Witnesses told Jackson police Robert Walker, 53, had picked up the eight-month-old pit bull after it had lunged at children on Friday.
His wife, Betty Walker, went inside to retrieve a gun, wounding the dog's leg with one shot and fatally shot her husband with another.
Mr Walker's son told local news station WLBT after the attack the children were taken inside before Mr Walker scooped up the dog.
Jackson police spokesman Colendula Green his death appears to have been accidental.
Ms Green said: 'The dog was trying to attack the kids in the neighbourhood and at that time, the wife did shoot at the dog but instead shot her husband in the chest area.'

A Hinds County grand jury will decide whether to charge Mrs Walker.
Animal control officers have taken the dog, named Cocaine, who was found bleeding on the back porch.
Its owner, Lazarius Montgomery, could face charges.
Mr Montgomery, however, said the animal does not pose a threat.

Mr Montgomery's cousin, Robert Ferguson, meanwhile, has cast doubt the incident was an accident. He said the dog is always fenced in and could not have escaped to attack his neighbours.

Witnesses echoed his claims, telling WLBT there had been no attack at the time of the shooting.
'The man that got shot, he was outside with the kids. That's all we know, we just heard the four gunshots,' Mr Ferguson said.
'Somebody had to pick her up out the gate. Ain't no way she could've got out the gate. She can't jump the gate, just eight-months, a puppy,' he added.
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