Puppet MastersS


Weimar America, here we come! Virus hysteria adds $10 Trillion to the national debt

hyperinflated stacks of currency
Children and adults playing with hyperinflated stacks of currency in the Weimar Republic
There's no doubt that the Coronavirus is a serious infection that can lead to severe illness or death. There's also no doubt that 'virus hysteria' has been used for other purposes. Wall Street, for example, has used virus-panic to advance its own agenda and get another round of trillion dollar bailouts. In fact, it took less than a week to get the pushover congress to ram through a massive $2.2 trillion boondoggle without even one lousy congressman offering a peep of protest. That's got to be some kind of record.

In 2008, at the peak of the financial crisis, Congress voted "No" to the $700 billion TARP bill. Some readers might recall how a number of GOP congressmen bravely banded together and flipped Wall Street "the bird". That didn't happen this time around. Even though the bill is three times bigger than the TARP ( $2.2 trillion), no one lifted a finger to stop it. Why?

Fear, that's why. Everyone in congress was scared to death that if they didn't rush this debt-turd through the House pronto, the economy would collapse while tens of thousands of corpses would be stacking up in cities across the country. Of course the reason they believed this nonsense was because the goofy infectious disease experts confidently assured everyone that the body-count would be "in the hundreds of thousands if not millions." Remember that fiction? The most recent estimate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 60,000 total. I don't need to tell you that the difference between 60,000 and "millions" is a little more than a rounding-error.


Catherine Austin Fitts: We borrowed from the future and now it's over

storm clouds gathering
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says,
"We've been printing massive amounts of dollars, and if you look at all the things we did to stop high speed debasement and unprecedented inflation, we've kind of run out of tricks. . . . Inflation is really sneaking up. My question: Is basically shutting down the small businesses and the small farm economy at high speed the way they have done, is that protecting us from going up a frightening inflation? Are we at Weimar Republic kind of inflation rates? I have been telling my subscribers to plant, plant and plant because the price of food is going to go through the roof. Another one of my questions: What's pressing for war? Is the debt spiral up and the inflation spiral up, is that more than they can handle?"


Does the US need such a military complex, and does Europe need NATO?

The role of armed forces has been the focus of a lot of literature, works of art and films in every nation. They often portray military personnel as patriots who genuinely love their compatriots and their homelands, and who serve their nations willingly and not because of benefits and privileges they receive. The Eternal Flame, impressive memorials and modest obelisks, as well as works of fiction and art all ensure that out contemporaries and descendants continue and will continue to remember the bravery of those who were among the first to take up arms, who protected their commanders with their own bodies from deadly attacks, and who fought to their death in battlefields.

These are the reasons why inhabitants of territories freed of enemies feel gratitude or even love towards soldiers who made this possible. And even in times of peace, people have the same regard for military personnel because if any crisis were to erupt, armed forces would be there to help!

Servicemen and more senior military personnel face numerous hardships and challenges as they have to assess current risks and threats, and also find optimal ways of defending their homeland and the civilian population.

2 + 2 = 4

SOTT Focus: A Comparison of Lockdown UK With Non-Lockdown Sweden

sweden british flags
So far as I am aware, Sweden remains the only major Western country that has not imposed a strict lockdown on its citizens to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak. Other than a ban on gatherings of 50 or more people, and advice such as over-70s being urged to stay at home, Swedish schools, shops, restaurants and pubs all remain open. It almost seems to me that the Government there has decided to treat grown adults like they are ... well grown adults.

However, despite being a sovereign nation, with the right to set its own policy, it appears that this is not acceptable to the "international community", and the Swedish Government is coming under huge pressure to change course. The World Health Organization (WHO), for instance, recently called for the nation to impose more restrictions, saying that it is "imperative" that Sweden:
"increase measures to control spread of the virus, prepare and increase capacity of the health system to cope, ensure physical distancing and communicate the why and how of all measures to the population."
Donald Trump also felt the need to give his two cents as well:
"Sweden did that, the herd, they call it the herd. Sweden's suffering very, very badly."
But is Sweden really suffering very, very badly in comparison to other countries that have imposed severe restrictions? Is it really imperative that they change course and fall in line with what most other countries have done? Or do these calls proceed from a different motive entirely: a fear that Sweden's comparatively measured approach of dealing with Covid-19 without introducing the most draconian civil restrictions ever seen and without crashing its economy might actually work and in so doing show the response of other countries to have been wildly disproportionate?


Iraq's new PM-designate vows to uphold sovereignty as US deploys Patriots

iraq pm
© REUTERS / Iraqiya TV/Reuters TVMustafa al-Kadhimi
The nomination of Mustafa al-Kadhimi as prime minister has become Iraq's third attempt in 10 weeks to break a political deadlock that has lasted months. He is set to prove that he is better-equipped than two previous nominees, and the caretaker prime minister, to navigate the relationship with Tehran and Washington and tackle social unrest.

The Iraqi prime minister-designate, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, has vowed to defend his nation's national security as the United States is deploying additional weapons to the country.

Al-Kadhimi, Iraq's intelligence chief since 2016, was chosen to form the government on Thursday.


Afghan government releases 100 more Taliban prisoners

The Afghan government previously released 100 Taliban prisoners on April 9.
The Afghan government has released 100 more Taliban prisoners, the Afghan National Security Council (NSC) said on April 12.

The NSC posted several photos of the prisoners on Twitter and said that they had been released on April 11.

The council said in a statement that the health condition, age, and length of the remaining sentences were considered in choosing which prisoners to release.

The Afghan government has freed a total of 300 Taliban prisoners since April 8.

Meanwhile, a Taliban spokesman said that the militant group will release 20 prisoners and hand them over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Kandahar.

Heart - Black

Unmasked: NATO's pandemic reaction is 'dog-eat-dog'

© Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images/KJNMasked or Unmasked, NATO forces ready to fight 'the enemy'.
Despite its charter proclaiming mutual defense and security, the NATO military alliance is showing a rather unbecoming dog-eat-dog individualistic reaction in coping with the coronavirus pandemic.

The United States, the top dog in the 30-member pack of nations, is accused of "modern piracy" after it nabbed consignments of face masks which were bound for allies Canada, France and Germany to help those nations fight against soaring epidemics of the disease.

To think too that only last year, NATO celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding in 1949 with lots of fanfare and vain self-congratulations of how noble the alliance is. Skeptics, though, see the bloc as a Cold War relic whose security claims are but empty Orwellian excuses for warmongering and propping up obscenely wasteful corporate militarism.

Comment: There are a lot of things masked in this 'pandemic', don't ya think?

Red Pill

Ray McGovern: What if Covid-19 warnings had been WikiLeaked?

© VOA News/KJN
The British court system continues to mock the Magna Carta. Bowing vassal-like to U.S. pressure it persists with Star Chamber proceedings against WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange until he is either extradited to the U.S. or winds up dead.

The judicial pantomime under way in London, under the guise of an extradition hearing, would make the English nobles who wrested precious civil rights from King John eight centuries ago sob in anger and shame. But nary a whimper is heard from the heirs to those rights. One searches in vain for English nobles today.

Yet the process stumbles along, as awkward as it is inexorable, toward extradition and life in prison for Assange, if he lasts that long.

The banal barristers bashing Assange now seem to harbor hope that, unlike the case of Henry VIII and Thomas More, the swords of royal knights will be unneeded to "deliver the Crown from this troublesome priest" — or publisher. Those barristers may be spared the embarrassment of losing what residual self-respect they may still claim. In short, they may not need to bow and scrape much longer to surrender Assange to life in a U.S. prison. He may die first.

Comment: Truth and accuracy cannot be tolerated when the crux of the farce to 'contain and retrain' humans around the globe is based on deception, mind games, false information and deeply hidden agendas. WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are proven truth risks that the diabolical planners of this global manipulation could not afford.

Star of David

Rivlin denies Gantz's extension request to form government with Netanyahu

© HaaretzMasked men: Benjamin Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman, Benny Gantz
The Middle Eastern nation has been trapped in a historically unprecedented political deadlock for over a year now, with neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud nor former IDF commander Benny Gantz's Blue and White managing to achieve enough support to cobble together a ruling coalition after three rounds of voting.

President Reuven Rivlin has rejected Blue and White leader Benny Gantz's request for a two week extension to try to form a grand coalition government with Likud as the deadline to do so runs out on Monday at midnight, The Times of Israel has reported, citing a statement by the president's office.

Gantz requested the extension on Saturday, saying he needed more time to try to form the coalition.
"The political, health and social crisis have brought me to the decision that even at a heavy political and personal price, I will do all I can to establish a government with the Likud."
Gantz wrote in a letter addressed to Rivlin which was published by Israeli media. Rivlin's office said Sunday that the president made the decision not to extend the deadline after speaking to both leaders, with Netanyahu reportedly telling him that Likud and Blue and White were nowhere close to an agreement.

Snakes in Suits

'F-You, Main Street!' Federal Reserve will now buy junk bonds while it bails out banks and billionaires

federal reserve logo
© Reuters / Kevin Lamarque
In less than a month 17 million Americans have applied for unemployment, while the Federal Reserve has focused on bailing out board rooms, billionaires, bankers and builders. Let them all fail.

Last week I wrote about Wall Street corruption and fraud in the $6 trillion "rescue package". CEOs depleted assets, took home record pay and bonuses and then, months later, came hat in hand begging for bailouts.

Jerome Powell's unelected US Federal Reserve, in less than a fortnight, has elevated moral hazard to new levels of insanity with the launch of a $2.2 trillion round of bailouts for bankers, billionaires and builders. As part of this bailout, the US Treasury is providing half a trillion dollars in backstop cash in case some of the Fed's risky loans explode - which they will.