Police are looking into the theft of personal financial information at Sky Harbor, and all it took for the information to be stolen was a swipe of their credit or debit cards.
So far FOX 10 has confirmed TSA security screeners have been the targets. Their bank accounts were broken into and drained.
Police say the culprits or culprits may have used a skimmer to take information directly off a credit or debit card. A few dozen employees have already come forward to report problems with their bank accounts.
Flight attendant Tina Coffee is on her way to Tampa. As an airline employee, she spends three to four days in the air and knows all too well the dangers of working at airports.
"We travel all the time so they know that we are the ones to target," she acknowledges.
Coffee is talking about credit card theft and isn't surprised to learn that TSA agents at Sky Harbor were recently targeted.
We obtained an email that was recently sent to TSA employees alerting them of "suspicious activity that has affected about ten TSA PHX employees, all of whom work in one terminal."
"Our detectives are still trying to find out exactly what took place," says Phoenix Police Sgt. Tommy Thompson.
Phoenix Police confirm detectives are looking into nearly a dozen cases, but can't go into any further detail because they're all under investigation. But Sgt. Thompson says this should serve as a warning to everyone that credit card information can easily be stolen.
"What they told us to do is to use our credit cards instead of debit cards or get cash," says Coffee.
Coffee wasn't aware of this latest incident with the TSA but knows of others at Southwest, and knows being diligent with her finances is the only way not to fall victim.
Police say there are less than a dozen cases, while sources at TSA say it could be more like two dozen.
The case is ongoing so it's yet to be seen if any other agency or group of employees were hit.
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