Society's ChildS


'Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones,' says CNN host and 'Russiagate' conspiracy theorist Brian Stelter

© Reuters/Lucas Jackson/Jim BourgTucker Carlson • Alex Jones
As CNN's Brian Stelter flounders in the ratings next to Fox News' Tucker Carlson, he's brought out the serious accusations against the Fox host: that Carlson is working "in cahoots" with notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

As CNN's chief media critic, Stelter regularly focuses his attention on Carlson, who he's branded an icon of "white male rage and resentment," a "conspiracy theorist," and "the new Donald Trump." Audiences don't seem to care, however, and Tucker Carlson Tonight pulled in around 2.8 million viewers every night in June, compared to the 786,000 who tuned in to Stelter's Reliable Sources, which has lost viewers every month since President Joe Biden took office. Though the two host shows at different times, they are both seen as representatives of their networks' political stances.

Comment: Here's what others had to say, in not so uncertain terms:

People 2

Activist teachers brag about injecting race, 'equity' lessons in elementary classrooms

classroom kids
© Getty Images
Several King County, Washington, activist teachers revealed to Crosscut how they inject race and "equity" lessons into their elementary classrooms.

Kent teacher Joanne Barber took advantage of violent Black Lives Matter protests last year "to teach more about race" in her second grade class. She said:
"I am willing to be that teacher that has those hard conversations. I would be doing a huge disservice to my students if I didn't give them information that they could see themselves in. Racial history is just as important as reading or math."
Barber teaches children 7- and 8-year-olds that slavery "led to institutional racism and implicit bias." She also "weaves race and equity into every subject" and "every day in her class is filled with race education."

Patricia Shelton, a curriculum developer in the Bellevue School District, told Crosscut,
"In Bellevue, we have been working very hard in grades 5, 8 and 11 to de-center the traditional 'white' perspective and to center the voices of people of color."
Shelton's colleague, equity specialist Shomari Jones, said he successfully removed works such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird because they contained the N-word.

Comment: Projection by the teacher is not lost on students. It cripples their judgement and furthers division - an underlying objective of this grand distraction.

See also:


Twitter restricts account of expert who mocked Chinese President Xi Jinping

Anne-Marie Brady
A New Zealand academic says Twitter temporarily restricted her account after she mocked Chinese President Xi Jinping.

University of Canterbury Professor Anne-Marie Brady is an expert on China's attempts to exert political influence around the world and has been an outspoken critic of its ruling Communist Party. Last week, she sent tweets poking fun at the party's 100th anniversary celebrations.

She said two of those tweets were temporarily marked "unavailable" by Twitter and her account was temporarily restricted over the weekend, before it was restored on Monday.

Twitter did not say what prompted its actions.


Big Sister Alexa!

Alexa in Cars
© EricPetersAuto
Big Brother turns out to be Big Sister - and her name is Alexa.

Her outsized image isn't plastered to every telephone pole and billboard, all-seeing eyes watching your every move. But her ears are always open - and increasingly, everywhere.

In the kitchens.

In TVs.

In a large and growing number of new cars, including almost all Audis, several Toyota/Lexus models, most new Cadillacs and Chevys, Lincolns, Chryslers and the just-redesigned 2022 Acura MDX I'm test driving this week.

You can't see her, but she can hear you.

Like so many things electronic, in-car Alexa is marketed as a convenience. You can ask her about the weather, how many feet in a meter - almost anything - and without taking your hands off the wheel.

But she's also something else.

Just as your smartphone conveniently lets you snap cute pictures and send them to friends - and then sends data about where and when you took that cute picture and quite possibly that cute picture itself to Google or Apple - so also Alexa, the disembodied voice of Amazon - conveniently answers your questions while taking note of what you asked.

And not just that.

We are assured that what we ask Alexa is anonymized - and that what Alexa hears us say is dependent upon our giving her permission to listen.

Such assurances should be taken with the same confidence a woman might accept a cocktail from Bill Cosby.


Hackers demand $70M to restore data held by companies hit in cyberattack: blog UPDATE

cyber attack
© Unknown
Hackers suspected to be behind a mass extortion attack that affected hundreds of companies worldwide late on Sunday demanded $70 million to restore the data they are holding ransom, according to a posting on a dark website.

The demand was posted on a blog typically used by the REvil cybercrime gang, a Russia-linked group that is counted among the cybercriminal world's most prolific extortionists.

The gang has an affiliate structure, occasionally making it difficult to determine who speaks on the hackers' behalf, but Allan Liska of cybersecurity firm Recorded Future said the message almost certainly came from REvil's core leadership.

The group has not responded to an attempt by Reuters to reach it for comment.

REvil's ransomware attack, which the group executed on Friday, was among the most dramatic in a series of increasingly attention-grabbing hacks.

The gang broke into Kaseya, a Miami-based information technology firm, and used their access to breach some of its clients' clients, setting off a chain reaction that quickly paralyzed the computers of hundreds of firms worldwide.

Comment: More information is surfacing on this cyber attack and extortion ploy:

Update 5/7/2021: Upwards of 1500 companies affected by ransomware attack that targeted software firm Kaseya:
A spokesperson for Kaseya told FOX Business on Monday that less than 60 of its customers had been affected, but between 800 and 1,500 of those companies' customers may have been reached.

A spokesperson for Huntress Labs, the cybersecurity firm that is working with companies in response to the attack, told FOX Business that it is tracking more than 30 managed service providers across the U.S., European Union, Australia and Latin America where the tool was used to target "well over 1,000 businesses."

Experts at Huntress said they "strongly" believe the ransomware attack was spearheaded by REvil/Sodinikibi. REvil is the group that was named as responsible for another massive attack on critical U.S. infrastructure earlier this year.

The team at Kaseya has said they have been able to replicate the attack vector and are working on distributing a patch. The company also said they are working with the FBI.

President Biden over the weekend said it wasn't yet clear whether the Russians were behind the attack, but he noted that he warned Russian President Vladimir Putin the U.S. would respond appropriately when necessary.
See also:

Brick Wall

Americans prefer low immigration by 3-to-1 margin, poll shows, which may help explain disapproval of Biden's border policies

immigration eeuu usa
© Mike Blake / Reuters
A new Cato Institute poll suggests Joe Biden's policies, which critics say encourage surging immigration may be out of step with public opinion, as Americans broadly prefer low levels of new residents flowing into the country.

The poll, which was released on Monday, showed that 68% of Americans prefer a "low level" of immigration, compared with 23% who would tolerate a "high level." In fact, respondents in every political category favored low immigration numbers, including 79% of Republicans, 58% of Democrats, 68% of independents and 58% of immigrants themselves. An additional 9% said they wanted immigration to be stopped entirely.

Drilling down further into the numbers suggests that low-immigration sentiment may be even stronger than the survey responses indicate. The US typically admits about a million immigrants per year, and among those who said they'd tolerate a high level of immigration, 27% would prefer the inflows to be lower than they are currently. An additional 22% said they wanted the total to be kept at a million.


The ugly Leftist YouTube wars highlights two common, toxic pathologies plaguing US politics

TYT cenk uyger young turks
© The Young Turks/YouTubeThe Young Turks' co-hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, respectively, accuse independent journalist Aaron Maté of being "paid by the Russians" and working for "disgusting dictators," May 26, 2021.
Baselessly accusing people of being Russian agents and weaponizing accusations of sexual misconduct are reputation-destroying cancers at the heart of liberal discourse.

An incredibly vicious and protracted war is being waged, seemingly with no end in sight, among numerous prominent liberal and left-wing commentators who work primarily on YouTube. The conflict erupted on May 26 when Cenk Uygur — the founder and long-time host of The Young Turks, the largest liberal-left YouTube platform — baselessly and falsely accused independent journalist Aaron Maté of being "paid by the Russians," while his co-host, Ana Kasparian, spouted innuendo that Maté was "working for" unnamed dictators.



Woke utopia: San Francisco Neiman Marcus hit by shoplifters in broad daylight in coordinated operation

neiman marcus san francisco shoplifting
© KTVUScreencapture of shoplifters fleeing a San Francisco Neiman Marcus store.
Police in San Francisco said late Monday they were investigating a brazen robbery at a high-end retail store in the center of the city.

KTVU reported that the incident occurred at about closing time at a Neiman Marcus location. Citing witnesses, the outlet said display cases were smashed and items were lifted from racks inside the store before the suspects fled.

A portion of the incident was captured on cellphone video.

Dion Lim, an anchor for KGO-TV, reported that city police confirmed the "shoplifting incident" at a Neiman Marcus at about 6 p.m. in Union Square. She tweeted that she was sent the video by a person whose wife works in the vicinity.


Mexico arrests former top police official for torture that occurred nearly a decade ago

Luis Cardenas Palomino
© AP Photo/Esteban Felix, FileFILE - In this June 28, 2012 file photo, Luis Cardenas Palomino, chief of the regional security division of Mexico's federal police, points to surveillance camera footage at the international airport related to a shooting, during a press conference in Mexico City. Mexico said Monday, July 5, 2021, that it has arrested the former leading police officers on charges of torture from nearly a decade ago.
Mexico said Monday it has arrested a former leading police official on charges of torture from nearly a decade ago.

Former Federal Police commander Luis Cardenas Palomino was considered the right-hand man of former security secretary Genaro García Luna. García Luna is now being held on drug trafficking charges in the United States.

U.S. prosecutors have also accused Cardenas Palomino of accepting millions in bribes from the Sinaloa cartel, once run by imprisoned drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. It was not clear if Mexico would consider extraditing Cardenas Palomino.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador hailed the arrest as a sign Mexico would no longer tolerate corruption and abuse, but said he did not know if Mexico would extradite Cardenas Palomino.

Comment: See also:

Bizarro Earth

Woman who complained to police about man exposing his genitalia to her 6-year-old daughter says they blamed her

wi spa protest
A woman who complained to cops about a man exposing his genitalia to her 6-year-old daughter says she was told by a police officer that it was her fault.

Yes, really.

The incident occurred at the now notorious Wi Spa in Los Angeles, site of a protest and counter-protest on Saturday over another similar incident during which a biological male exposed his genitals to women and little girls in the female area of the spa.

According to the woman, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, the incident happened in January 2020.

"It all happened to me, so I had a relapse of these feelings after having forgotten them," she told The Post Millennial. "I knew it was a family spa, and I'd decided to take my daughter. It's kind of trendy, it's a 24-hour spa, 90 plus percent Korean, and then a small percentage of people who aren't Korean. It's kind of cool to participate in other cultural experiences."