ISIS said it had decided to "ban the sale of music CDs, music players, and playing songs in cars and buses and in shops and all places," in a statement posted on jihadist websites and signed the "Wali (governor) of Raqqa."
The group added they had taken the step because musical instruments and singing are "proscribed in Islam because they distract from remembering God and the Quran."
In a second statement, ISIS said that as part of efforts to "apply sharia (Islamic law)... it is completely forbidden to sell cigarettes or water pipes in any place."
Such bans are reminiscent of those the Taliban imposed on television, cinema and music in Afghanistan when in power up until 2001.
The group's actions provoked a backlash from other rebel groups in early January, and the ISIS is now fighting former allies in several parts of northern Syria.
Comment: Meanwhile they're raping girls across Syria with the blessing of Saudi clerics:
Rape, pillage and plunder: Al Qaeda terrorists receive retrospective blessing from extremist Saudi cleric to enjoy hours-long 'intercourse marriages' with Syrian girls
Maybe Dubya was onto something calling them 'Islamo-fascists'?... It takes one to know of course.