High StrangenessS


New UFO Sighting Reported In Stephenville Texas

Fired Reporter Angelia Joiner Sparks Conspiracy Theories

The truth may be out there, but, when it comes to UFO stories, it is sure hard to find. Conjecture breeds conspiracy theories. Any official denial can be labeled a cover-up. In the end, it often boils down to a he-said-she-said scenario.

Such is the case in Stephenville, Texas, a small, rural community thrust into the spotlight after several unexplained disturbances in January. Though that spotlight has now faded, the town remains altered. Some members of the community want to move on; others cannot let go. And some, if you believe them, say that UFOs are still there.


Portsmouth, England man wonders: Did I snap a UFO in the fog?

When freelance photographer Hab Rahman uploaded his moody photos of Portsmouth in the fog, he found an unexplained object loitering in the background.

'I didn't notice it when I took the picture,' said Mr Rahman, 28, of London Road, North End. 'But then I looked a bit closer and zoomed in. It's a bit weird really, it's quite freaky. 'I've never really believed in UFOs. I'm not really sure what to make of this.'

Portsmouth UFO
©Hab Rahman
The car park wheree Hab saw the UFO


UK: What was spotted in skies above Grantham?

Strange astronomical sights have been reported in the skies above Grantham this weekend.

Whether they were UFOs, space shuttles or just frenzied meteorical activity, no one is sure.

On Saturday night, at about 7.45pm, what looked like a spacecraft with a blazing orange trail was reported to have passed over the town.

The following night, between 9pm and 9.30pm, Shelley Jones was walking home when she spotted five large meteors fly across the sky.

She said: "We spotted the first one at 9pm.


UFO reports over UK spreading

Reports of strange lights in the skies over Wisbech have sparked interest from across Fenland and even further afield.

In fact one woman from Barnstaple, North Devon, contacted the Citizen after spotting the stories of the 'UFO' sightings on our website: www.fenlandcitizen.co.uk

She was interested in the story where Alison Hunt, of Cherry Road, Wisbech, reported seeing a very bright glowing orange light the size of a 'full moon' over her garden on January 30.

The woman, who didn't want to be named, said her daughter and her husband actually saw two of these objects, which she described as "huge, massive, orange orbs very bright. Both were the size of a full moon."


Flashback Cause of smell not determined: Several Massachusetts classes evacuated because of sewer-like odor

A sewer-like odor from an unidentified source is forcing the evacuation of several classrooms in the lower level of Major Edwards Elementary School.

Principal Thomas M. Caruso said the odor has been intermittent, but is occurring with greater frequency.

"We began noticing it in the late fall - it was faint, and would come and go. Last year, we never noticed it," he said.

Even more troubling than the odor is the difficulty the school is having in identifying the source of the odor.

Mr. Caruso said he has called upon several town departments, the town's sewer contractor and a plumbing contractor to help determine where the odor is coming from, but they have been unsuccessful.


Flashback California, US: Gas odor wafts over Palo Alto, East Palo Alto

Pacific Gas & Electric is investigating the cause of what could be a gas leak that has blanketed a large portion of East Palo Alto and wafted over Palo Alto's Midtown area this evening.

As of 6:45 p.m., gas crews combing the area between University Avenue and Willow Road could not confirm the source of gas, or whether it was indeed a leak. Numerous teams are working with the Menlo Park Fire Protection District to track the source of the gas, said Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman.


UK: Pilots report UFO sightings

Three pilots were among more than 100 people who reported sightings of UFOs in the UK last year.

The Ministry of Defence took details of 135 events in which strange, unexplained objects were seen in our skies.

The number of unexpected visitors seems to be rising - just 97 were reported in 2006.

A flying saucer was reported in Stafford, Staffordshire, small stationary aircraft in Wirksworth, Derbyshire and a fast moving triangular shaped object in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

In most of the reports the witness is unidentified but in two cases the file notes that the phenomenon was witnessed by pilots.


UK: Wirksworth UFO fuels rise in sightings

UFOs have once again been spotted in the Dales fueling a report that sightings of strange objects are rising.

The Ministry of Defence has revealed its own X-files for 2007, listing 135 sightings - including a mysterious object in Wirkworth.

Clusters of bright white lights, strange, triangular shaped objects and stationary craft in Wirksworth are just some of a huge surge in sightings reported last year.

And it seems the UK is becoming a more popular destination for aliens as sightings have rocketed from 2006 when just 97 were reported.


US: Whatever is hovering over Erath County, Texas, isn't leaving - UFO reports pouring in

It's clear.

Whatever is hovering over Erath County isn't leaving. UFO reports are pouring in. Two are from original witnesses, and two new ones are coming aboard.

This time there are pictures and video -- Constable Lee Roy Gaitan made sure of it. The following are accounts from Gaitan, Ricky Sorrells, Mac McKinnon, and a source not wishing to be identified.

Note: Gaiten's first sighting was with his eight-year-old son on Jan. 8 when he saw a red glow that faded and then reappeared. Later he said he saw bright white lights that seemed to "bounce around in the sky" and took off at a "blazing speed".

Stephenville UFO
©Constable Lee Roy Gaitan


Psychic paid to evict council house ghost

British officials paid a psychic to exorcise a supposed poltergeist from state housing after the distressed occupants said otherwise they would leave and become homeless, a council official said on Tuesday.

Easington Council in County Durham said the family could not be persuaded to stay in the house, and that through paying half the psychic ghosthunter's 120 pound ($235) fee they were saving money as otherwise they would have had to pay for emergency housing.

The Fallon family told reporters they heard banging from the loft, saw items fly across rooms and had doors slammed in their faces. They called police, who found nothing. Then they called in psychic Suzanne Hadwin and asked the council to help pay.