Society's ChildS

Light Sabers

Justice for Justina: Judge orders girl to be returned to family after more than a year in a psychiatric ward

Justina and Mother
© Police State USA“Think of it like a prisoner of war who has been held captive for 16 months, there will be an adjustment period.” - Lou Pelletier, whose daughter Justina was forcibly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward against her parent's wishes and based solely on a psychiatrist's opinion.
Justina Pelletier is coming home.

A Massachusetts judge ordered the 16-year-old Connecticut girl, who was taken from her family by child welfare advocates more than a year ago, to be returned to her mother and father effective Wednesday. The ruling caps a long-running medical custody dispute that began when two highly-respected Boston hospitals clashed over the girl's diagnosis. The case sparked national outrage, and led Lou and Linda Pelletier, of West Hartford, Conn., to wage a bitter legal battle.

"To hear the news is overwhelming," Lou Pelletier told moments after learning of the ruling. "Now we can certainly begin the healing process."

The case began when the girl's parents disagreed with a psychiatric diagnosis given by Boston Children's Hospital and said they wanted their daughter returned to her original physician at Tufts Medical Center, who had previously treated Justina for mitochondrial disease, a group of rare genetic disorders affecting cellular energy production. The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families moved in, claiming Justina was the victim of "medical child abuse."

Comment: As a clear example of medical child abuse, Justina's case is representative of the new era of medical blackmail where some are finding the hard way how few rights they have and how fascist their medical "care" system really is. See also:

'Shocking note' apparently written by Justina Pelletier to her parents

Justina Pelletier faces continual abuse after more than a year of being locked away by DCF

Justina Pelletier: Mitochondrial disease or medical child abuse?

Head of Mass. Social Services agency at center of Pelletier case resigns

Boston Psychiatric Unit's imprisonment of teenager Justina Pelletier needs State investigation into reckless endangerment of psychiatric diagnosing

Parents lose custody of teen after seeking 2nd medical opinion; girl indefinitely detained in psych ward

Boston Children's Hospital accused of 'psychological experiment'

Social services and psychiatry: The case of Justina Pelletier

Arrow Down

Sexualizing children: UK parents furious at primary school pole dancing display by children as young as four

Crockenhill Primary School near Swanley
Row: A parent stormed off and said others were 'upset' after a pole dancing display at Crockenhill Primary School near Swanley, in north Kent on Sunday
Parents have criticised a primary school after children as young as four took part in an 'unsavoury' pole dancing display at a summer fete.

One father who stormed off said 'lots of people were upset' after seeing the performance at Crockenhill Primary School near Swanley, in north Kent.

But the owner of Revolutions Pole Academy, who led the display, and the primary school's headteacher have denied the show was 'sleazy' and said any anger is an 'over-reaction'.

An unnamed father-of-two with children at the school said the display on Sunday was 'so wrong'.

He said: 'A lot of people were upset about it. They were performing a routine to music in inappropriate clothing and they had children doing it and I just thought, "this is so wrong".

'One of the ladies that was performing it was wearing a crop top with one of the shoulder sleeves missing - it was quite revealing.

'The shorts they had on showed more than they should and a lot of people were leaving as a result of it.'

Comment: The fact that school officials cannot see that pole dancing is totally inappropriate for children of any age is unfathomable! Children worldwide are now being taught to be prey for pedophiles, while parents who are outraged, as they should be, are told they are overreacting.

Kinsey's Pedophiles: 'Sexual Revolution' was Launched by Pedophiles in Power
'Dance Moms' 'Nude' Dance Routine Episode Playground for Pedophiles, Experts Say
Mummy, why is Daddy wearing a dress? Daddy, why does Mummy have a moustache?

Stock Up

US price of electricity reached record levels for May

The electricity price index and the average price for a kilowatthour (KWH) of electricity both hit records for May, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The average price for a KWH hit 13.6 cents during the month, up about 3.8 percent from 13.1 cents in May 2013.

The seasonally adjusted electricity price index rose from 201.431 in May 2013 to 208.655 in May 2014 - an increase of about 3.6 percent.

If the prevailing trend holds, the price of electricity will hit an all-time record high this summer, when demand for electricity is at its peak.

Comment: This happens at a most unfortunate time when food prices are escalating rapidly and most people are already strapped due to the long-term decline in the economy. To add insult to injury, households are paying for 'carbon pollution cost' for climate change that is not human caused, and can in no way be ameliorated by such schemes which were cooked up for the sole benefit of the global elites.
Dig deeper: Price index for meats, poultry, fish & eggs rockets to all-time high
US poverty Levels: 49.7 million are poor, and 80% of the total population is near poverty
Carbon trading: Where greed is green

Bacon n Eggs

Dig deeper: Price index for meats, poultry, fish & eggs rockets to all-time high

The seasonally-adjusted price index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs hit an all-time high in May, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In January 1967, when the BLS started tracking this measure, the index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs was 38.1. As of last May, it was 234.572. By this January, it hit 240.006. By April, it hit 249.362. And, in May, it climbed to a record 252.832.
food price index
"The index for meats, poultry, fish and eggs has risen 7.7 percent over the span [last year]," says the BLS. "The index for food at home increased 0.7 percent, its largest increase since July 2011. Five of the six major grocery store food group indexes increased in May. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs rose 1.4 percent in May after a 1.5 increase in April, with virtually all its major components increasing," BLS states.

In addition to this food index, the price for fresh whole chickens hit its all-time high in the United States in May.

In January 1980, when the BLS started tracking the price of this commodity, fresh whole chickens cost $0.70 per pound. By this May 2014, fresh whole chickens cost $1.56 per pound.

A decade ago, in May 2004, a pound of fresh chicken cost $1.04. Since then, the price has gone up 50%.

Each month, the BLS employs data collectors to visit thousands of retail stores all over the United States to obtain information on the prices of thousands of items to measure changes for the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The CPI is simply the average change over time in prices paid by consumers for a market basket of goods and services.

The BLS found that there was a 0.7% change in the prices for the food at home index in May, which tracks foods like meats, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy, as well as many others.

Ali Meyer is a Multimedia Reporter with CNS News, covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud and abuse which have appeared on outlets like the Drudge Report. Prior to, she was an investigative reporter intern with the Heritage Foundation and Pacific Research Institute where her work appeared in publications like the San Francisco Examiner and on Heritage's rapid-response blog, The Foundry

Comment: SOTT has been reporting on this trend for years now. Increasing numbers of weather disasters around the world, coupled with destructive farming practices have brought us to where were are today
  • Expect higher food prices thanks to the drought
  • Disasters ravaging Earth: the food crisis of 2011 is upon us
  • 15 reasons why your food bill is going to start soaring
  • U.S. food inflation running at 22%
  • Potential food America?
  • Killer pig virus wipes out more than 10 percent of U.S hogs, causing spike in pork prices

Stock Down

'Claw-back': Detroit confiscates portions of city workers' pensions

In addition to deep cuts in pensions and health care benefits, nearly 5,000 retired Detroit city workers will be forced to pay back tens of thousands of dollars in earnings from their retirement savings accounts, according to the city's bankruptcy restructuring plan.

The "claw-back" of annuity savings has received little coverage in the mass media, which has sought to create the impression that 23,500 retired city workers are being protected by the "grand bargain" worked out between the state government, wealthy corporate and private interests and the city worker unions.

detroit retirees
© unknownRetirees at a Detroit meeting

Comment: No, your savings are not safe from the greedy claws of government "bail-ins"-- otherwise known as sanctioned theft. Undoubtedly, this will become more widespread as the greed of psychopaths in power is unquenchable. For more on this topic see:
Punishing pension savers
Hands off! Australian pensioners lose savings in government cash grab
The Feds want your retirement accounts

Better Earth

World Cup 2014 - Japanese fans clean stadium after losing to Ivory Coast

Japanese fans
© The Independent, UKFans took bin bags to the game so they could clean up afterwards.
Japanese fans who watched their national team be defeated by the Ivory Coast in the Fifa World Cup on Saturday showed it is possible to lose graciously, when they stayed behind after the match to help clean up.

Despite seeing the Blue Samurais lose 2-1 against Didier Drogba's team at the Arena Pernambuco in Recife, Japanese spectators armed with bin liners patrolled their side of the stadium and gathered up discarded litter, Yahoo Sport reported.

While gathering waste after a sporting event is customary in Japan, the spectators' actions came as a shock to football fans from other countries.

As pictures of the scene spread online, Twitter users took to the social media website to praise the do-gooders.

Arrow Down

Outrageous! Prosecutor to rape victim: 'Maybe you had a weak moment"

Tucker Reed
© Neon Tommy
In May 2012, Tucker Reed sat in the office of Rouman Ebrahim, Los Angeles County deputy district attorney for the sex crimes division, listening to him explain why the man who had confessed to raping her would not face criminal charges.

According to a transcript of that meeting, Ebrahim said it wasn't his job to say whether or not he believed Reed, or tell her whether or not she had been raped. He explained that no one who had experienced a sex crime, or who had ever been accused of one, would end up sitting on the jury. So his job was to filter out cases in which 12 jurors, who "have no experience in any kind of sex crimes occurring in their life," would concur beyond a reasonable doubt that a rape had taken place.

"And that is a mountain that is going to be very hard to climb in front of a jury in trying to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt," Ebrahim said. "That's the main problem here."

"I need to clarify," Reed pressed, "Regardless of the evidence that I have presented, you are worried about the way the jury is going to react to the evidence, and therefore screening out my case?"

"Yes," Ebrahim responded. "I have to take into account what the jury's going to do. I can't just proceed on a case not taking into account what a reasonable jury would do, absolutely."

Reed's experience highlights what survivors, activists and experts have characterized as a critical flaw in how the criminal justice system prosecutes sexual violence.

Amid recent accusations that colleges are mishandling reports of sexual assault on campuses, like Reed's case against the University of Southern California, observers have questioned why colleges are tasked with handling these cases in the first place. They often argue that felony crimes such as these should be left entirely to the criminal justice system -- but such arguments assume that the guilty are more likely to be punished under that system, which is rarely the case.

Although roughly 1 in 6 women nationwide are victims of sexual assault -- with the rate being higher for women in college, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey -- rapists often escape jail time. Only between 8 percent and 37 percent of rapes ever lead to prosecution, according to research funded by the Department of Justice, and just 3 percent to 18 percent of sexual assaults lead to a conviction.

Arrow Down

Philadelphia mother dies in jail while being punished for kids missing school

© Police State USAEileen DiNino died in jail because she couldn’t afford government fines.

A mother of seven children was sentenced to jail time because she couldn't afford the government fines imposed on her after her children had skipped school multiple times. She died halfway into her 2-day sentence.

Eileen DiNino, 55, was found dead in her cell on June 7th, 2014, in Berks County Jail. Her children had a habit of skipping school and the government had imposed a number of truancy violations on her. The violations followed with fines and court costs, which accumulated to over $2,000.00, the Star-Tribune reported.

DiNino was unable to pay the steep fines, so she was sentenced to 48 hours behind bars - tantamount to debtor's prison.

She passed away one day into her sentence.

"The woman didn't have any money," said Diana L. Sealy, whose son married DiNino's daughter. "Years ago, I tried helping her out. She had all these kids."

An autopsy has been completed, WFMZ reported, and no foul play is suspected, but the coroner is awaiting toxicology results before determining a cause of death.

Even the judge who reluctantly sentenced her to jail questioned the laws that criminalized her.


Caught on tape: Ukraine army shell hits Russian TV crew

© UnknownScreenshot from VESTI video
A TV camera recorded the moment Russian journalists (from Rossiya TV) came under fire while working near Lugansk, E. Ukraine.

Two journalists died from wounds sustained during the Ukrainian military barrage. Reporter Igor Kornelyuk passed away on the operating table, a doctor at a local hospital confirmed to RT. The second alleged victim, sound engineer Anton Voloshin, reportedly died at the attack scene.

2 Russian journalists killed in Ukraine military shelling

The footage was taken in Mirny, near Lugansk. After a first barrage the camera catches two distant figures taking shelter. The next mortar rounds targeted the area near the journalists. The camera is put down and turned over.

The footage was made by cameramen Viktor Denisov, the third journalist with the Rossiya channel crew.


'Dangerous, alienating, sociopathic': Former police captain on arming US cops with military gear

Dangerous, alienating, and sociopathic: the policy of arming police to the teeth with military-grade gear shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how crime is solved and what it means for a cop to walk the beat, former Captain Ray Lewis told RT.

Nine-foot tall, 55,000 pound, Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) armored-fighting vehicles rolling through the streets of America.

Millions of dollars' worth of military gear being distributed to local police forces on an annual basis.

Drones, M-16s and so many other hand-me-downs from over a decade of war making their way from US forces abroad to a local police force near you.

If you really believe any of this is making you safer, Lewis, who spent 24 years on the force, says you should think again. Endangering lives, alienating communities, turning minority neighborhoods into occupied territory and compromising the very ability for police to do their jobs; these are just a few of the reasons the former commissioner believes main street is being sold down the river for power-hungry cops and ruthless corporate interest.