Buffalo_Ken Bring a test like this into my town, and get ready for some resistance like you might not expect.Yep. What's it called, uneven warfare or guerilla or whatever. Did you ever see that CIA sponsored booklet for Nicaragua? The evil minds required to come up with that was incredible. Found it> [Link] Actually, that's not it because there's worse. One thing that was evil genius was to tie up a wet sponge with string and when it's dried, take off the string, go to a government building and flush it down the toilet. That's evil. There was a lot more like that.
This comparatively innocuous little pamphlet should not be confused with the exceedingly sinister 44-page Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare that the CIA released in Nicaragua a year later. Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare instructed readers on “how to kidnap and kill officials, blow up public buildings and blackmail ordinary citizens,” The New York Times reported when news of that booklet first broke in October 1984. The nature of the content brought considerable heat to the CIA, leading to a congressional investigation. [Link]This looks like the whole deal. It really is evil coward tactics. [Link] Maybe maybe not. Here's that first page I ever saw: [Link] Our government has been the bad guys for a long long time.
Why tho?
Just as Gain-Of-Function research is about making viruses more deadly to humans.
Why tho?
"A declassified FBI report from the Baltimore field office dated Aug. 25, 1950 provides some tantalizing support for the claim. “The BW [biological weapon] experiments to be conducted by representatives of the Department of the Army in the New York Subway System in September 1950, have been indefinitely postponed,” states the memo, a copy of which the author provided to The Post. An Olson colleague, Dr. Henry Eigelsbach, confirmed to Albarelli that the LSD subway test did, in fact, occur in November 1950, albeit on a smaller scale than first planned. Little, however, is known about the test — what line, how many people and what happened."
Again, Why tho?
What do I think? These are are practice exercises for extermination/depopulation agendas. GOD bless us all.