"As a neurosurgeon, I was taught that the brain creates consciousness," said Dr. Eben Alexander, who
wrote in detail about his experiences with consciousness while in a deep coma.
Many doctors and biomedical students may have been taught the same about consciousness. However, scientists are still debating whether that theory holds true.
Imagine a child observing an elephant for the first time. Light reflects off the animal and enters the child's eyes. Retinal photoreceptors in the back of the eyes convert this light into electrical signals, which travel through the optic nerve to the brain's cortex. This forms vision or visual consciousness.
How do these electrical signals miraculously transform into a vivid mental image? How do they turn into the child's thoughts, followed by an emotional reaction — "Wow, the elephant is so big!"
The question of how the brain generates subjective perceptions, including images, feelings, and experiences, was coined by Australian cognitive scientist David Chalmers in 1995 as the "
hard problem."
As it turns out, having a brain may not be a prerequisite for consciousness.
'Brainless' but Not MindlessThe Lancet recorded a case of a French man diagnosed with postnatal hydrocephalus — excess cerebrospinal fluid on or around the brain — at the age of 6 months.
Despite his condition, he grew up healthy, became a married father of two children, and worked as a civil servant.
When he was 44 years old, he went to the doctor due to a mild weakness in his left leg. The doctors scanned his head thoroughly and discovered that
his brain tissue was almost entirely gone. Most of the space in his skull was filled with fluid, with only a thin sheet of brain tissue.
The brain was virtually absent,"
wrote the lead author of the case study, Dr. Lionel Feuillet, of the Department of Neurology, Hôpital de la Timone in Marseille, France.
The man had been living a normal life and had no problem seeing, feeling, or perceiving things.The Lancet recorded a case of a French civil servant diagnosed with postnatal hydrocephalus at the age of 6 months. Later, an MRI revealed massive enlargement of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles, a very thin cortical mantle, and a posterior fossa cyst. Illustrated by The Epoch Times
The normal brain cortex is responsible for sense and movement, and the hippocampus is responsible for memory. Hydrocephalus patients lose or have significantly less volume of these brain regions, yet they can still perform related functions.
Even without substantial brains, these people can have above-average cognitive function.Professor John Lorber (1915-1996), a neurologist from the University of Sheffield,
analyzed more than 600 cases of children with hydrocephalus. Of those, he found that half of around 60 children with the most severe type of hydrocephalus and cerebral atrophy had an IQ higher than 100 and lived normal lives.
Among them, one university student had excellent grades, a first-class honors degree in mathematics, an IQ of 126, and was socially normal. This math genius's brain was only
1 millimeter thick, while an average person's is usually 4.5 centimeters thick —
44 times larger.An analysis of more than 600 cases of children with hydrocephalus found that of the 60 cases where fluid took up 95 percent of the skull, around 30 had above average IQs. The right side of the figure illustrates the brain image of one college student with a 1 mm thick brain who had a 126 IQ, placing him in the top 5 percent of the higher end of the population. The Epoch Times
Lorber's findings were
published in the journal Science in 1980 with the headline "Is Your Brain Really Necessary?"
The Invisible Brain"
The important thing about Lorber is that he's done a long series of systematic scanning rather than just dealing with anecdotes." Patrick Wall (1925-2001), professor of anatomy at University College London, was quoted as saying in an article by Roger Lewin published in Science in 1981 discussing Lorber's article.
The cases of people without brains challenge the conventional teachings that brain structure is the basis for generating consciousness. Is our brain — weighing about three pounds, with roughly two billion neurons connected by around 500 trillion synapses — the real source of consciousness?
Some scientists have proposed that deep and invisible structures in the brain explain normal cognitive function — even with severe hydrocephalus. These structures may not be easily visible on conventional brain scans or to the naked eye. However, the fact that they are not readily apparent doesn't mean they don't exist or aren't important for brain function.
"For hundreds of years neurologists have assumed that all that is dear to them is performed by the cortex, but it may well be that the deep structures in the brain carry out many of the functions assumed to be the sole province of the cortex," Wall commented in the 1981 article.
These unknown deep structures "are undoubtedly important for many functions," said neurologist Norman Geschwind (1926-1984) from Beth Israel Hospital, affiliated with Harvard University, in the 1981 article.
the deep structures "are almost certainly more important than is currently thought," said David Bowsher, a professor of neurophysiology at the University of Liverpool in the UK, in the same article.
The source of consciousness may exist in realms we've yet to explore. When medical theories can't solve a mystery, physics might step in with a plot twist — in particular — quantum physics.
Beyond Neurons"
To understand consciousness, we can't just look at the neurons," Dr. Stuart Hameroff, director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, told The Epoch Times.
Even single-celled organisms like
paramecium demonstrate purposeful behaviors such as swimming, avoiding obstacles, mating, and, significantly — learning — without having a single synapse or being part of a neural network.
Even single-celled organisms like paramecium demonstrate purposeful behaviors such as swimming, avoiding obstacles, mating, and learning without having a single synapse or being part of a neural network. Lebendkulturen.de/Shutterstock
According to Hameroff, these intelligent, possibly conscious behaviors are
mediated by microtubules inside the paramecium. The same microtubules are found in brain neurons and all animal and plant cells.
Microtubules, as the name suggests, are tiny tubes inside cells. They play essential roles in cell division, movement, and intracellular transport and appear to be the
information carriers in neurons.
The proteins that make up microtubules (tubulin) are "t
he most prevalent or abundant protein in the whole brain," Hameroff told The Epoch Times. He hypothesizes that microtubules are key players in human consciousness.
"Because [when] you look inside neurons, you see all these microtubules, and they're in a periodic lattice, which is perfect for information processing and vibrations," Hameroff stated.
Due to their properties, microtubules function like antennas. Hameroff says they serve as "quantum devices" to transduce consciousness from a quantum dimension.Quantum DevicesBritish physicist, mathematician, and Nobel Laureate Sir Roger Penrose and Hameroff hypothesized a
theory that quantum processes generate consciousness.
Quantum refers to tiny units of energy or matter at a microscopic level. Its unique features can help us understand many things that current science cannot explain.
In simple terms, microtubules act as a bridge between the quantum world and our consciousness. They take quantum signals, amplify them, organize them, and somehow, through processes we don't fully understand, turn them into the feelings, perceptions, and thoughts that make up our conscious awareness.
Microtubules can explain bewildering facts about the brain. Hameroff posits that the brains of individuals born with hydrocephalus can adapt as their microtubules control neuroplasticity and reorganize their brain tissue.
So over time, the microtubules in that brain adapt and rearrange themselves to sustain consciousness and cognition," he said.
Therefore, according to Hameroff, our brains serve like information processors, receiving signals from the universe and forming them into consciousness.
The brain processes information across multiple scales, each vibrating at different frequencies. Brain waves oscillate slowly at 0.5-100 hertz (Hz). Individual neurons fire faster at
500-1000 Hz. Inside neurons, microtubules vibrate
much quicker, in the megahertz range.
At the tiniest quantum scale, frequencies reach incredibly high levels, theoretically up to 10^43 Hz.According to neuroscientist Hameroff and Nobel Laureate Sir Roger Penrose, our brains serve as information processors, receiving signals from the universe and forming them into consciousness. Microtubules, the most abundant proteins in neurons, may act as a bridge to collect the waves from the quantum world into our brains. Once processed in the brain, consciousness is generated.
Other scientists are also using alternative quantum theories to explain mental activities. A
study published in Physical Review E shows that vibrations in lipid molecules within the myelin sheath can create pairs of quantum-entangled photons
. It suggests that this quantum entanglement may help synchronize brain activity, providing insights into consciousness.A Quantum Orchestra"Rather than a computer of simple neurons, the brain is a quantum orchestra," Hameroff described, "Because you have resonances and harmony and solutions over different frequencies, much like you do in music. And [so] I think consciousness is more like music than it is a computation."
Science is always evolving. The study of consciousness is still an area of active research and debate in neuroscience and philosophy.
However, each new discovery opens up new possibilities. As we continue to explore these mysteries, let's remain curious and open-minded.
Next, we will discuss reports published by physicians in highly-ranked journals, offering more insights into the nature and origin of consciousness.
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of
The Epoch Times or ZeroHedge.
Reader Comments
There have also been people who have received transplanted body parts and after surgery had memories that weren't there before. Mainly organs that were close to the heart.
Our perception is able to fool us into believing that our consciousness comes from behind our eyes in our head. But it would more than likely be in and around our heart since that is the main body part that gives us life. You can be brain dead and still be alive but your heart can't stop beating and you still live on. People even can die from a broken heart which is the heart giving up on life. Seems fairly obvious were our consciousness lies.
Braindead is not completely dead that is why some bodily functions remain. Yes to the 85% --
And our organs retain memory, therefore 'new habits' can wake up in the receiver.
Familial deaths can become entities that latch on to resonate family members, also creating new habits for resonant one.
The test of a civilization is in the way that it cares for its helpless members.
One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.
Being an organ donor isn't like what you see in movies or on the internet. Organ donation comes mostly from people on life support. The other from living donors,like kidney transplants. There's such a small window before the organs begin breaking down that people who overdose are too late to be used.
And yea I'm an organ donor. I won't need them anymore. My body can be given out, the same as all my possessions and money.
That reminds me of watching the science fiction movie, The Island. The premise was that the rich people could create a "clone" of themselves as an "insurance" policy. The clone, in this case, was conscious and simply butchered for the body parts needed.
I suspected that you were an organ donor. If I had a choice between getting one of your organs or a bullet in my head, I would pick the bullet without any hesitation and I would even pay for it. I prefer my body to stay contaminant free.
I saw that movie 'the Island'; that was a good one. I wouldn't be surprised if the rich were actually doing this in real life, but in this case I think that the prisoners would be held inside cages and would have no hope or privileges at all.
Did you really believe communist countries gave fewer vaccinations? Ahhh...You did. Such a sweet kid you are. Bahahahahahaa.....
This article shows the hubris and left-brain dominance of scientific thinking. It is reductionist. It has the premise that if you understand the smallest and separate particles of an atom or a cell that you will understand how all of the separate particles and cells operate together as a holistic one. This is the foundation for the globalist psychopath belief that AI can be conscious.
The teaching of Jesus is the real foundation. The body, including the brain, is a temple that simply houses the soul for the body's lifetime. The soul is consciousness. The experiences of the body are processed and leads to the soul's growth in awareness. Goethe stated that the earth was a school for angels, for humans to grow in consciousness to the point they see all is connected.
Knowledge is worthless if not applied.
There is an actualyl ink to what the neurosurgeon had to say. It is underlined under the word "here"
I recommend all to read the pub gov article on which the sott article is based on. You would be suprised to realize it is actually SOTT that made a reductionist case from other infos.
the pub gov article, wrote by the neurosurgeon himself is absolutely beautiful and non reductionist.
Please folks, do your research. Sott only acts as a means, not the end.
very many people make this misconception.
My direction was to show that science is faiing because of its approach to discovering truth.
Yes, the soul is consciousness. What separates a human being from all other life forms on the earth, is that consciousness can be aware of it Self and connected to everything.
the gov article was completely the opposite of your critique, not reducing anything.
Saying the soul is consciousness is simply pointing to lack of knowledge of basic spiritual metaphysics which most cultures have. You do not have to reinvent the wheel nor "reduce" it as you do.
the problem is maybe the fact that you think in english terms which reduced these concepts? I do not know.
but in christianity you have the soul/anima(suflet) and spirit/spiritus(duh). In islam you have nafs(self/soul) and ruh(spirit).
The two are very different but very commonly mistaken for being the same.
in the bible and as well the quran God breathed "ruh" in man, and "ruh" is the active force. The Holy Ghost, you name it.
Ruh is what gets closer to consciousness, but consciousness is the channel between realms from unity to multiplicity.
The soul is the receptor, the smaller fraction to which the ruh(consciousness) arrvies to and feebacks into a sensory cycle making the realm aware.
please do research before simplyfing terms like any other westerner.
and please do not make the possible mistake to think consciousness is all there is nor that consciousness is more important than it is. It is not as important as you may think. It is fundamental, but only one fraction of the whole.
Maybe another example that is closely more relevant to you is the experience of awakening, or as others call it - Self Remembering. When one remembers oneself, one experiences awareness of the soul, not awareness of awareness. In waking sleep one is aware of his persona, his construct of himself, which is constituted of near-knowledge, the social construct/likes and dislikes, the sensory input etc.
But when one is truly awake, the ego is bypassed and one experiences the soul. One tastes the true One, not his multiplicity of personality. Then one has access to a Knowing that is not put to words but which becomes obvious universally. So one becomes aware of his soul, not aware of his awareness. Consciousness is a quality, not an entity. The soul is the entity, consciousness is the quality. Just as Dwoods is not his vision, but its vision is a quality.
To take it more easily on you, maybe more in your terms or "page" - if you are one soul, and we are dispersed in multiplicity, or if we are all souls connected to the Source(God) - then what is the material of the web, the material of the connection? Consciousness. it is what connects A to B, it is the ground of sending and receiving.
This is a discussion. Not an attack. So let's have it. It is a recommendation to seek the knowledge that is already there, and it is not bullshit
"But when one is truly awake, the ego is bypassed and one experiences the soul." Why do you not see that your ego is speaking?
Are you a teacher of consciousness, where is your school?
The soul observes actions without direct involvement, suggesting a separation between the witnessing soul and personal identity, which is formed through understanding. Together, these perspectives underscore the intertwined nature of soul and consciousness in the exploration of awareness and existence.
Samsara has been used for centuries to describe how the universe functions in a round and round cycle of life events. As an eternal occurrence or that our consciousness goes round and round, again and again experiencing everything as if it's the first time.
Humankind is the Word if God.
But what is material to the soul and what is immaterial? You can forget lots of things and then be reminded of them. Does that make them immaterial until remembering them and then that make them material again?
If the soul is personal then it would die with the body as well since consciousness is the functioning of awareness. Or would the soul be more of the subconscious, a place where memories and material are hidden away until they are desired to be retrieved?
The soul then could be a storage and consciousness using it as it becomes aware of its surroundings and essence.
We must remember, we must put in the 'time' it takes to clear off our karmas, ...and refrain from investing our efforts in creating new debts.
DID you know FATHER in sanskrit means first movement ?
... and that the HUMAN is the WORD of God
THIS physical 'experience' (and ALL physical manifestations) IS the Dream...
(and they're All 'happening' at the same 'Time'...)
Best to Enjoy this Hologram that our Consciousness CREATES, while we're here.
Critical self reflection, the desire to be selfless, and the purposefully willing growth of empathy are most important to the sustaining of the consciousness of an entity. I.E. growth/nourishment of spirit.
at times we all fall short.
apologies if this makes no sense.
While everyone else throughout recorded history has known better. It's amazing anyone pays any attention at all to these idiots.
University of Marseille
The parents stated some odd things tho. They said pulling the plug was acting like God, since they would be deciding who lived and died. But wouldn't using the machines to keep her alive be considered "acting like God?" If they didn't have the machines then she would have been dead as soon as her heart stopped. They also said some racist things, like if she was white the doctors would have tried harder to save her.
The only reason they finally took her off life support was because the statute of limitations was coming up so their lawsuit against the hospital was going to be dropped.
It is perhaps easier to just use the existing term for what we are discussing here; the soul.
Yes of course SOUL, consciousness, is everywhere at all times, there is no where where it is not... but with the dead the de.souled, and our zombies.
Alot of people on this planet that are not 'life'.
Still trying to disprove a higher consciousness.
Now we have Microtubules. The new Dark Matter of brain science. Fools.
I don't agree that when we 'see an Elephant', we are using just our eyes. There are other senses employed and only recognized on a subconscious level.
Excellent examples of the 'brainless' in this article.
I'll bet they didn't have to look far for a Frenchman without a brain...
Man with no brain, has career in Government job.
From Blindness to 360 degree vision
What is Scrodinger’s Cat for $300 Alex.
Has to be defined.
Morphic fields - 100th Monkey - Akashic Record -
Consciousness should be defined by what level & spectrum used. Is there a completely processing, perception, of that signal (electrical
impulse), partial, impaired, fragmented,
A scale that shows the whole spectrum of sentience.
Defined @ a cellular level or what we contemporaneously refer/define as hu-man level. Including the spectrum of cognitively impaired.
Quantum dimensionality equates to resonance in the great cosmic registry.
100’s of karmic traces link all feelings and turn into meaningful coincidences.
Posit that the life-force ascends directly, and you will find that the spiral is unbroken, as we see direct currents do, as opposed to alternating, which is incoherent.
Basic registry of all being cannot be forced to lie, but it can be warped if manna is not preserved.
As the universe expands, so it explodes, but the empathic wholeness of the whole will be undisturbed. The Ur-fields are not culpable, in case you think they are.
If so, I already told you to go off in the general direction of Fuck.
It appears you didn’t learn.
I’ll say it one more time & repeat since you appear to Cognitively challenged.
I write in my style. I’m not here for you & I truly don’t give any fucks what you think of my style.
GFY & eat a bag of pink Dicks while you’re at it.
That’s your MISO/PsyOp purpose of derision here & Bravo Sierra. You’re a Troll.
Fuck Off.
‘I think my ability to "see" a person's astrology chart is much improved”
Do you think that a person who was murdered such as Abraham Lincoln or JFK or a person whose murder was recorded as a suicide (e.g. Marilyn Monroe - Vince Foster or any other hundreds of other’s) that their astrology chart showed - predicted the murder was going to happen to them ?
Kinda like if ESP were 100% real there would be more winners in Marriages, Lotto, Poker & Sports gambling & Horse Racing.
Why is the Mazzaroth in the Bible ?
Why is Astrology linked to Theology ?
Does “AI” experience consciousness when it’s not on - turned off or in the off position ?
Tell the cat to go in the box
Humans can't even keep up with time if they are put in the dark
Or are you typing from afar?
Out of body?
Either way - illusions are subjective.
For example - being you "left your body" - does that mean you could post a message here when the power it out for everybody else still in their bodies? I mean - what the hell does it mean to "leave your body" - and ps - quantum physicist are dipshits - living dream lives of imagination - and I can prove it.
My proof is this simple - tekdude - answer this question - do you have a body?
No matter how you answer - that is the proof.
No matter how you answer - that is the proof.
Just like postmodernist think they create reality - quantum physicist live in imagination only - and the math is not supportive of their ideology being proven wrong - one step at a time.
My guess is you do have a body - and you are fixed within it.
Prove that wrong please.
If you can't, then it goes to show - just imagination....tek dude...
PS..Flummoxed is a transitive verb and thus can't be used in your sentence structure.
It ain't no big deal.
as an aside, when I see a "post" from the snacky one - I click it and then delete the tab.
after awhile - tis evident who speaks bs - and McSnacky is full of it.... no doubt.
Most people have no clue what it feels like for the soul body to be outside the human body, and that's why most people (99%) will reincarnate back into this reality because it is a shock to them when they realize that they exist even after the body dies, even though they have done it hundreds, if not thousands of time in their previous lives. That's where the 'mind wipe magic' comes in handy for the psychopathic beings who control this reality. They need ignorant humans so that they keep incarnating back here over and over again, and they sure don't want anyone to find out how this reality really works, otherwise souls will start exiting this hellish VR. OBE can help people get ready for death and then they are more likely to exit this hell for good and OBE's can be a lot of fun too: I wish I had them every night.
Otherwise - you seem defensive in typing - and why are you as such?
Are you out of your body just now?
That is fair.