Kecksburg, Pennsylvania - A fire in the sky, an acorn-shaped object partially buried in the ground, odd hieroglyphic markings, the military restricting access to the site, a possible government cover-up -- all in Westmoreland County and it's all a part of what's known as the UFO incident in Kecksburg.
Friday will mark the 40th anniversary of that incident, when numerous people witnessed a fireball streak across the skies in the late afternoon.
While the fireball reportedly was seen in four states, it landed in a wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, near Mt. Pleasant.
All the witnesses interviewed said that the object in question was large, metallic, acorn-shaped, with hieroglyphic markings, and partially buried in the ground.
Soon after the object fell, the military was on the scene and cordoned off the area, forbidding access to everyone.
Even after a military flat-bed trailer truck was seen rushing out of the area carrying a tarpaulin-covered object, to this day the official story from the government was that nothing was found, that what crashed was a meteorite.
Lebanon, Pennsylvania - In the middle of the night, Jan Helen McGee awoke, shaking, images of murder bouncing around her head.
A dozen years ago, she dreamed of two men dining together. An argument erupted, escalated into a fight and ended as one man shot the other.
I've been having nightmares about murder my whole life, she said while seated in her home on North Eighth Street in Lebanon, her legs crossed at the knee, her hands flailing with nervous energy. I woke up with a gasp. ... I was shaking, and I told my (now) ex-husband about my dream. He told me I should go to the police.
BBCMon, 21 Nov 2005 12:00 UTC
A character in Charles Dickens' Bleak House burns to death without any apparent reason. Human spontaneous combustion is a belief which has been around for centuries but does it really exist?
Viewers following Andrew Davies's adaptation of Charles Dickens' Bleak House on BBC One have just seen the dreadful moment when alcoholic Krook - played sinisterly by Johnny Vegas - finds his gin warming his stomach more than usual, and suddenly bursts into flames.
As his charred remains are found, Dickens lets the awful scene unfold: "Here is a small burnt patch of flooring; here is the tinder from a little bundle of burnt paper, but not so light as usual, seeming to be steeped in something; and here is - is it the cinder of a small charred and broken log of wood sprinkled with white ashes, or is it coal? Oh, horror, he IS here!"
Leonard David
Space.comThu, 17 Nov 2005 12:00 UTC
There is one question that persistently circles the community of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) true-believers: If the government has nothing to hide, UFO fans often ask, then why is it keeping so many UFO records under lock and key?
"Well, it turns out that the government does have something to hide, but it has nothing to do with extraterrestrials," said Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, D.C.
A document has surfaced that had been stamped "Top Secret Umbra" - the codeword for the highest, most sensitive category of communications intelligence.
The once-classified affidavit was originally filed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in a 1980 lawsuit to justify the withholding of records on UFOs. The document is largely declassified - with certain sections cut out, ostensibly to protect employee names, and keep NSA technologies, skills, and foreign connections out of the limelight.
Comment: The one article entitled UFO's and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data is used to try and show that the NSA is not at all interested in the UFO phenomenon itself.
Unfortunately, we are still left with the NSA employee who actually attended a UFO symposium and other reports, one of which is mentioned only by its title: UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions. This paper doesn't exactly sound like something written by an agency that has absolutely no real interest in the phenomenon...
As with most "declassified" documents relating to the subject of UFOs, it seems the NSA papers are only intended to sow more confusion and distract serious researchers.
DOZENS of UFOs that the Ministry of Defence cannot explain have been sighted in Wales in the past three years, the release of confidential papers has revealed.
The MoD confirmed that a green, circular object seen hovering in one position over Mumbles in January 2002 was classed as a UFO.
And another bright object seen hovering over West Swansea in January of this year is also being put down as a UFO.
However, Julie Monk of the Ministry of Defence's Directorate of Air Staff made it clear a UFO classification simply meant no rational explanation for a sighting could be found, not that it was extra-terrestrial in origin.
Comment: So, strange and unexplained objects are flying around the skies, yet it would be an "inappropriate use of defence resources" to determine what they are?!
Obviously, there is no reason to keep track of the objects unless someone is doing something with the data...
Bill Brooks
RenseWed, 16 Nov 2005 12:00 UTC

© Bill Brooks
Bill BrooksDate: Sat, November 12, 2005 7:15 amTo: -- Don't know quite what to make of this....was out with the wife in La'ie Observation Point . I didn't notice this at first until I started working with the review of all of the pictures we took that day. The pictures are digital and un-tampered with. At first I thought it was just a single peculiarity but as you can see there are 3 of them all on the same trajectory coming from an earthly direction at a 45 degree angle. I know you get hundreds of these but just thought I would send this up. Perhaps there is a very logical explanation but it struck me as odd that all three seem to have telemetry in the angle of ascent. As you may know, Oahu is chock full of military bases, although none in the immediate area. Place: La'ie Lookout Point, NorthShore Oahu HawaiiDate: November 11, 2005Time: Appx 3:30 PMWeather: Slightly overcast but clearCamera: Olympus Digital Camedia 2.1 MegaPixel Auto-Focus Auto-ExposureOrientation: South to North (guestimate..could be wrong) Thanks
Comment: Click here to see enlarged photos of the UFOs.
Ultimately, I interpret this letter less as a well-meaning warning than as a direct attempt at fear mongering, aimed at scientists who were already uncomfortable with receiving UFO reports. And this was exactly the effect he achieved, judging by the internal memo it generated.
Last month I had the opportunity and privilege to speak at the Toronto Exopolitics Conference, organized by Michael Bird and Victor Viggiani, and which also featured speakers Stanton Friedman and Stephen Bassett (Paola Harris, slated to speak also, unfortunately was ill). The conference headliner was former Canadian Minister of Defence, Paul Hellyer, whose comments on the reality of UFOs have justly received the lion's share of media attention.
Prior to the conference, I had spent 3 days at the Canadian National Archives in Ottawa, doing UFO research. Most of my time was spent going through records of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who received reports from civilians and typically forwarded these to the Herzberg Institute of Physics at the National Research Council in Ottawa.
Comment: Individuals in high places can have an important influence over events, especially when the threats and insinuations go to reinforce a position that has long been established, as in this case where the treatment of UFOs as swamp gas and visions of Venus and UFO investigators as looney troublemakers had already rendered it the stuff of the tabloids.
Richard Dolan's book
UFOs and the National Security State is a must-read for anyone interested in the issues of UFOs and the hyperdimensional control system. It is bursting with hard data that well illustrates that long after the US government was telling us that UFOs were hoaxes, they continued to scramble jets to chase after them. If they don't exist, they why are they chasing them?
Many of the unidentified objects and luminous anomalous phenomena originate in a zone south of the island of Vieques, coming out from or entering the sea.
The object was sucking water from the sea, and the water was swirling like in a blender. A column of bright green light, similar to that of a powerful spotlight, was coming out from under the object.
Dr. Mark Carlotto recently made public an excellent report and scientific analysis on the several anomalies that appear in the videos of space shuttle STS-48 and STS-80 missions. (See Anomalous Phenomena In Space Shuttle Mission Sts-80 Video in Dr. Carlotto's 'New Frontiers in Science' web page -
Something that called our attention more specifically in that report was the event he identifies as F-1 in the STS-80 mission video, that originates, according to Dr. Carlotto's findings, in an area located to the east of Puerto Rico, specifically in a zone south of the island of Vieques.
Hastings said that in 32 years of investigating UFOs, he has interviewed more than 50 retired Air Force personnel, many of whom believe that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrial craft. Hastings says it is only a matter of time until the government discloses the truth about UFOs. "This is not science fiction; this is not Hollywood," Hastings said. "This is real."
When it comes to the subject of unidentified flying objects, also popularly known as "flying saucers," independent researcher and lecturer Robert Hastings of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina., says "we're all in for a real interesting future" when the truth about UFOs is revealed.
Hastings shared his views and research during a talk called "UFOs: The Hidden History" recently with a crowd of 200 in the Magale Recital Hall at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches,
Having lectured at hundreds of colleges and universities on the subject since the early 1980s, Hastings spoke before an audience made up mostly of students, although some visitors traveled from as far away as Baton Rouge to hear him speak.
BLUE and white circular objects reported in the sky, shooting stars falling to the ground, a silver grey rod flying over a small town - it sounds like a scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
But an exclusive News investigation has discovered normally quiet and unassuming small towns such as Huntingdon, Girton, Ely and St Neots are a hotbed of extra terrestrial activity.
Ten UFOs have been reported in Mid-Anglia in the past three years according to the Ministry of Defence, which revealed the figures after the News made a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
But is this an invasion of little green men or a figment of fertile imaginations?
Four lights, one brighter than the others, seen in the skies over Ely in February last year could be a signal from extraterrestrials that has traveled millions of lightyears to get here using physics we do not yet understand.
Or it could be a plane.
Comment: Rosamand states:
"And they can be very rare like geological glowing balls of light. All these can be mistaken by people for UFOs. We find that 95 per cent of all reports can be explained."
Ah yes, geological glowing balls of light... Don't forget swamp gas!
Comment: The one article entitled UFO's and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data is used to try and show that the NSA is not at all interested in the UFO phenomenon itself.
Unfortunately, we are still left with the NSA employee who actually attended a UFO symposium and other reports, one of which is mentioned only by its title: UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions. This paper doesn't exactly sound like something written by an agency that has absolutely no real interest in the phenomenon...
As with most "declassified" documents relating to the subject of UFOs, it seems the NSA papers are only intended to sow more confusion and distract serious researchers.