski's description -- attitude during times of social and economic disruption, and common sense eventually returns and prevails after much damage has been done.
Comment: A characteropathic 'spellbinder' is much more essential to the initial process of ponerisation as a kind of 'trail-blazer' for the essential psychopath to stab in the back, oust, and take over a newly indoctrinated general public. Even though only a relatively small number of people in a society succumb to pathocracy (6-12% according to Lobaczewski), Bob Altemeyers book The Authoritarians shows that an enormous number of the population are predisposed to need an authority figure whose ideology they can attach to and follow unquestioningly. While a pathocracy is still 'masked', they can have a lot of support.
In the USA, psychopath enablers include Leftist journalists, Leftist professors, and Leftist community disorganizers. Intelligence -- IQ -- offers little or no immunity from psychopathic influences during hysterical times.
Comment: By this, are we to assume the author believes that right-wing arms of such fields play no part in the process of macrosocial ponerisation? That is nonsense. Psychopath enablers include journalists, professors, etc. Left and right.
In the USA, the shift to hysterical times can be dated quite precisely to the period of the 1960s. Prior to this time, there were Democratic Party stalwarts who were staunchly anti-Leftist such as Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson. These have been replaced by the likes of Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi. The last of the old-style Democrats was Joseph Lieberman, and he had to change his party affiliation to Independent in order to retain his senate seat during his final election.
Comment: So McCarthyism wasn't hysterical?!
5) When psychopaths capture positions of power the result is totalitarianism, also known as pathocracy. At that point, the government operates against the interests of its own people except for favoring certain groups.
We are currently witnessing deliberate polarizations of American citizens, illegal actions, and massive and needless acquisition of debt. This is quite typical of psychopathic systems, and very similar things happened in the Soviet Union as it overextended and collapsed.
6) It must be noted that all pathocratic developments and cycles take place over decades and may not be obvious to the casual observer. During hysterical times, young people in particular may form opinions and make ideological commitments that are quite lacking in moral and intellectual rigor.
Comment: This topic is a little more complex. The people behind colour revolutions and cointelpro operations manipulate anti-policy movements, such as the anti-war, anti-austerity and civil-rights movements. Many young people go through a period of disenfranchisement with authority, government, parents, etc. When such young people form groups around a specific idea and begin to protest, covert government organisations infiltrate them or influence them in a certain direction for their own benefit. If an uprising begins at home, such movements are crushed. If the uprising begins in a country whose instability would be beneficial for the pathocrats of another, such movements are backed, massively funded and given favourable press coverage.
7) Pathocrats (psychopaths) always fail, creating massive social and economic costs for everyone else. Eventually, discipline is restored by the need to deal with psychopathic incompetence and corruption, moral and intellectual rigor returns, and the cycle begins again. Marxist and Islamic psychopaths have created a recurring profitable corruption, and their systems become self-perpetuating.
Comment: Psychopathy and pathocracy know no distinction between political or religious ideologies and instead use such ideologies as a 'host' to infect or a mask to hide behind. Different political systems (communism, capitalism etc.) have their merits at different levels of society, but no system can thrive and survive under the direction of psychopaths. Probably the only reason that pathocratic Wahhabism has flourished is because of the original "Islamic State", Saudi Arabia. And the only reason Saudi Arabia stays afloat is because of Western support. Radical Islam benefits 'democratic capitalist' psychopaths.
8) Dr. Łobaczewski theorized on ways to minimize pathocracy.
The concepts of psychopathy and pathocracy explain much about the world's troubles: why some people and nations cooperate productively and build while other people and nations want control and are willing to destroy in pursuit of their aims. As the world's worst mental disorder, psychopathy has no hope of prevailing, but the destruction itself presents an attraction to sick minds. It should be obvious after thousands of years that psychopaths always fail and psychopaths and psychopath enablers have an agenda they do not share with their vulnerable followers and which they may themselves be unaware.
Comment: Here, the author answers their own problem. The problem of psychopathy only becomes obvious to those who are informed of its existence. The reason for this is that most people cannot conceive of the existence of the psychopathic mindset and world view, let alone that such people easily and naturally occupy all levels of societal governance and authority, from presidents to head teachers.
There is one significant criticism of Dr. Łobaczewski's book, not related to his psychological understanding. Dr. Łobaczewski was thoroughly, if unwillingly, indoctrinated behind the Iron Curtain and takes the position that a government as "envisioned" by Karl Marx would result in the "working peoples (sic) leftist ideology" driving such a government. This government would be "stern" but humanistic and beneficial. The problem is that no significant "working peoples leftist ideology" has ever existed. No Marxist revolution was ever driven by workers, leftist or otherwise. Marxist or neo-Marxist revolutions are driven by lawyers (Lenin, Castro), bank robbers (Stalin), warlords (Mao, Kim Jong-Il), or an inexperienced community disorganizer whose milieu was Chicago, one of the most corrupt of the Democratic party controlled urban disasters. Marxist revolutionaries may seize and exploit the dissatisfaction of workers, but workers ensnared within a Marxist revolution do not want in, they want out.
Comment: Again, the author's own political ideology come through, and he misses the point. Lobaczewski was hardly indoctrinated by Communist ideology. He would probably even agree that "no significant 'working peoples leftist ideology' has ever existed. No Marxist revolution was ever driven by workers, leftist or otherwise".
What Lobaczewski actually wrote was this:
If there were ever such a thing as a country with a communist structure as envisaged by Karl Marx, wherein the working people's leftist ideology would be the basis for government, which, I believe, would be stern, but not bereft of healthy humanistic thought, the contemporary social, bio-humanistic, and medical sciences would be considered valuable and be appropriately developed and used for the good of the working people.He is comparing and contrasting an ideal, hypothetical Marxist state (as it would exist without psychopaths) to the reality of a pathocratic structure. One of his points is simply to argue that it doesn't matter what ideology begins to grow or flourish, it's the people using it that really matters.
Karl Marx had the characteristics of a clinical psychopath; no wonder that all Marxist revolutions fail. Marxist totalitarians (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao) adopt Marxist ideology, not because it produces beneficial results, but because it gives them control. The pathological need for control is the driving force behind psychopathic personalities, including Obama.
Comment: Łobaczewski's own words on Marx:
An analysis of the role played by Karl Marx's works easily reveals (all of the traits of the schizoidal psychopath) and the social reactions which engendered animosity between large groups of people.Works such as that of Marx resonate with character disturbed and pathological people.
There is growing awareness that the United States of America is becoming disrupted and unsettled. Few people recognize the psychological factors involved, but there are increasing searches for answers. Psychopathy and pathocracy provide descriptions of our current woes and the possibility of a way out of our problems.
James G. Long has been an army captain, a professional engineer, an author, and a blogger, with a lifelong interest in organizational management problems.
Very interesting and seems to be the root of the problems we face. We just need to require brain scans for those interested in government jobs. Ineligible if positive for psychopathy.
I've been searching for information about the variety of psychopath referred to as a sexopath but can't find anything. Someone wrote a book about them in the 60's.