Family and friends in Michigan are mourning the death of a 4-year-old Jackson County deputy's son, who accidentally shot and killed himself over the weekend. reported that Jackson County Sheriff's Deputy Mark Easter was identified as the father of Michael Richard Leland Easter. The father was on the way to work at around 5:30 p.m. on Saturday when the 4-year-old boy found a gun and shot himself.

Michael Richard Leland Easter was later pronounced dead at Allegiance Health.

"I knew it was bad when one of the local sheriff's here, he came out of the house and was walking down the driveway," neighbor Lon Zicafoose told WXMIM. "I could tell he was crying and he got closer to the road here and he was sobbing and crying."

"How did that kid get that weapon? How did he get a loaded weapon? How did they have access to it?" the neighbor wondered. "I just can't imagine what the mom is going through, because the mom was there, what the mom and other kids are going through."

Michigan State Police Sgt. Cathy Fitzgerald explained to WILX that no foul play was suspected in the shooting.

"We are conducting a further investigation, pulling our resources together to make sure that we are detailed," she said.

Watch the video below from WILX, broadcast March 3, 2013.