© BradThe tornado passes Michaels Moama JCB dealership on the Cobb Hwy.
Northern and western Victoria has been hit by severe winds and heavy rain, and eastern Victoria is set to follow.
And the Victorian SES has urged people to avoid flood waters as wild weather, including the tornado, hits the state.
Wind as strong as 139km/h and rain as high as 92 millimetres had already affected the Western and Wimmera districts, Weatherzone said in a statement.
Mt William in the Grampians was the windiest spot so far and Weeaproinah near the coast was the wettest.
Weeaproinah's 92mm was their highest 24-hour total in nearly three years and highest for August in 57 years.
Flash flooding had also occurred in other parts of the Western, Wimmera, Northern Country and Northeast, a result of the heaviest rain this winter, the heaviest in years for some.
It was the biggest rain since December 2008 for Mt William, Stawell, Warrnambool and Port Fairy, where 30mm to 60mm fell.
Comment: We find it interesting that the change in the Jet Stream is getting wide play in the media. Is somebody protesting too much?
Pakistan floods: supercharged jet stream causing flooding
Russian Drought, Pakistan Floods, Chinese Landslides All Linked To Bizarre Jet Stream Change
Thanks largely to the WikiLeaks "revelations", Pakistan just happens to be in the crosshairs of the PTB at the moment. Then there is the following article written by Andrey Areshev and published in the International Affairs magazine (which is headed by Russian minister for foreign affairs, Sergei Lavrov) and taken up by the Russian mainstream media:
Climate Weapons: More Than Just a Conspiracy Theory?