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Best of the Web: The elites are already prepared and have a plan for the coming collapse of the dollar bubble

Banking elites
Today, stock market investors are hoping desperately for Weimar-style hyperinflation to boost equities prices to dizzying heights in what some call a "crack-up boom". In terms of money creation, we are not there yet, but such levels of fiat printing could happen within the next year. Unfortunately for investors, this "boom" in stocks may not happen again. In fact, it already happened over the course of the past several years, and now the party is over. In the past few months, the U.S. dollar has entered a massive liquidity crisis, and despite all expectations, the Fed's attempts to compensate with stimulus measures have done little to boost markets back to their previous glory.

In Weimar Germany, stocks did get an epic rally, until it all came crashing down in 1924 and then again in 1927. The notion of the endless fiat-driven bull market is a lie perpetuated by central bankers and their cheerleaders.

As I warned in past articles, when the Fed finally decided to step in to "stall the crash", it was after it was far too late. The Fed has no intention of stopping the crash, they WANT a crash; they created all the conditions necessary for the collapse of the Everything Bubble to happen. Their goal now is only to make it appear as though they "did everything they could" to save the economy while staging the collapse of the final bubble: the U.S. dollar and its global reserve currency status.


The Yemeni tragedy is beyond the pale of international law

Egregious news has come from Yemen, already devastated by the civil war stoked by Riyadh. Information Minister Daifullah al-Shami of the Houthi-run government has said that the Royal Saudi Air Forces had been ordered to begin airdropping surgical masks infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus over Shiite areas. The Houthi official was commenting on reports that Saudi Arabia allegedly intends to donate medical equipment to Yemen, including masks. Minister Daifullah al-Shami said that these kinds of gestures from a country that has been systematically destroying Yemen for several years are not to be trusted, and are only cause for extreme concern.

According to Minister al-Shami, all of the medical equipment that the Saudis are supposedly going to supply could be infected with the coronavirus. The Yemeni Minister called on his fellow citizens not to accept masks from the Saudi soldiers occupying Yemen if they are handing them out on the streets. Minister al-Shami also stressed that there have been no coronavirus infection cases recorded anywhere on Yemeni territory to date, and that Saudi Arabia would be responsible for any emergence of the outbreak in Yemen.

It would not be surprising if Doctors Without Borders, a notorious organization, were to perhaps arrive in Yemen soon, after it has gotten enough practice provoking outrage in Syria. These purported professionals are now on holiday leave in the UK, where the British government is widely known to have even used biological weapons at home, the Skripal case being one example.

Comment: See also:

War Whore

Will they bomb the pandemic to death? Even with the Covid-19 crisis, the US war machine ALWAYS wants more money

USS Theodore Roosevelt
© US Navy via ReutersUSS Theodore Roosevelt
Despite the impact Covid-19 has had on the global economy, the US is seeking more funding to counter and confront China in the Pacific, as well as enhancing its military preparedness for scenarios involving nuclear warfare.

The coronavirus outbreak has impacted the global economy in a unique and unprecedented fashion unseen since World War II. Around 63 percent of Japanese businesses have projected a negative impact on their business performance due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the start of the outbreak, stock markets have seen drops of over 20 percent, Chinese car sales have decreased by 86 percent and global interest rates have been slashed. Over 16 million Americans have filed jobless claims recently as unemployment runs rampant across the country. The travel industry has all but completely collapsed.

Bad Guys

On Iraq's new PM Kazemi: There is no Iranian-American agreement or truce in Iraq

pompeo kazemi
Mustafa Al-Kazemi has been chosen Prime Minister after difficult negotiations marked by intra-Shiite disagreement. The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, had exploited this disagreement when he boldly challenged the majority Shia in Iraq by his choice of an anti-Iranian and pro-US candidate, Mr Adnan Al-Zurfi. The nomination of Mr Al-Kazemi is a response to this move; Shiite blocs had already circulated his name several months ago.

When Mr Adel Abdul-Mahdi, the caretaker Prime Minister, resigned, consultation began among various Shia political leaders to find a candidate enjoying support from most blocs. That is a task that, in the past, had always been given to the Iranian IRGC-Quds commander Major General Qassim Soleimani (treacherously assassinated by President Donald Trump at Baghdad Airport) and Sheikh Muhammad Kawtharani, who represents Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Sayyed Nasrallah enjoys great respect and a close personal relationship with all Iraqi parties of different religions and policies (Shi'a, Sunni, Kurds, tribal, and others) with whom he is in regular contact. Iraqi leaders failed to reach the agreement without outside intervention.

Many Shia groups categorical rejected President Saleh's candidate (al-Zurfi) and decided to oppose his candidacy. However, Al-Kazemi's selection as a new Prime Minister did not take place until Tehran asked all the Shi'ite blocs to unify their decision, to disregard al-Zurfi and choose a candidate that all could agree upon.

Eye 1

NHS and MPs discussed using 'anonymous' coronavirus app to track and reveal identity of users according to secret memo

© The Guardian design teamThe health secretary has announced plans for an app that would enable people who develop Covid-19 symptoms to ‘anonymously’ alert others.
A draft government memo explaining how the NHS contact-tracing app could stem the spread of the coronavirus said ministers might be given the ability to order "de-anonymisation" to identify people from their smartphones, the Guardian can reveal.

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, announced on Sunday that the UK planned to introduce an app that would enable people who developed Covid-19 symptoms to "anonymously" alert other users to whom they had been in close proximity. "All data will be handled according to the highest ethical and security standards, and would only be used for NHS care and research," he said.

However, the government document seen by the Guardian, headed "official - sensitive" and "draft - not yet approved", suggests the NHS privately considered using the technology to identify users.


WHO says mask-wearing will now be the norm

guy fawkes day protest UK
© Bernadett Szabo / ReutersProtesters hold up their Guy Fawkes masks on the Liberty Bridge during a demonstration by supporters of the Anonymous movement as part of the global "Million Mask March" protests, in Budapest, November 5, 2014.
A top World Health Organisation (WHO) figure has said wearing facial masks will be the new norm in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr David Nabarro, the UN body's COVID-19 envoy, claimed people would have to get accustomed to a 'new reality' of always wearing a facial covering.

Comment: Total nonsense. We'll "have to"? Some might do so, of course, out of hysteria. But with the authoritarian controls introduced the world over, we might just end up seeing more masks like those pictured above.

He spoiled the hopes of millions that the coronavirus will just disappear and said it will 'stalk the human race' for some time.

Comment: Many viruses "stalk the human race", and we don't all wear facial masks because of them. This new coronavirus is not the black plague - not even in the same league. To suggest that wear masks will be mandatory in the future because of it is, again, total nonsense.

Whether masks reduce transmission of COVID-19 in the general public is contested - bodies including the WHO say there is no evidence they cut the risk.

But Dr Nabarro said they can provide 'reassurance' for millions of anxious people as scientists race against time to find a vaccine.

Comment: So we're all going to have to get used to wearing masks simply because they can provide reassurance?

Dr Nabarro, the WHO's director-general on COVID-19, told the BBC: 'Some form of facial protection, I'm sure, is going to become the norm, not least to give people reassurance.

'But, I would say, don't imagine that you can do what you like when you are wearing a mask.'

Dr Nabarro stressed that people must become used to a new way of life in wake of the pandemic.

Oil Well

Oil producers agree to largest production cut in history following Trump's intervention

trump oil
© Reuters / Tom Brenner and Nick Oxford
Global oil producers have already agreed on the world's largest ever production cut, but US President Donald Trump has said that cut may soon be doubled, to bring the world "back to business" from the coronavirus pandemic.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting States (OPEC) and producers outside the bloc agreed on Sunday to cut their output for May and June by 9.7 million barrels per day (bpd), an amount equal to ten percent of the world's oil supply and the largest such cut in history.

"Having been involved in the negotiation," Trump tweeted on Monday, "the number that OPEC+ is looking to cut is 20 Million Barrels a day, not the 10 Million that is generally being reported."

Bizarro Earth

Yemeni forces repel several Saudi attacks amidst claims of a 'truce'

Brigadier General Yahya Saree
The Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the Arab country's troops repelled several Saudi assaults on Bayda province amid claims by the Saudi-led coalition that it has halted aggression on Yemen due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Saudi-backed mercenaries on Monday morning attempted to infiltrate into Nati' region in Bayda province several times but were pushed back by the Yemeni troops, Saree said, according to Yemen's al-Masirah TV network.

He added that Saudi warplanes had also conducted at least 15 strikes against civilian areas in the provinces of Ma'rib, Jawf, and Bayda in the past hours.

The multiple land and aerial assaults come a few days after the Saudi-led coalition claimed it was halting military operations in Yemen in support of UN efforts to end the five-year war and avoid the outbreak of the coronavirus in war-wracked Yemen.


Economic guru Kudrin warns Russia's unemployment could TREBLE, but Kremlin says talk of return to 1990s chaos "hysterical"

© Sputnik / Maxim Blinov
Perhaps nobody in Russia is more responsible for the country's fiscal stability than Alexei Kudrin.

As Finance Minister, he paid off most of the national debt and built financial stabilization funds that have twice helped avoid financial ruin.

While Russia is better prepared for the inevitable Covid-19-driven economic recession than most of its G20 peers, Kudrin still believes the level of unemployment in Russia could treble before the end of the year, reaching eight million. While far from the 20 percent JP Morgan predicts for the United States, an 11 percent rate would put considerable pressure on the Russian social contract, especially given the low value of social welfare payments. It would also mark the highest annual figure of the Putin era, which has been associated with near-full employment.

This has led some to fear a return to the sort of social problems that plagued the 1990s. However, on Monday morning, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed these concerns as "hysterical."


AG Barr on Bill Gates wanting 'digital' vaccine 'certificates': I'm 'very concerned about' slippery slope

william barr
© Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Attorney General William Barr told Fox News' Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night that he was "very concerned" about billionaire Bill Gates' apparent desire to have "digital certificates" to show if people have been vaccinated against viruses.

"Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth," Ingraham said. "What are your thoughts from a civil libertarian point of view about these types of - what some would say tracking mechanisms that would be adopted going forward to reopen our broader economy?"

"Yeah, I'm very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty," Barr responded. "I do think during the emergency, appropriate, reasonable steps are fine."