In a little over two and a half years, our collective "reality" has been radically revised. Our societies have been radically restructured. Millions (probably billions) of people have been systematically conditioned to believe a variety of patently ridiculous assertions, assertions based on absolutely nothing, repeatedly disproved by widely available evidence, but which have nevertheless attained the status of facts. An entire fictitious history has been written based on those baseless and ridiculous assertions. It will not be unwritten easily or quickly.
I am not going to waste your time debunking those assertions. They have been repeatedly, exhaustively debunked. You know what they are and you either believe them or you don't. Either way, reviewing and debunking them again isn't going to change a thing.
Instead, I want to focus on one particularly effective mind-control technology, one that has done a lot of heavy lifting throughout the implementation of the New Normal and is doing a lot of heavy-lifting currently. I want to do that because many people mistakenly believe that mind-control is either (a) a "conspiracy theory" or (b) something that can only be achieved with drugs, microwaves, surgery, torture, or some other invasive physical means. Of course, there is a vast and well-documented history of the use of such invasive physical technologies (see, e.g., the history of the CIA's infamous MKULTRA program), but in many instances mind-control can be achieved through much less elaborate techniques.
One of the most basic and effective techniques that cults, totalitarian systems, and individuals with fascistic personalities use to disorient and control people's minds is "gaslighting." You're probably familiar with the term. If not, here are a few definitions:
"the manipulation of another person into doubting their perceptions, experiences, or understanding of events." American Psychological AssociationThe main goal of gaslighting is to confuse, coerce, and emotionally manipulate your victim into abandoning their own perception of reality and accepting whatever new "reality" you impose on them. Ultimately, you want to completely destroy their ability to trust their own perception, emotions, reasoning, and memory of historical events, and render them utterly dependent on you to tell them what is real and what "really" happened, and so on, and how they should be feeling about it.
"an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity." Psychology Today
"a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition." Newport Institute
Anyone who has ever experienced gaslighting in the context of an abusive relationship, or a cult, or a totalitarian system, or who has worked in a battered women's shelter, can tell you how powerful and destructive it is. In the most extreme cases, the victims of gaslighting are entirely stripped of their sense of self and surrender their individual autonomy completely. Among the best-known and most dramatic examples are the Patty Hearst case, Jim Jones' People's Temple, the Manson family, and various other cults, but, the truth is, gaslighting happens every day, out of the spotlight of the media, in countless personal and professional relationships.
Since the Spring of 2020, we have been subjected to official gaslighting on an unprecedented scale. In a sense, the "Apocalyptic Pandemic" PSYOP has been one big extended gaslighting campaign (comprising countless individual instances of gaslighting) inflicted on the masses throughout the world. The events of this past week were just another example.
Basically, what happened was, a Pfizer executive confirmed to the European Parliament last Monday that Pfizer did not know whether its Covid "vaccine" prevented transmission of the virus before it was promoted as doing exactly that and forced on the masses in December of 2020. People saw the video of the executive admitting this, or heard about it, and got upset. They tweeted and Facebooked and posted videos of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, the Director of the CDC, official propagandists like Rachel Maddow, and various other "experts" and "authorities" blatantly lying to the public, promising people that getting "vaccinated" would "prevent transmission," "protect other people from infection," "stop the virus in its tracks," and so on, which totally baseless assertions (i.e., lies) were the justification for the systematic segregation and persecution of "the Unvaccinated," and the fomenting of mass fanatical hatred of anyone challenging the official "vaccine" narrative, and the official New Normal ideology, which hatred persists to this very day.
The New Normal propaganda apparatus (i.e., the corporate media, health "experts," et al.) responded to the story predictably. They ignored it, hoping it would just go away. When it didn't, they rolled out the "fact-checkers" (i.e., gaslighters).
The Associated Press, Reuters, PolitiFact, and other official gaslighting outfits immediately published lengthy official "fact-checks" that would make a sophist blush. Read them and you will see what I mean. They are perfect examples of official gaslighting, crafted to distract you from the point and suck you into an argument over meaningless details and definitions. They sound exactly like Holocaust deniers pathetically asserting that there is no written proof that Hitler ordered the Final Solution ... which, there isn't, but it doesn't fucking matter. Of course Hitler ordered the Final Solution, and of course they lied about the "vaccines."
The Internet is swimming with evidence of their lies ... tweets, videos, articles, and so on.
Which is what makes gaslighting so frustrating for people who believe they are engaged in an actual good-faith argument over facts and the truth. But that's not how totalitarianism works. The New Normals, when they repeat whatever the authorities have instructed them to repeat today (e.g., "trust the Science," "safe and effective," "no one ever claimed they would prevent transmission"), could not care less whether it is actually true, or even if it makes the slightest sense.
These gaslighting "fact-checks" are not meant to convince them that anything is true or false. And they are certainly not meant to convince us. They are official scripts, talking points, and thought-terminating clichés for the New Normals to repeat, like cultists chanting mantras at you to shut off their minds and block out anything that contradicts or threatens the "reality" of the cult.
You can present them with the actual facts, and they will smile knowingly, and deny them to your face, and condescendingly mock you for not "seeing the truth."
But here's the tricky thing about gaslighting.
In order to effectively gaslight someone, you have be in a position of authority or wield some other form of power over them. They have to need something vital from you (i.e., sustenance, safety, financial security, community, career advancement, or just love). You can't walk up to some random stranger on the street and start gaslighting them. They will laugh in your face.
The reason the New Normal authorities have been able to gaslight the masses so effectively is that most of the masses do need something from them ... a job, food, shelter, money, security, status, their friends, a relationship, or whatever it is they're not willing to risk by challenging those in power and their lies. Gaslighters, cultists, and power freaks, generally, know this. It is what they depend on, your unwillingness to live without whatever it is. They zero in on it and threaten you with the loss of it (sometimes consciously, sometimes just intuitively).
Gaslighting won't work if you are willing to give up whatever the gaslighter is threatening to take from you (or stop giving you, as the case may be), but you have to be willing to actually lose it, because you will be punished for defending yourself, for not surrendering your autonomy and integrity, and conforming to the "reality" of the cult, or the abusive relationship, or the totalitarian system.
I have described the New Normal (i.e., our new "reality") as pathologized-totalitarianism, and as a "a cult writ large, on a societal scale." I used the "Covidian Cult" analogy because every totalitarian system essentially operates like a cult, the main difference being that, in totalitarian systems, the balance of power between the cult and the normal (i.e., dominant) society is completely inverted. The cult becomes the dominant (i.e., "normal") society, and non-cult-members become its "deviants."
We do not want to see ourselves as "deviants" (because we haven't changed, the society has), and our instinct is to reject the label, but that is exactly what we are ... deviants. People who deviate from the norm, a new norm, which we reject, and oppose, but which, despite that, is nonetheless the norm, and thus we are going to be regarded and dealt with like deviants.
I am such a deviant. I have a feeling you are too. Under the circumstances, it's nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, we need to accept it, and embrace it. Above all, we need to get clear about it, about where we stand in this new "reality."
We are heading toward New Normal Winter No. 3. They are already cranking up the official propaganda, jacking up the fabricated "cases," talking about reintroducing mask-mandates, fomenting mass hatred of "the Unvaccinated," and so on. People's gas bills and doubling and tripling. The global-capitalist ruling classes are openly embracing neo-Nazis. There is talk of "limited" nuclear war. Fanaticism, fear, and hatred abound. The gaslighting of the masses is not abating. It is increasing. The suppression of dissent is intensifying. The demonization of non-conformity is intensifying. Lines are being drawn in the sand. You see it and feel it just like I do.
Get clear on what's essential to you. Get clear about what you're willing to lose. Stay deviant. Stay frosty. This isn't over.
Reader Comments
What you express is just opinion - I got no problem with debunk,
But I prefer refutation.
You proved absolutely nothing with your rambling cause tis all words (dime a dozen) and your personal opinion and judgement about which words are "better" one way or the other.
Do you need me to prove this further?
I will.
Tis 2nd and 2 from the 25 yard line as I type.
ps - 2nd and 6 now from the 13...
I got no problem with sarcasm, but the best sarcasm ain't called out, and I do have a problem with those trying to contain words and really I don't have a problem with definition or pick and choose the word best, but seems you asked for something to be disproven easily done and while I don't have a problem with that, it does make me wonder....
tis easy to be full of attitude all the time and fumbles happen
So, to take the proof further, "group-think" is of the mind....made of the mind and easily dismissed with in the mind...the solution resides in the latter assuming some minds can still think for themselves. If some minds can't think for themselves, I reckon my proof is for naught.
thank you though.
I have noticed that once the fact checkers came into fad that the only verb people use anymore really towards that end is "debunk".
that's all. But you ARE correct, just my opinion, but based off of a large amount of observations.
I'm ready for something better.
That is why I appreciate this site. No matter if I disagree with others or not, there are almost always relatively interesting points of view and statements to consider. Makes it easier to learn.
ha....touchdown bills. Score 10-7.
The game is young but in the end the best ideas prevail in the world I live within and the more words the merrier.
The Bills won 24-20 and that is fact.
The symbols above reside in imagination only and if you don't know the difference already you gonna learn soon enough.
Are you ready?
agni - I agree, don't trust a parrot.
Delicious Tears ....uh make that DeliciousTears oh delicious the tears when they flow....are your ready for some serious business. I hope so and please stop all your sobbing.
It is time for the crying and the tears to stop and tis time for serious business.
Like a printer in the print shop, putting the symbols together, it is evident who the criminals are and Lady Libra - she knows.
The biggest Petri dish experiment GlobalSchlomo on the planet is a bust. Far too contaminated to have any real control in this experiment. If you doubt it, survey the damage done to America’s culture & youth vs. good for an honest assessment/assay.
Once the inevitable happens and fiat is recognized for what it is worth, then the gloves will be taken off and let the best ideas prevail.
If you think you will escape unblemished, unscathed, with no scar at all, missed, forgotten as if you you weren't part of the play, you got another thing coming because uncertainty is a force to be reckoned with. Consider that an amendment to the proof above in support. I could come up with more words and I don't care which word is used, but if some words already formed are considered "out of play"....I got a big problem with that. Maybe it is just me, but I don't think so....I don't think I'm alone.
That was my master's thesis and I stand by it.
Score is 7-3 now and odds are still wrong, but seriously voo-doo I might be coming to get you. No offense, but too much voo-doo especially voo-doo six is sometimes a bit too bout you morph into 7 if you don't mind?
No way to prove that wrong because it is rambling....about numbers just like voo-doo is hypno sometimes and really last voo-doo doctor I met I said to him - you show your face up hear again and I'll show you some voo-doo.
What you got to say to that and the other evening you got on quite the posting manic action, and I can relate, but seriously, that is a serious question voo-doo and if you doubt that I mean serious business, I reckon I'll just have to prove my sentiment and I will voo-doo.
6 is a number gets on my nerves and if you break a cube into six equal shapes, then how many possible shapes are there?
The answer voo-doo 7 and 8 and 9 as well indicated is infinite number of ways to break up 6.
You realize the number 6 is full of trouble do you not? Voo-doo it is to me sometimes, so answer my query if you can and answer it honestly. In my opinion, there are shapes with 7 sides and 8 and 9 and 10 for that matter.
Are you ready for some serious voo-doo voo doo 6?
So, in my mind I came to your rescue the other day, so don't prove me wrong....I believe in voo-doo to an extent, but there are limits to everything and I think I'd prefer voo-doo number 5 or maybe #7 over number six any day of the week, because six is pathetic when it comes to numbers and it ain't even prime.
Six, the number of it, spelled out s i x is like a number felt it was disregarded but six ought know it takes a 2 and 3 to make it, and six ought realize without a 2 or 3 it would not exist and 7 frankly thinks 6 is full of it you want my opinion metaphorically. I don't really care who wins the game, but I know about geometry and shapes and such and I refute voo-doo spells even if I appreciate links provided. The whole idea of voo-doo must have some basis, but to give it a number seems to lesson it in a way, so if you can explain why you are voo-doo number 6 versus another number, then maybe I will refrain, but otherwise, you just seem like another spell in the wind.
Bills win.
Serious business pal and lose the six if you can.
Bills won 24-20.
The game is over and if you listened to me, money could of been made, because I knew the odds were wrong.
So - bug off.
Voo-doo got no effect on me but I already told you what I think, so figure that out.
Don't try to cast a spell on a Buffalo, cause the Buffalo are still alive and they take no prisoners!
(ha, ha)
and one time you said talking on the web was worthless, so makes you suspect in my book....
the book of swindlers is the name of that book and if I have a grand-kid, a boy...
I hope he gets named Smedley, but ain't up to me now is it.
Really - what was the point of your post?
Clarify if you don't mind.
Elaborate, exonerate, provide more detail - otherwise be dismissed as just another swinder.
So far, you seem to be more on the swindler scale, but I could be wrong and if so - prove it.
something bout that rings true even if the field goal was a long one at the end of the half.
Is it selfish of me to take others down into my own personal rabbit hole?
The choice is yours.
So really, you mention the game, must mean you know about it, so is it just my game or are you involved?
Just to take this to its foolish end, I play to win, and I don't appreciate swindlers - so I hope you ain't one.
Last swindler I met is dead.
Last time I went to the rabbit hole I became a new man.
Serious business only please.
I don't understand honestly how they cannot realize this or am I the one confused about the signs of the times?
Whatever - I've had it with dimwit leaders - time to live a life off the grid I reckon. all my friends here from afar - you are in my mind but I have family to take care off and that is the priority.
See you later in 2023 when the dust will settle and things will resolve and then we will take it to the end.
I can't wait.
See you then.
Although I received a substantial electric shock, I still found the result to be largely satisfying, safe and effective.
I might just make the leap and do it after I finish typing this and if you do it as well later on if we meet face-to-face we can affirm that, but if there is possibility of this being confirmed, rest assured we are more than digital beings and those who want to turn us into as such, they got another thing coming is what I think.
So sleep on that and peaceful dreams to you and I can't wait until I separate myself from the keyboard and I feel it coming strong. Bring it on because it must be what I want or at least that is the way I'm gonna look upon it because I'm ready either way. I hope you are as well.
I'll die a Buffalo Bills fan and I'll take that to my grave with pride.
See you in 2023.
2024 as well maybe - assuming you can make it till then and get to the place where the moon will completely block the sun momentarily and if you are there it will be even better.
Tis good to dream of better times and rest assured that is what I will be doing.
See you all later.
Respectfully stated to all the fine poster here, but my number must be up and damn - I got more important things to think about.
In some cases, two people simply have a different set of beliefs and/or understanding of matter. "Talking," particularly via computer via the written word, is an extremely limited exercise. Each party adopts an attitude or argument which appears very like gaslighting to the other.
What I see is the CJ describes: "You can present them with the actual facts, and they will smile knowingly, and deny them to your face, and condescendingly mock you for not 'seeing the truth.'"
brakar does this constantly on this forum. He's rakarb for those who don't know. He doesn't respond to studies, facts or statistics cited, etc. He simply makes bland pronouncements like "Nothing has changed. Everyone's behaving normally as they always have. No one's been hurt by the vaccinations in his country." Etc.
People have remarkably different connections with their own consciousness; different encounters with reality; different suppositions based on many unseen or unacknowledged "truths" they gained, in many cases, via coercion or fear in their lives; etc.
Perhaps all these differences are simply exacerbated today by the constant mind control exerted on the public...particularly the last two decades.
I just finished the following interview with Cathy O'Brien (an MK Ultra survivor) over at Forbidden Knowledge TV. She describes the Covid Plandemic as "mind control disguised as a virus." She shows how the same techniques used on her in the MK Ultra program have been used during the Covid Plandemic against the general public. [Link]
"You’ve heard of the Magna Carta but have you heard of the new “Terra Carta”? The one that personifies nature’s rights and liberties over people? Have you ever seen a hereditary monarch get crowned by international, unelected bodies claiming to improve the “STATE of the world"? The underlying message is one that people need to understand at their core: the relationship between the people, the environment and their rulers has always been deeply contentious. The subject today is much as it was 1000 years ago."
Good article. All these years I called it, blowing smoke or hot air up peoples asses or arses. Blow enough and people will rise to the occasion, not enough and it will fail.
To me the term is insufficient and doesn't properly represent what actually happens when you light gas on fire. First there is the big woof or poor, followed by a rapid burn that either lights the wood the gas was on or the wood, because it's too wet the fire goes out quicker.
Leave it to shrinks to name something after a movie.
I'll still call it blowing smoke up your arse, which has been around a lot longer than gas lighting.
In any case, they are succeeding. Did anyone actually watch the Twitter video? If not, you should. What C.J. Hopkins is saying is that you can show the morons that video, demonstrate to them that they have been lied to, and they will be unable to see it, or will refuse to see it. I have actually experienced this first hand. Someone who has the time to watch an hour of television every night asked me for proof, so I sent it to him, but he was too busy to spend 10 minutes proving to himself what a gullible asshole he had been, and how his mental asshole had been mercilessly violated for an hour every night by his heroes on the tube.
That's why I am so hostile towards them. I don't even try to rescue them any more from their death-wish, with all their booster shots. They get sick and suffer miserably, I just say, what a shame, get well soon.
There's a passage in the Bible, Matthew Chapter 7, Verse 6: “Give not what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you (tear you to pieces.)”
Words to live by ...!! I will live, they will die, and their deaths will be by their own pig-headed choice, and besides, they deserve their fate which they have themselves chosen. I refuse to be torn to pieces any more, by those I am trying to save from their own stupidity. Let them all die.
All I remember is back in high school and we had those 'pep rallies'?
The ones held in the gym where you get all excited because everyone else is excited?
I didn't get excited.
When I think all by myself.
I think alone.
Have a good one fellow Sott folks.
We should have been friends.
I was never a fan of 'ball sports' either.
Give me tetrahedrons every time. 😺
this is everything said, nothing needed to add..