supreme court USA
The Supreme Court of the United States
Blackmail works, and it always has. That's why people keep doing it. That's why journos and other libs are currently doing it. The craziest part is that they're trying to blackmail the Supreme Court.

I want someone to explain to me how this qualifies as news:

Why the hell should anybody care what Disney or Walmart or any other company says about this issue or any other? They sell products. They don't exist to congratulate you for holding the correct opinions.

"Company Is Silent About Issue I Care About" is not journalism. It's activism. This activist is just putting pressure on companies to put pressure on the Supreme Court.

That's the whole reason somebody leaked this. They're losing this fight because they lost the 2016 election, so they're desperately trying to whip up a mob to get what they want anyway. It's deeply un-American, which is why journos love doing it.