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Two recent studies have shown the microplastics, tiny pieces of plastic by definition less than 5 mm but can be microscopic, have been found deep in the tissues of most humans. One study from the Netherlands found microplastic particles in the bloodstream of 77% of healthy volunteers. Another study looked at the lung tissue of patients undergoing surgery and found 84% of the samples contained plastic.

Another study by the University of Newcastle, Australia estimated that the average person is eating about 5 grams of plastic per week - that's the equivalent of one credit card. But plastic also gets into the body via the airways. Aren't you glad you've been forced to wear plastic-containing face masks over your mouth and nose for the last 2 years? Animal studies have found that inhaled plastics quickly make their way from the lungs to the heart and spleen, as well as to the deep organs of the fetus in pregnant animals, including the fetal liver, lungs, kidney and brain.

It would be one thing if these plastic particles were benign, but they have been shown to damage human cells, although the extent of the damage at this point is unknown. Some studies have shown "coronary dysfunction, vascular perturbations, negative reproductive health outcomes, and neurological outcomes after maternal inhalation of engineered nanomaterials during pregnancy." It's also speculated to cause gut dysbiosis, greater oxidative stress and neurotoxicity. And this isn't even getting into the endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogens plastic loves to absorb and carry.

Join us for this episode of Objective:Health as we discuss the ubiquity and dangers of microplastics.

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Running Time: 00:36:17

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