At a time in history when all the rage is in looking and feeling young, there are a couple of things to understand. Most important: looking and feeling young doesn't come from pills or chemical based potions. It comes from healthy, chemical-free living and a body that's well nourished with appropriate foods and oils - and one that's free of toxic waste. If you're ready to take some simple steps to shave a few years off your appearance and start feeling better than ever, here are some easy ways to get started.

1) Eat coconut oil daily and use it as your body lotion.

Coconut oil keeps your skin soft and supple, and of course, the smoothness of the skin is often associated with a younger appearance. Coconut oil can be used both internally and externally for this purpose. Coconut oil also helps detoxify the body which means to remove harmful substances from the body. Cultures that use coconut oil regularly have markedly decreased disease rates. And of course, a body that's free of disease will feel much younger than one that's riddled with it.

2) Detoxify your body to remove acids and waste.

Most people don't understand how much toxic waste is stored inside the body. Common estimates are that the average person has ten or more pounds of stored filth - just in the colon. But unfortunately, these days the waste isn't even contained in the colon - it's often throughout the body.

Think about it for a second: if acids are known to erode metals, what do you think stored acidic toxins are doing to your skin - to say the least of your organs - when they've been trapped inside your body for years? Deeply detoxifying your body can be an easy way to both look and feel younger. Deep detoxification, at a minimum, includes colon and liver cleansing with colonics or enemas and coffee enemas.

3) Start eating more raw foods.

Raw foods from nature are often alkalizing, while cooked and processed foods are more than likely acidic. If you want to start looking and feeling younger, it's important to give up a great deal of acidic foods while loading up on alkalizing ones. Green drinks are great for alkalizing, detoxifying, and are a wonderful way to add minerals to your body.

4) Use homemade body treatments.

The youth-selling cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar business, but unfortunately, it's based on chemical "solutions." The good news is: natural homemade body treatments are easy and inexpensive, plus they're effective and don't contaminate your body with chemicals.

Blended pineapple is a great home body treatment because it's enzyme rich. The enzymes in pineapple gently remove dead skin and pineapple is a wonderful face or full body treatment. Pineapple is especially effective at removing the dead skin on feet, but to remove it all can take a few treatments. So, cut and blend some fresh but not too ripe pineapple, rub it on your body and relax for ten minutes. Then, shower and use a washcloth to scrub away any dead skin.

Blended papaya is another winner, and again, it's due to the enzymes. Green or unripe papaya is best and you can blend it with some seeds for an extra boost. Papaya is packed with antioxidants, lightens the skin, evens out skin tone, and is helpful for acne and age spots. Just prepare and use in the same manner as the pineapple mixture and know that lightening age spots can take some time. If desired, the inside of fresh aloe can be added too, and these treatments are best used once a week.

More Information:

Coconut Cures, Bruce Fife, N.D.

Coconut Research Center

How to Make a Papaya Pineapple Enzyme Mask

How to Clear Acne Through Colon Cleansing