Death By Delay
15,474 Canadians Died Waiting for Health Care in 2023-24 SecondStreet reports:
Today, released government data showing an additional 15,474 patients in Canada died in 2023-24 before receiving various surgeries or diagnostic scans. However, that number is incomplete, as several governments provide either partial data, or simply do not track the problem.Key Findings collected the data by filing Freedom of Information (FOI) requests across Canada. When the data collected is extrapolated across jurisdictions which did not provide data, the number actually nearly doubles, to around 28,077. These figures cover everything from cancer treatment and heart operations to cataract surgery and MRI scans.
"Canadians pay really high taxes and yet our health care system is failing when compared to better-performing universal systems in Europe," said Harrison Fleming, Legislative and Policy Director at "Thousands of Canadians across the country find themselves on waitlists — in some cases for several years - — with too many tragically dying before ever getting treated, or even diagnosed."
- At least 15,474 patients died in Canada while waiting for surgeries or diagnostic scans. This figure does not include Quebec, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador and most of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia only provided data on patients who died while waiting for surgeries - not diagnostic scans.
- If one extrapolates the data provided across provinces and health regions that did not provide data, an estimated 28,077 patients died last year on health care waiting lists.
- While some response data is vague, observed cases where patients died after waiting anywhere from less than a week for treatment to more than 14 years.
- New data from Ontario Health suggests 378 patients died while waiting for cardiac surgery or a cardiac procedure.
- Since April 2018, has identified a staggering 74,677 cases where Canadians died while waiting for care.
The National Review comments on Canada's Socialized Health-Care Culture of Death
What a debacle. More than 15,000 people died in Canada in one year because they couldn't access care in the country's collapsing socialized health-care system.Free Stuff is Grand
But it gets worse. About the same number of people were euthanized in Canada in 2023. Some asked to be lethally jabbed because they couldn't access health care in a timely fashion.
Here are some comments to the National Review Article
- Adjusting proportionally for population, that would be 239,104 deaths in the United States and would make "Unavailability of health care" the third leading cause of death in the US, after heart disease and cancer but ahead of such massive killers as accidents, COVID, and diabetes.
- If the US adopted Canada's approach to health care, where would Canadians go for their time-critical and technically advanced medical care? Living in the Great Satan's shadow has its benefits!
Free stuff is grand, if you don't die waiting for it.
Reader Comments
How many of those 75,000 died because they took the clot shot, I wonder?
It's orchestrated so. No accident. You need an MRI, first you need a n X-Ray, then you need an ultra sound, then you get the MRI.
A LOT of crooked little private businesses churning out x-Rays and Ultrasounds, paying new Canadians minimum and raking in millions gobbling up taxpayer dough.
Property management companies running hospital. And those hospitals under continuous renovations so they "spend the budget", I know the game there, I've worked in it.
The gargantuan amount of corruption is unsurpassed.
It did not use to be.
Now it's Barnum and Baily's Big Tent. Care and caring out the window, a virtual drug delivery service run by drug companies.
It's profit driven for sure. Just not on paper.
Just like 3-hour waits for cell phone or cable customer service. Same thing.
The greed, collusion, and misrepresentation has grown into a goldmine of fortunes for some, just not the patient.
And if you think corporarate America, corrupt officials, and the mafia, had nothing to do with it, you dreaming.
It's a long slow asphixiation of a once great public system. By design.
Which is not actually "health care", but a disease management that feeds off symptom treatment, and for profit.
If you don't realize that and take responsibility for yourself, you deserve what you get.
As long as you have lots and lots of money.
Kanada allowed the privatization to creep in over the last 20 years. And no one can see the two tier system or will acknowledge its existence.
All the problems in Healthcare are on the "Public" side. The Free side, take a number, sit in a chair and wait... till there's nothing left to wait for.
Apparently some in Ottawa think there are "too many" Canadians - so the choice is:
Eliminate Ottawa or take out the extra Canadians too many - I reckon tis up to Canadian citizens to decide.