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Snakes in Suits

Leaked footage shows Emmanuel Macron arguing with hospital worker just days before extending France's Covid-19 lockdown

© REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes/Pool
A video has emerged of the French president having a blazing row with a medic just days before he admitted France had been under-prepared for the coronavirus outbreak.

Emmanuel Macron was filmed arguing with the hospital worker while he was on a visit to the Kremlin-Bicetre hospital in Paris on April 9.

Shortly after the clip, which was released by a medical workers union, the president was shown in footage released by his office leading a round of applause with staff at the facility.

In the footage of the argument, he can be seen telling hospital workers "we haven't made up for 15 years of hospital tariff cuts, you're right," before ducking the blame for France's current situation saying, "but I won't take responsibility for anything that's been done before [taking office]."

Eye 2

New York Times admits Biden team influenced edits to story on sexual assault allegation

creepy biden
The New York Times revealed that Joe Biden's campaign influenced the newspaper's decision to edit out allegations of sexual misconduct from a story published over the weekend.

On Sunday, the New York Times was criticized for editing a sentence and deleting a tweet noting that Biden has been accused of sexual misconduct by women who said that his hugging and hair sniffing crossed the line. The sentence and the tweet were part of a larger story on a sexual assault allegation from Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who accused him of placing his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers.

The newsroom claimed at the time that it made the edits because the original language was confusing, tweeting, "We've deleted a tweet in this thread that had some imprecise language that has been changed in the story."

Comment: It's rather insane that Biden's campaign has editorial influence for reports investigating crimes against Biden. But that's why everyone with two firing neurons knows the NYT is fake news.

Bad Guys

Austria, Denmark, Italy tentatively emerge from lockdown, others double down, and other Covid-19 news

mask shopping
© Pexels / Anna Shvets
The governments of Austria, Denmark and Italy have all begun easing lockdown restrictions, allowing certain segments of the workforce to return to work in a staggered manner, in a bid to revive the countries' ailing economies.

On March 16, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz ordered everything, except supermarkets and medical facilities, to shut down in the hopes of preventing a coronavirus outbreak similar to the one which ravaged Italy.

Those restrictions are finally beginning to be lifted on Tuesday as non-essential stores under 400 square meters (4,300 square feet), such as hardware stores and garden centers, will open their doors once more. They will be followed by shopping malls, hairdressers and other larger shops on May 1.

Restaurants and hotels won't reopen until mid-May at the earliest, and public events likely won't take place in Austria until late June. As the restrictions ease, however, the public will still be required to wear face masks in most shops, supermarkets, pharmacies and on public transport.

"It's not, 'hooray, it's over, and now we carry on as if the whole thing is finished,'" Professor Hans-Peter Hutter, deputy head of the Center for Public Health at the Medical University of Vienna, said.

Some 504,000 people registered unemployed in Austria at the beginning of April, so the government is hoping that its early action to stem the tide of initial infection can be mirrored by an earlier reopening of the economy.

Comment: In contrast, restrictions will remain in place in the UK until at least May 7. Foreign Secretary Raab says there is still "a long way to go." Germany's health chief warned that the observed slowdown in cases could only be apparent, a result of a temporary decrease in testing, and not to get too excited about it. (No mention of the idea that the apparent spike in cases may have been an artifact of testing in the first place!) Ergo, no lifting the lockdown there yet. Armenia has extended its state of emergency. India too extended their lockdown until May 3 - all "to save lives" (with no explanation of how flattening the curve will save more lives than not flattening the curve, or any acknowledgment of the deaths that will be caused by the lockdown and its aftereffects).

Whereas Iran recorded its first day in a month with deaths under 100, England and Wales saw a spike:

Just like in Italy and Spain (and probably New York), that's a lot of excess deaths which are NOT attributed to Covid-19.

Cases are rising in Russia, prompting this from Putin:
On Monday, during a meeting with officials, via video link, Putin said Russia's situation was "changing every day and unfortunately not for the better." He warned of the need to prepare for "complex and extraordinary" circumstances as infections spread.

"We have a lot of problems," the President said. "We don't have anything special to brag about, and we certainly must not relax." Putin added that he was prepared to call in the military to help stretched medical services, if needed.
One Russian academic predicts more divorces as a result of the lockdown, something Chinese researchers already saw happen in China:

The Chinese, who recently relaxed their own authoritarian lockdown, are supportive of such policies elsewhere too. All aboard the corona train!
Top Chinese virologists, who were invited to share their experience with Russian colleagues, have revealed how their country tackled Covid-19. They also urged governments to 'get real' about the unprecedented threat to humanity.
Wu Xiaomei, head of the Harbin State University clinic, another member of the mission, shed some light on how Chinese healthcare staff dealt with the epidemic. They developed a playbook for handling coronavirus patients, organizing them by their health status, she revealed to RT.

"When a patient is diagnosed with Covid-19, we define if they are in mild, moderate, in severe or critical condition," explained the doctor. "Then we send them to different hospitals."

According to Wu, treating severe or critical patients in one place "markedly" helped to decrease mortality. As for those in mild or moderate conditions, their therapy is focused on making sure "that they do not turn into severe ones."
With no vaccine or clinically approved medicine in sight, interrupting the transmission of the virus has been touted as the most efficient way of containing its spread.

For this reason, "governments should enforce strict measures and the media should tell people that it's serious."
This virus is affecting everybody, we can't close our eyes to it.
See also:

Bad Guys

The Arab-Israeli alliance is fueling conflicts in the Middle East

Israel and arab alliance
There are 2 camps in the Middle East: those countries which work with 'Israel', and those who do not. The countries which have established relationships with 'Israel' are Turkey; United Arab Emirates (UAE); Saudi Arabia; Qatar; Bahrain; Oman; Jordan; Egypt. This group of countries is backed up by the US and the EU.

The countries which do not have a relationship with Israel are Syria; Lebanon; Iraq; Iran; Occupied Palestinian; Yemen; Algeria. This group of countries has established a very good relationship with Russia and China.

The world is split between 2 spheres of influence, with the US and EU on 1 side, and Russia and China on the other. This situation is very similar to the 'Cold War' years when the world was split between the Soviet Union and the US.

The Arab Gulf role in the Middle East conflicts

In Syria, since 2011 the Arab Gulf countries, allied with Turkey and 'Israel', have sent and trained terrorists, who are following the political ideology of Radical Islam, which is not a religion, or a sect. These countries have bowed to the pressure of the US sanctions on Syria, and have refused to do business with Syria, even on humanitarian items. They have also waged political war on Syria, by accepting the removal of Syria from the Arab League, which was proposed by Qatar at the beginning of the conflict.

Comment: See also:

Red Pill

A Healthcare PATRIOT Act?

According to a story in Politico, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is considering creating a national surveillance system to track Americans' health information. Supporters of this initiative claim it would enable the federal government to quickly identify areas in need of additional medical supplies and other assistance because the areas are coronavirus "hot spots."

Of course, it is unlikely that this system would be limited to only tracking coronavirus patients. The government may eventually keep track of every hospital admission — or even all visits to doctors' offices — in the United States. This system could, and likely would, be used to violate privacy and harass and intimidate those challenging existing government policies. Anyone who doubts this should ask themselves what J. Edgar Hoover or Lois Lerner would have done with access to every American's medical history. No wonder some have described this as a healthcare PATRIOT Act.

Star of David

US, Israel working to finalize West Bank annexation maps while world is distracted by coronavirus

Israel apartheid wall
© Muammar Awad/ApaimagesView of a Palestinian refugee camp behind Israel's apartheid wall in east Jerusalem on 3 December 2014.
While the whole world is preoccupied battling the coronavirus, the US administration and the Israeli government has almost put the final touches to the maps of Palestinian areas in the occupied West Bank before approving them for annexation to the Jewish state.

This came in the weekly report released by the National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlement, an affiliate of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

According to the report, an American-Israeli team is working nowadays on finalizing the maps of the Palestinians areas in the West Bank and Jerusalem to be annexed to Israel.

Comment: The International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) reports:
In a statement, issued by the Department for the Defense of Lands of the PLO, said that the Israeli government is currently exploiting world countries' engagement in fighting the Coronavirus by considering some annexation plans that would confiscate more Palestinian-owned lands, for illegal settlement purposes.

The statement referred to a report by the said department, in which the PLO noted that both the Israeli Likud party of Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the rival party, White and Blue, of Benny Gantz, have recently come to terms on enforcing Israeli supremacy on large areas of Palestinian-owned lands, by this summer.

The agreement between the two parties, according to the PLO's report, will include annexation of the Jordan Valley area of Alghour, north of the Dead Sea, with United States being involved in working out related Israeli annexation plans.

The PLO's statement denounced Washington's involvement in what it described as Israeli colonial settlement plans in contravention of international law and many United Nations resolutions pertaining to the occupation of Palestine.

The report revealed that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has pledged, in a phone call, to the chief of Israeli colonial settlements council, David Elhiani, that Israel will wrestle full control over the Jordan Valley's Alghour area, in a few months time.

With respect to US involvement in such colonial plans, the report explained that a US delegation, headed by US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has held a series of meetings with Israeli tourism minister, Brev Livin, over the plans.

Such recent meetings, the report suggested, have focused on ways to make the plans go along with the January-declared deal of the century, announced by US president, Donald Trump. The deal suggests allowing Israel to annex West Bank lands, including a road in the south of West Bank city of Nablus, known as the Hawara bypass road.

The PLO also maintained that currently, Israel is going ahead with some other colonial settlement projects such as the E1 project, which aims at connecting the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem and the Ma'ale Adumim colonial settlement in East Jerusalem, itself. Such a project would separate the southern West Bank from northern West Bank.
E-1 area corridor jerusalem
The E-1 area is carved out of Palestinian territory
PLO's report also noted that over the past couple of years, Israel has completed construction of 15,000 new housing units in Israeli settlements, erected on Palestinian lands, along with some 10,000 additional units under construction in other colonial Israeli settlements.

The Palestine Liberation Organization is the internationally-recognized, sole representative for the Palestinian people, inside the occupied Palestinian territories and the Diaspora.

Since it signed the Oslo Peace Accords in 1993, recognizing Israel's right to exist, the PLO has led peace negotiations with Israel.

Over the past couple of years, PLO's ties with Washington has been severed after the US shut down PLO's representative office in the Washington, given PLO's rejection of Trump's recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and cutting off annual financial aid to the Palestinian Authority, which is an organ of PLO.

Earlier this year, Trump, along with Israeli Premier, Netanyahu, announced Washington's vision for peace, known as the deal of the century. The deal was rejected by the United Nations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Arab States League and other key international players.

Palestinians themselves unanimously and vehemently opposed the plan, for they believe it lacks the provision of even the most basic Palestinian national rights, while granting full Israeli supremacy over the West Bank, which it occupied in 1967.

Bizarro Earth

France's lockdown extended till May 11th, Spain lifts it for most workers, India & Pakistan may reopen crucial industries

© Reuters / Charles Platiau
France will remain locked down until at least May 11, PM Emmanuel Macron has revealed, calling on citizens to continue to respect the rules his government has imposed to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Macron announced the lockdown extension during a public address on Monday as the growth of the epidemic in France was appearing to plateau, with 574 new deaths declared in the preceding 24 hours.

Admitting the country had not been prepared for the outbreak, the PM nevertheless praised those in front-line occupations for working overtime to save lives and called on the French to continue to stay home and maintain social distancing. Economic assistance would be stepped up for workers in those sectors that had to remain closed, he added, promising a specific plan for the tourism, hotels, restaurant, and culture sectors.


Skripal in prison - Paul Robinson in witness box

Paul Robinson
Paul Robinson (lead image, right), a professor at the University of Ottawa, has published a defence of the British Government's indictment of the Russian Government for an attempt to assassinate Sergei Skripal with a nerve agent. "That's the official narrative, which most people accept", according to Robinson. He wants you to know he does too.

To the analysis of evidence of what happened, and didn't happen, in the Salisbury town incidents of March 4, 2018, and the legal consquences which have ensued over the two years since, Robinson concludes: "I can only say 'phooey'." In what Robinson calls a book review of "Skripal in Prison", he has concluded: "Helmer [lead image, left] produces not a jot of evidence...I find it odd, therefore, that he's so keen to let the Russians off the hook for the Skripal poisoning. Perhaps the reason lies in his conspiratorial frame of mind...He's the sort of guy who thinks that for every crime the GRU have committed, MI6 and the CIA have committed two. It's not my frame of mind at all. But then perhaps I'm part of the conspiracy too!"

Robinson teaches politics. In his past, he was educated at Oxford University and between 1989 and 1994 he was a Russia analyst in the British Army Intelligence Corps, before serving as a reservist in the Canadian military with the same function. In the secret services and in universities, Robinson has never been subject to the British legal standards of evidence or proof of crime beyond reasonable doubt. That is, until he launched this attack in defence of his old British Army oath, and then ran into a cross-examination on a different oath - the courtroom one to tell the truth. You be the jury.

Comment: See also:


Bill Gates' Instagram page flooded with people calling for his arrest for 'crimes against humanity'

Bill Gates
Bill Gates' plan to "save the world" by rolling out a mandatory vaccine for the coronavirus — and suggesting nobody will be allowed to resume "normal life" without a "digital certificate" to prove they have been vaccinated — is proving extremely unpopular with internet users.

Instagrammers are hitting back against Bill Gates, punishing his posts with thousands upon thousands of angry messages telling him to stop experimenting with the health of "lesser humans" or expect to be charged with "crimes against humanity."

"Money doesn't give you any rights against the people. You need to be charged for crimes against humanity," said schizandramaier in a comment that garnered hundreds of likes.

Bill gates instagram comment 1
"I look forward to watching your trial!" said ccseyanelee in a comment that also picked up hundreds and hundreds of likes.

Comment: Here's another compilation of comments. Good to see people are not happy about his plan.

Bizarro Earth

Coronavirus provides dictators and oligarchs with a dream come true

Bill Gates
For Autocrats, and Others, Coronavirus Is a Chance to Grab Even More Power

"As the coronavirus pandemic brings the world to a juddering halt and anxious citizens demand action, leaders across the globe are invoking executive powers and seizing virtually dictatorial authority with scant resistance.

As the new laws broaden state surveillance, allow governments to detain people indefinitely and infringe on freedoms of assembly and expression, they could also shape civic life, politics and economies for decades to come." The New York Times, March 31, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic caught the public by surprise while exposing in stark detail, the disconnect between reality, and initial false reassurances by public health officials who had claimed that government safeguards are in place to protect us in the event of the emergence of a dangerous infectious disease or a bioterrorist attack. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website assures the public that:
"FDA's division, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) has been very active in developing medical countermeasures and counter bioterrorism and infectious diseases. CBER continues to be very active in supporting US Government's initiatives to develop medical countermeasures and counter bioterrorism and emerging infectious diseases, including pandemic influenza."