Here is what they had to say in a now-withdrawn advice page that was 'current' until April 2022:
COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended in pregnancy. All pregnant women in the UK have been offered their first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. All pregnant women over 18 can now book a booster vaccine 3 months after their second dose.
On 16 December 2021, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) announced that pregnant women would be moved into priority group 6 alongside adults under the age of 65 who have long term health conditions, and urged pregnant women to get their first and second dose as soon as possible, as well as their booster jabs.
Vaccination is the best way to protect against the known risks of COVID-19 in pregnancy for both women and babies, including admission of the woman to intensive care and premature birth of the baby. The vaccine is considered to be safe and effective at any stage of pregnancy. Women who find out they are pregnant after their first dose do not need to delay their second dose. Pregnant women can book a second dose 8 weeks after their first dose. Similarly, women who become eligible for a booster dose during pregnancy, having had their initial 2 doses prior to pregnancy, do not need to delay the booster.Women were repeatedly assured that the COVID vaccine had NO effect on fertility and in fact, it was the best way to protect their newborn:
Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated pregnant women are at an increased risk of becoming severely ill and of pre-term birth if they contract COVID-19. Therefore, pregnant women should seriously consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine and completing their vaccination schedule to protect themselves and their baby.
However, this page lists the toxicity of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as such:
Most notably:
In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated. These judgements reflect the absence of data at the present time and do not reflect a specific finding of concern.So they had NO long-term evidence to back up their manipulative and false claims, yet they did it anyway.
Twitter sleuths used the Wayback machine to check when the update was made, it appears that the toxicity notes have been present since March 2021, as Norman Fenton reports:
...Apparently the wayback machine shows no changes since March 2021. However, this would make things even worse as it means that the Government officials and the NHS have been recommending pregnant women get the vaccine against the official Government document advice. Also, Katy's pinned tweet dated 6 May 2022 links to an archived version of a similar but different document. That document DOES NOT HAVE THE SECTION titled 'Toxicity conclusions' in it, although it does contain the following statement in Section 4.6: Administration of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and foetus.Fenton reports that this directly contradicts another government webpage AND the current NHS advice to expectant mothers:
Not only is COVID vaccination strongly recommended during pregnancy, but the government specifically recommends Pfizer and Moderna, both of which are mRNA vaccines:
That's one startling contradiction after another, and whether it's incompetence or an intentional malfeasance, the outcome is the same: hundreds of thousands of pregnant women were injected with a substance that the government manipulated them into taking, even though they could not assure them of its safety.
Reader Comments
Background is, they want you all dead.
And under no circumstances give birth to another useless eater that can hold a pitchfork ...
the injections contain nano-razorblades of exceptional stability, which are non-biodegrable (a fact that every chemist knows).