Air-traffic controllers in Austria and Germany said data about the planes' position, direction, height or speed went missing on 5 and 10 June, but the outages posed no serious danger to aircraft travelling at high altitude.
Their Czech and Slovak counterparts also encountered cases of vanishing aircraft on the same days.
"The disappearance of objects on radar screens was connected with a planned military exercise which took place in various parts of Europe ... whose goal was the interruption of radio communication frequencies," the Slovak air traffic services said.
"This activity also caused the temporary disappearance of several targets on the radar display, while in the meantime the planes were in radio contact with air traffic controllers and continued in their flight normally.
"Immediately after the identification of the problem with the displays, the side organising the exercises was contacted and the exercise was stopped."
Comment: And why are police shooting dogs instead of using less-than-deadly force? Are they trained to do this? Do they not understand that dogs are beloved members of people's families?
Photos of Dogs Shot by Police
Puppycide: A Documentary