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'Gene Edited' vs 'Genetically Modified' - What's the difference?

Gene Editing
© Off-Guardian
Have you heard? Gene-edited crops and livestock are here to solve all our problems!

Yes, everything from pandemics to the cost of living crisis to climate change is about to get so much better.

Isn't that a relief?

Five days ago, the WaPo reported that "gene-editors" were:
working to genetically engineer the cow microbiome — and in the process, eliminate methane emissions.
Three weeks earlier the same outlet reported on gene-edited trees for making paper.

In the UK we can expect the first gene-edited wheat to be harvested this year. In the US, gene-edited salad leaves aren't far behind.

Japan approved "super-tomatoes" that can "lower your blood pressure" years ago now.

Genetically edited potatoes are being created in South America. Wheat in Egypt. Cotton and maize in Ethiopia.

Back in 2022, I reported that gene-edited foods were already being sold to the public as "cheaper", "more nutritious" and "preventing future pandemics".

Two weeks ago The Japan Times declared:
It's time to embrace a new era of gene-edited food
Now, in case you're concerned, let me assure you they are talking about gene-edited food, which is great, NOT genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which we all know are a bad thing.

But what's the actual difference?

Bacon n Eggs

New study explores how food choices shape mental health

neuron, neurons firing
© Billion Photos/Shutterstock
A study out of the University of Reading has found that a poor-quality diet may be associated with changes in the brain structure that are linked to depression and anxiety. This research provides new insights into the connection between what we eat and our mental well-being.

While the authors did not find a direct association between brain changes and anxiety or depression, they did see an increase in rumination, a common risk factor of the two.

What the Study Found

The study is the first to examine the relationship between diet quality and brain neurochemistry in humans. Thirty adults were divided into two groups based on whether they followed a high- or low-quality diet. Participants in both groups were similar in age, gender, education, income, and caloric and macronutrient intake.

The quality of the diet was defined by adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Participants reported how frequently they ate 130 different food items, their consumption frequency, and food intake habits. Screening questionnaires were administered to assess current depression, anxiety, and rumination levels. Whole brain MRI scans measured prefrontal cortex metabolite concentrations and gray matter volume.

The study found that participants in the low-quality diet group had lower levels of GABA, higher levels of glutamate, and reduced gray matter volume in the brain — markers commonly seen in depression and anxiety. Those in the high-quality diet group had balanced levels of GABA and glutamate and a larger volume of gray matter in the brain.

Comment: Not a new idea but something we all should be keeping in mind as it's important to keep one's mind sharp and one's emotions regulated with the world going mad:


Research mounts showing statins are Pharma trash

statin drugs cholestrol heart
"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
— George W. Bush
On a long enough timeline, most medical scams — even the most persistent ones — have a way of unraveling.

Every major pharmaceutical firm in the West — Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Merck, et al. — has its own proprietary statin drug, which together represent billions of dollars in sales annually in the U.S. alone.

Via Data Bridge Market Research(emphasis added):
"Between 2015-2018, approximately 11.4% of U.S. adults had high total cholesterol. There was no significant difference in high total cholesterol prevalence between men (10.5%) and women (12.1%). The highest prevalence was among adults aged 40-59 (15.7%), compared to 7.5% among those aged 20-39 and 11.4% among those aged 60 and over. Adults aged 60 and over also had a higher prevalence of high total cholesterol than those aged 20-39. There were no significant differences in high total cholesterol prevalence among adults based on race or Hispanic origin.

The U.S. statin market size was valued at USD 4.53 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 5.10 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 1.5% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2031."

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Injecting Babies: 1986 v Today

Important reminder regarding the explosive growth in the vaccine schedule since 1986.

If you have not seen this before, please take a moment to really let this image we created sink in — and keep in mind that this only reflects the vaccines given during pregnancy and the first year of life (there are far more thereafter on the current schedule):
vaccine schedule since 1986
© Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri
Also keep in mind that virtually every single one of today's vaccines was developed by a pharma company knowing it would not face liability for injuries caused by these products. This is because, as most of you know, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gave them immunity from having to pay for harms.

And chronic childhood diseases, many of which are autoimmune or immune-mediated, have exploded from 12.4% in the early 1980s to over 50 percent of children today. CDC and public "health" authorities cannot figure out the cause despite desperately searching (though they haven't studied vaccines, even though smaller independent studies have indicated vaccines are a major contributor).

Bad Guys

US gov't admits fluoride in drinking water linked to lower IQ in children

Water study
© AFP Photo/Alastair PikeFILE
A U.S. government report expected to stir debate concluded that fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is linked with lower IQ in children.

The report, based on an analysis of previously published research, marks the first time a federal agency has determined — "with moderate confidence" — that there is a link between higher levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ in kids. While the report was not designed to evaluate the health effects of fluoride in drinking water alone, it is a striking acknowledgment of a potential neurological risk from high levels of fluoride.

Fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces cavities by replacing minerals lost during normal wear and tear, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The addition of low levels of fluoride to drinking water has long been considered one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century.

Comment: As we'll read below, evidently this is not the case.

Comment: There has been a sufficient amount of data detailing the likely dangers of water fluoridation that it should have been stopped long ago, and yet quite the opposite has been happening, with even the UK starting to add it to children's school milk (in the most impoverished region) in 2016: Also check out SOTT radio's: Objective:Health - Fluoride on Trial


Best of the Web: S. African vaccine injury Medico-Legal group sounds alarm over Mpox vaccine

monkey pox
Partial screenshot of document
The South Africa Vaccine Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group this week issued a statement criticizing public health officials for declaring mpox a global health emergency and warning against "experimental" mpox vaccines.

We are deeply concerned about the recent announcements made by Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director General Jean Kaseya on Aug. 13 and World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Aug. 14. It is important to address these announcements openly to the public.

In his statements, Kaseya declared regarding monkeypox vaccines:

"We have a clear plan to secure more than 10 million doses in Africa, starting with 3 million doses in 2024."

Comment: These revelations alone provide enough cause for alarm, but the situation looks potentially even more dire given the alleged virulent new variant of Mpox; the possible role of smallpox in some of history's deadliest plagues; and how smallpox has been of particular interest to sinister institutions like the US biowarfare complex, and demonstrably diabolical characters like Bill Gates.

There's one further detail that may merit investigation, and that is laid out in the post below, of which the full text follows afterwards:

received today
I've been following your investigation into the new Mpox vaccine, and I have some info. I wouldn't normally do this, but I can't stay quiet anymore. I've got a close relative who worked on the vaccine project for R&D over at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, what they told me is terrifying. This is way bigger than anyone realizes, and it's all being covered up.

First off, you should know that the new Mpox vaccine isn't just a vaccine. It's got a drug called Ciprofloxacin in it (see screenshot you can also research this). It is the strongest antibiotic and most disabling drug on the market permanently destroying the patient's mitochondria and DNA. Clinically one of the most dangerous ones out there. Ciprofloxacin is part of a class of drugs called fluoroquinolones, and these drugs are wrecking people's lives. The condition they cause is called "floxing," or more officially, Fluoroquinolone-Associated Disability (FQAD). Trust me, you do NOT want this stuff in your system. Statistically 1 in 10 have a "floxing" reaction (severe irreversible mitochondrial damage) and end up permanently disabled by this drug.

Here's the thing that really pisses me off: the dangers of Cipro are well-documented, but no one's talking about it. The FDA has warnings out there, so does the UK government, but they're just words on a website. The real horror stories are buried in online communities — Facebook groups (I can share these but they are private but multiple groups with 10K+ members from all over the world), Reddit threads ( — where thousands of people are sharing how their lives have been destroyed by these drugs. We're talking about permanent nerve damage, torn tendons, and serious mental health problems. It's insane, and almost no one knows about it.

Now, why the hell would they put this in a vaccine? Because it's not a mistake — it's part of the plan. By injecting people with Cipro, they're ensuring a whole new wave of health problems that'll leave people dependent on more meds just to get by. It's all about keeping Big Pharma's profits rolling in, just like they did with the COVID vaccine. They hide the risks, downplay the side effects, and then rake in the cash while people suffer.

This isn't just about money — it's about control. If you disable enough people, make them reliant on meds to survive, you've got them in the palm of your hand. It's population control, plain and simple. Fewer people, more dependence, more profit. It's a sick, twisted game.

Please, you've got to look into this and share to get the word out to what they are trying to do to the global population. The info is out there if you dig deep enough. People need to know what they're being injected with before it's too late.

I would be happy to have a virtual meeting to offer more information/insight. Here are some examples of what cipro does - [see links in X-post]


Alarming report reveals number of girls who may have undergone 'gender-affirming' surgeries

transgender children
© AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis
Since 2017, hundreds of females age 12 and younger with gender dysmorphia have undergone double mastectomies, according to analysis released by the Manhattan Institute this week.

The breast removal surgery, sometimes called "top surgery," aims to create a "more masculine-looking chest," as stated on Cleveland Clinic's website.

Leor Sapir, PhD, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute whose areas of research include pediatric gender medicine, shared that anywhere from 5,288 to 6,294 double mastectomies were performed on girls under age 18 between 2017 and 2023 — and that 50 to 179 of those girls were just 12 years old or younger.

Comment: The madness has gone on long enough to see the effects. So one must ask why it's still being pushed on children?


Metal wire fragments trigger recall of 167,000 lbs of Perdue chicken products

chicken nuggets
© Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain
Perdue Foods has recalled over 167,000 pounds of chicken nuggets and tenders after consumers complained of finding bits of metal in the products.

The recall covers select lots of Perdue Breaded Chicken Tenders, Butcher Box Organic Chicken Breast Nuggets and Perdue Simply Smart Organics Breaded Chicken Breast Nuggets.

No injuries or adverse reactions tied to eating these foods have been reported, according to Perdue and the U.S. Agriculture Department's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), but the agency noted in a news release that it is concerned some of the products may still be in consumers' freezers.


Washing fruit doesn't remove pesticide residues, study confirms

apple pesticides
© Children's Health Defense
A new scientific report lends weight to consumer concerns about pesticide residues on food, presenting fresh evidence that washing fruit before eating it does not remove various toxic chemicals commonly used in agriculture.

The paper, authored by Chinese researchers and published on Aug. 7 in the American Chemical Society's journal Nano Letters, comes amid ongoing debate over the extent of pesticide contamination of food, and the potential health risks associated with a steady diet that includes residues of weedkilling chemicals, insecticides and other farm chemicals.

In May, Consumer Reports said it had determined that 20% of 59 different fruit and vegetable categories carried pesticide residues at levels that posed "significant risks" to consumers, based on an analysis of data gathered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

No Entry

Even when it came to children, German government ignored own scientists to impose strict COVID vaccine, mask mandates

germany vaccine
© Children's Health Defense
Germany's response to the COVID-19 pandemic was based on political objectives, and the government implemented countermeasures that often contradicted scientific evidence and the opinion of the government's own scientists, according to documents leaked by a former employee of Germany's public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

An unnamed whistleblower released the "RKI Files" to investigative journalist Aya Velázquez, who on July 23 published the unredacted files — totaling 3,865 pages — in their entirety on Substack.

The RKI is Germany's equivalent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S.

Comment: This is criminal!