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Justice prevails! Jessica Yaniv loses case against women who refused to 'wax her balls'

transgender jessica yaniv
© Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Jessica "Jonathan" Yaniv, who infamously brought human rights complaints against multiple British Columbia estheticians for declining to perform services on her male genitals has lost her cases.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today issued a news release declaring victory on behalf of their clients, as an early ruling in favour of the mostly home-based salon workers was announced just one day after the Canadian federal elections.

According to the news release, The decision noted, "human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax." The decision further found that Yaniv "engaged in improper conduct," "filed complaints for improper purposes," and concluded Yaniv's testimony was "disingenuous and self-serving." Finally, noted the Tribunal, Yaniv was "evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself" while giving evidence.


Russia breaks ground on new cutting-edge rocket-shaped National Space Center in Moscow

russia space program rockets
© Sputnik / Ramil SitdikovRussia's space industry is growing by leaps and bounds
Russia's Roscomos space agency and the Moscow authorities have agreed upon the design of a new national space center. The futuristic-looking project of a giant facility revives the dreams about distant space exploration.

Roscosmos has a truly ambitious space and Moon exploration program, which involves building a permanent base on the Earth's natural satellite making use of the "local resources" and featuring "avatar robots." Now, the space agency is about to get a symbol of its sky-high ambitions - a futuristic headquarters looking like a colossal space station, albeit still on earth - not far from the Russian capital's city center.

Black Magic

The elite machine running the Greta Thunberg climate show

Greta Thunberg
© Liv Oeian / ShutterstockGreta Thunberg
In the matter of a few months, Greta Thunberg went from a lone girl protesting in front of the Swedish parliament to an international phenomenon. Although mass media is making it seem as if this meteoric rise to prominence happened organically, this is simply not true.

Behind Greta is a major machine, one that is controlled by major international actors and backed by major funds. This PR machine has allowed Greta to make the covers of magazines, become the subject of thousands of news articles while being photographed with world leaders and giving speeches at elite organizations such as the United Nations.

Although Greta might very well be genuinely concerned with the fate of the planet, her message is carefully crafted by those who control her to generate a specific response from the youth. In short, Greta is the face of a major marketing scheme - a tightly coordinated international effort to sell global warming through a specific lens: Fear, panic, and urgency.

Comment: Clearly Greta Thunberg is scripted to the bone. Just watch her try to deal with an open press conference. Putting a child (yes, she's 16, but developmentally, no) in a situation she can't deal with mentally or emotionally is abuse.


Civilizing the world, 10 countries at a time: Kenya opens $1.5bn railway line funded & built entirely by China

railway kenya
© Reuters / Njeri MwangiYes, that's the savannah in Africa
China has been developing Kenya's rail service as part of the Belt and Road Initiative to connect Asia, Europe and Africa. The railway is Kenya's largest infrastructure project since its independence.

The so-called Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project was launched in 2017. Trains operating on a daily schedule between the port city of Mombasa to Nairobi have already moved up to two million passengers.
railway kenya
© AFP / Simon Maina'Hello, we're here to colonize you with civilization!' Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Wu Peng, waves during the official launch of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) passenger train in Nairobi
The second section (a 120km line) of the China-funded railway connecting Kenya's capital Nairobi to Naivasha, a town in the Central Rift Valley, opened last week. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was on board for the maiden journey.


18 pounds of fentanyl seized in southern California as lethal drug enters US in ever-increasing volumes

Fentanyl dose
© DEALethal dose of fentanyl compared to a US penny
Authorities in Southern California say they seized 18 pounds of fentanyl last week — enough to make four million lethal doses.

Officials shared a photo of the seizure on Twitter, explaining:
"The threat of fentanyl is increasing exponentially. So far in 2019, teams have seized more than 100 pounds of the deadly drug, setting the pace to more than double fentanyl seizures for the third year."
The image included more than 18 pounds of fentanyl, along with 5 pounds of heroin, half a pound of methamphetamine, and a loaded semi-automatic handgun.

In a statement, Sheriff's spokeswoman Carrie Braun said the street value of the synthetic opioid is estimated to be at $1.25 million and warned that the drug is becoming a substantial public threat.

Comment: Quite the conspiracy, if true. Echoes of the 19th century opium wars...

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Kenya opens $1.5B rail project, linking Rift Valley town to Nairobi, built by China

Railway Kenya
© 1 Second phase of Kenya's Standard Gauge Railway Project, Kanze Dena/Office of The KenyanSecond phase of Kenya's Standard Gauge Railway Project
Kenya's opened a $1.5 billion Chinese-built railway line linking Nairobi to Naivasha on Wednesday, despite delays in building an industrial park in the Rift Valley town to encourage freight.

The extension links to another Chinese funded and built $3.2 billion line between the port of Mombasa and Nairobi that opened in 2017 but is so far underutilized for cargo services. Upgrading Kenyan railways has been part of Beijing's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, multi-billion dollar infrastructure projects aimed at improving land and maritime trade routes between China and Europe, Asia and Africa.

Kenya had planned to open an industrial park in Naivasha, offering companies tax breaks for investing in manufacturing, and preferential tariffs for electricity generated in the nearby geothermal fields. But that has been delayed.

The railway was a pet project of President Uhuru Kenyatta who opened the extension on Wednesday. Kenyatta was re-elected for a five-year term in 2017 after promising to develop the East African nation's infrastructure, but it has been dogged by problems.

Comment: See also:


British police allowing convicted rapists to be classified as 'female', if they no longer want to identify as men

British police
© AP Photo/Markus Schreiber
Police forces across Britain are now allowing convicted male rapists to be recorded as being female if they no longer want to identify with their sex at birth.

Six forces, including South Yorkshire and Thames Valley constabularies, were revealed to have adopted the practice, which allocated sexual offenders with a different gender identity on their official database which is used by the Home Office.

The information was revealed in a Freedom of Information request by women's rights group Fair Play for Women into how police compile official records.

In the request Durham, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk police forces, as well as British Transport Police, also hinted that they do record gender in line with the offender's wishes.

'You can't get much more of a male crime than rape,' Nicola Williams, director of FPW told the Sunday Times.

'It would be highly offensive to a woman who was raped to have it written down that her attacker was a female when clearly that was a male with a penis.'

Comment: Stunning victory for progress, eh? See also:


University dumps professor who found polar bears thriving despite climate change

polar bear
Nobody has done more to sink the claim that climate change is endangering polar bears than zoologist Susan Crockford — and she may have paid for it with her job.

After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor, Ms. Crockford said the University of Victoria rejected without explanation in May her renewal application, despite her high profile as a speaker and author stemming from her widely cited research on polar bears and dog domestication.

Ms. Crockford accused officials at the Canadian university of bowing to "outside pressure," the result of her research showing that polar bear populations are stable and even thriving, not plummeting as a result of shrinking Arctic sea ice, defying claims of the climate change movement.

Her dismissal, which she announced Wednesday in a post on her Polar Bear Science blog, has spurred alarm over the implications for academic freedom and the rise of the "cancel culture" for professors and scientists who challenge climate catastrophe predictions.

"When push came to shove, UVic threw me under the bus rather than stand up for my academic freedom," said Ms. Crockford, who earned a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies, specifically biology and anthropology, in 2004.

Better Earth

As an Aspie, I'm worried about Greta

Greta Thunberg
© Getty Images
Climate-change alarmists shouldn't be using a vulnerable child to promote their cause.

During my childhood, I would purposely look for reasons to be disillusioned and depressed about the world. I was introverted, pessimistic and socially awkward, so I retreated, like many young people with Asperger's, into a world of obsessions that were largely confined to my bedroom. My chief fascination lay in the natural world and, by about the age of 15, I'd acquired a collection of National Geographic magazines so substantial that my bedroom shelf was eventually to collapse under their sheer weight.

Marvelling at the beauty of planet Earth in the form of glossy photographs made me despair at what I thought was the senseless destruction of our planet through a combination of humanity's indifference, carelessness and rapacious materialism. In time, it made me increasingly misanthropic. Like 16-year-old eco-activist Greta Thunberg, I was convinced that we as a species were headed inexorably towards disaster.

Comment: See also:

Bizarro Earth

Democrats cry racism over campaign poster criticizing black San Francisco mayor

Mayor London Breed
© REUTERS/Stephen LamSan Francisco Mayor London Breed speaks during the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Annual Pride Breakfast in support of the LGBTQ community in San Francisco, California, U.S. June 30, 2019.
A Republican election poster intended as a caricature of incumbent San Francisco mayor London Breed, showing her with her feet on the table, counting dollar bills and puffing a joint, has sparked accusations of racism.

The poster popped up on the streets of the Golden City as it braces for mayoral elections set for November 5. The ad was sponsored by the only Republican candidate in the race, Chinese-American Ellen Lee Zhou.

Made in a cartoonish style, the poster shows a black woman in a red clinging dress sitting with her high heels kicked up on a desk. The woman clutches a stack of greenbacks in her left hand and a joint in the right and appears to be dreaming. A long queue of people with price tags hanging around their necks is drawn in a thought bubble coming from the woman's head. In the left corner of the poster, a man with a pack of dollar bills is carrying away a toddler. "Stop slavery and human trafficking in SF. Vote Nov.5, 2019 Ellen Zhou for Mayor," the slogan reads.