"As we observe the world we live in, the cause-effect consequences of humanity's actions have become quite apparent. With the Occupy Wall Street movement now a global phenomenon, we can see that the unrest, due to systemic and institutionalised greed for material wealth and social power, is a consequence of extreme inequality and indifference to the state and condition of all beings. The systems and institutions of civilisation do not uphold, sustain, or uplift the process of life and cannot so long as they remain focussed on upholding, sustaining and uplifting some forms of life while actively suppressing and destroying others.Equality, empathy and psychopathy
This state of inequality, bias for some and indifference toward others is the result of an empathy deficit within the institutions and systems that man has established to govern and direct civilisation. We have, in effect, man-made laws that undermine, suppress and destroy both the forms and the process of life. And while we might be tempted to suggest that equality and empathy are merely choices of morality, our knowledge of physics and physiology is revealing that our environment and our bodies are naturally designed for equality and empathy, but that brain disorders in a small segment of humanity have led the whole planet down a dead-end road toward self-destruction."
Comment: As government spokesmen spew their completely meaningless words, the people of the real world are still faced with Rising food prices, zero hour contracts, benefit sanctions, and forced labour.