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An Afghan activist reveals the US is still using horrific depleted uranium weapons in Afghanistan, creating graveyards of people who die of cancer and other unusual diseases, Press TV reports. "These weapons are still used. In fact, a US aircraft called A-10 warthog, normally, even if it doesn't use a uranium projectile in the machine gun, every third projectile is a uranium projectile and that's the working horse of the US army in Afghanistan. They use it left and right," Dr. Mohammad Daud Miraki said in an interview with Press TV.
"Apache helicopters and Bradley vehicles also utilize these projectiles in these weapons," he added.
The activist also noted that
62.7 percent of the population of Afghanistan has been targeted by the dangerous radioactive ammunitions.
Miraki explained that a group of researchers collected urine samples of people in Afghanistan and found uranium isotopes in the urine, which was about 300 percent to 2000 percent higher than normal level.
He further said that a lot of people in Afghanistan were identified with various bizarre diseases in different Pashtun-dominated villages.
The diseases were skin lesions, sudden deaths, spontaneous abortions among females, as well as deformities and multiple cancers.
The author also said the United States used depleted uranium weapons that is against international and US laws.
Meanwhile, Miraki criticized US officials and Afghan President Hamid Karzai for not investigating the crimes committed by the US administration.
"We forwarded [our] reports to the US three years ago to the State Department and from US officials we have gotten only lip service unfortunately. But the Afghan government equally, since it has no control, it's an installed regime," he said.
The Afghan activist also warned that as long as the earth exists the Afghan people will be dying from the disaster because uranium 238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years.
"If you look at Afghanistan as well as in Iraq as well as in Yugoslavia you find that wherever these weapons were used you find graveyards of people dying from cancer and other unusual diseases," Miraki concluded.
For all the US' ballyhoo about Ws of MD and the "nuclear threat' purportedly presented by Iran, it continues to be the US that is waging nuclear war.
The oft-seen mushroom cloud issuing from the above-ground detonation of a single nuclear device is the result of what might be called "force at a point" . . . a localized phenomena whose effects subsequently spread and dissipate.
On the other hand, the use of DU munitions constitutes what might well be thought of as "force over area" in that while such armaments are not destructive in the wholesale manner that outright detonations are, DU munitions are immensely destructive over time and across widespread areas.
In the terms in which psychopaths "think" the force over area approach is rather more appealing in that it causes much deeper, longer term and irreducible suffering -- and -- its presence goes pretty much uncommented upon in any way that nails what is actually happening . . .
In other words,very few outsiders actually "get" what is being done.