The actions of [pathocracy] affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every town, business, and institution. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country creating a "new class" within that nation. This privileged class [of pathocrats] feels permanently threatened by the "others", i.e. by the majority of normal people. Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about their personal fate should there be a return to the system of normal man.They only begin to lose their grip on society when sufficient numbers of people educate themselves and are then able to inoculate themselves against further deterioration, while taking positive steps to reorganize society and forge new societal links.
So the next day, October 21 2012, he agreed to meet at Al's Beef. Camera footage shows Perez walking over to their car with his hand extended for a handshake, unarmed and unassuming. The officers turn him around, push him against the car, cuff him and take him to Homan Square - where, he alleges, they sexually assaulted him.Perez said the cops shackled him, taunted him and then began to force the gun barrel into his rectum.
The footage that follows, which the Guardian is publishing, is rare video showing the Homan Square detention operations that the Chicago police have downplayed. They have instead pointed to the evidence lockers at the warehouse and the press conferences they hold there for drug busts to insist that the Guardian's expose of their incommunicado detentions are overblown.
But the footage, taken from surveillance cameras inside and on the perimeter of Homan Square, shows two officers walking a handcuffed Perez through a blue door inside the warehouse marked "prisoner entrance" at 3.49pm. He was taken to a second-floor room, he said, where he contends police inserted a metal object, believed to be a handgun barrel, into his rectum.
"I condemn this proposal even if secularism also means fixing limits. Rights and limits go together," he wrote.
Comment: Sickening. Those of us that follow police crime are well-aware that officers are above the law. The 'thin blue line' protects their own in much the same way the clergy protected pedophiles within their ranks for fear of tarnishing the image of the church. Unfortunately the jig is up, every day more and more people realize that police are nothing more than state-sanction violent gangs full of criminals.