I came across a book by Jean M. Twenge called the iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood. This book - chock full of statistics, graphs and charts - provides a shocking picture of the generation that is now moving through universities and colleges, and it is not looking pretty.
The Lost iGeneration
We all know that there are obvious differences between those generations born in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. But what are they, exactly?
Born between 1995 and 2005, the Internet Generation was born at a time when live births to unmarried mothers were at their highest levels ever. They are also the most ethnically diverse generation, with estimates that "52% of Americans under 18 are white, compared to 75% of Boomers." And they spent their entire youth on the internet.
Socialized on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it seems that most picked up their intellectual interests on Reddit and Tumblr. They did it all with little to no adult supervision. And now, like in the movie Event Horizon, they've brought what they picked up there back with them and into the universities.
Most of the Internet Generation's waking hours are spent on video chat, texting, browsing the internet, and electronic gaming. For high school seniors in this age range, it's roughly 6 hours a day, and for 8th graders it's 5 hours a day. But to make matters worse, less than 20% of parents are aware of what their children are getting up to online. That's 6 hours of unsupervised activity on a medium that contains everything from porn to flat earth theory. Which explains why only 66% of this generation is sure that the Earth is round.
Well what's wrong with that - kids will be kids, right? Make mistakes and grow up. Sure, but that entails facing challenges - dating, socializing with real people, doing homework and working a job. They are doing those things, right?
Outside of the internet, what does the Internet Generation do with their time? Well they don't read. The percentage reading books or magazines nearly every day dropped from about 60% in 1976 to 15% in 2015. The percentage who reported reading two or more books for pleasure in a year dropped from nearly 80% in 1976 to about 50% in 2015.1
Ok so they're not bookworms. No big deal. Surely they're partying and hanging out with friends then? Nope. They're not dating and they don't go out without their parents. In the 1990s more than half of teens hung out with friends every day or nearly every other day. By 2014 that number had dropped to about 25%, or one in four.2
Ok so they're not reading for pleasure and 75% of them aren't hanging out with friends. They must be working then? Nope. As Tenge writes, "[I]n the late 1970s, only 22% of high school seniors didn't work for pay at all during the school year, but by the early 2010s, twice as many (44%) didn't."3
Ok so they're not hanging out, not working, and not reading for fun. Presumably that's because they're all too busy studying to get into college then? Nope, not that either - the amount of time spent on homework has dropped and 65% of eighth graders in American schools are not even proficient in reading, and 67% are not proficient in basic math. Two-thirds of all American children!
Well who likes math anyway when you can go on dates. They are at least dating, right? Nope - they're not doing that either. In the early 1990s, nearly three out of four 10th graders dated, but by the 2010s only about half did. As Twenge writes, "In short: iGen teens are less likely to take part in every single face-to-face social activity measured across four data sets of three different age groups."4
A lack of challenge combined with the contagious and addictive nature of the internet is why seventy-nine percent display symptoms of distress when kept away from their devices. They're basically (barely) functioning addicts before they even reach adulthood.
Strange Contagions and the Internet Generation
The first iPhone was introduced in 2007. Not long after that, in Silicon Valley (what we could call Ground Zero of the iGen epidemic), a suicide cluster began. These clusters fed on viral news vectored through social media. All day long kids were sharing updates about the deaths from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, spreading each suicide like a virus across the community. The result was an epidemic that left several hundred children dead and a suicide rate ten times higher than the national average.
If that doesn't scare a parent, then this probably will. Up until 2008 the rate of self-harm among children was relatively stable. But since 2009 the rate of emergency room visits for girls aged 10 to 14 has increased 19% a year. Suicide rates continue to rise, as well as rates of depression and anxiety.
I would argue that there is no coincidence in these numbers. There is something 'contagious' about the internet and its easy access via 'smart phones,' and it's damaging these vulnerable children. Twenge found that "8th graders who spend ten or more hours a week on social media are 56% more likely to be unhappy than those who don't."5
If the rise in self-harm and suicide isn't enough, there's the contagious nature of gender dysphoria. As one researcher reports, "Up until about ten years ago, gender dysphoria presenting for the first time in adolescence was virtually unknown in natal females." She continues, saying:
In the past decade, however, a new presentation of gender dysphoria has suddenly become widespread, in which teens or tweens come to identify as transgender "out of the blue," without any childhood history of feeling uncomfortable with their sex. Experts have dubbed this presentation rapid onset gender dysphoria, and are beginning to study it.As we discussed on a previous episode of The Truth Perspective, ideas, behaviors, and emotions are contagious. They spread by imitations and mimicry. Children now spend more unsupervised time being possessed by the internet than they do face-to-face with other human beings. The factors that conditioned them have now followed them into the colleges.
"We think this is an entirely distinct phenomenon from childhood-onset gender dysphoria," says Michael Bailey, PhD, a leading researcher on sexuality and gender, and a psychology professor at Northwestern University. "Indeed, we think it didn't exist until recently. It is a socially contagious phenomenon, reminiscent of the multiple personality disorder epidemic of the 1990s."
Although not much is known at this time about ROGD, it appears likely that it may be a kind of social contagion in which young people - often teen girls - come to believe that they are transgender.
Now thirty-seven percent of college students report that it is acceptable to shout down speakers with whom they disagree, and 10% agree it's acceptable to use violence to shut them up. These kids, unaccustomed to life, find anything that is vaguely threatening - like clapping or differing opinions - a cause for official and/or violent intervention.
Anything with the scent of testosterone has become 'rape' because this generation barely learned what a relationship even looked like, outside of the awful influence of pornography.
And, without learning how to deal with things like conflict, debate, discussion, or differing opinions, these kids have become the prime target audience for the SJW authoritarians out to police everyone's thoughts and relationships.
In sum it seems that the Feminist war on the family has combined with the Internet Generation to create the perfect host for the SJW madness, and it looks like it's only going to get worse.
1. Jean M. Twenge's iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us (Kindle Edition) loc. 893
2. Ibid. loc. 1016
3. Ibid. loc. 478
4. Ibid. loc. 1067
5. Ibid. loc. 1095
Reader Comments
however, I was impressed by your seeming knowledge of our founders original intent...
our is the ONLY form of government based on individual rights.
and you are also correct that the federal government is NOT allowed to have a standing army for more than 2 years.
Wait, why am I asking you please? JUST DO IT NOW ! Ya know, before the Earth explodes, or whatever...
Our only hope for survival as a people is to take a truly unvarnished look at the past, throw out what was likely imposed on us by psychopaths and pathocrats (followers of the aforementioned) and come up with ways for all to be happy, not just wealthy.
About the article, I was glad to read this: "there's the contagious nature of gender dysphoria" and to see that other people have finally caught on to what appears to be the deliberate harnessing of the well known teenage focus on the need to belong and to discover who they are for political reasons.
Mostly Europeans are 'woke' hence their massive protests. Nope, bollocks...that's a generalisation. Spit and bile directed at someone who is proud of their son who has joined the ranks of the military, without such military, you would be unable to spout your spit and bile for potentially the world to see. Are you a cherry picker, KristiB, cos it sure seems that way to me?
You're angry with the elites and want to live in a neat little echo chamber, where everyone else is angry with the elites and you can all shout and bemoan the rest of us useless eaters and our ignorance...meanwhile, I will tend my garden...maybe you could too?
Happy days...
go get'r girl
my bro
au con traire. she is hot as a firecracker! and I suspect that this pervades her life.
true, a bit strident in the Alex Jones fashion. but this does not mean that she is wrong.
Rocky, the only people who are sure that they are fucked is you and your kind.
take a Valium and watch this.
Your clip is cute, i enjoyed.
especially in relation to oppression/ misdirection of scientific knowledge, and what areas are people being most misled in?
I would owe you one. You really make me curious to understand you, even if I might not agree.
OK, bydammit. now I am pissed..
Flat Earth 'theory' is a wholly different point of view and one which the satanic/masonic elite are desperate to 'shut down' (..by deception - whatever) ...
mebbe you should both head west and be cowboys?
Consider these events, and the timeline. I will keep it short, as i have posted this a few times here.
Lets begin in 1913. The Federal Reserve.
1914. WW1.
1916. Asquith removed and replaced by zionist Lloyd George.
1916/1917. The Sykes Picot agreement.
1917. The Bolshevik Revolution. The Balfour Declaration.
1918. WW1 ends??
1919. The Treaty of Versailles.
1920. The Royal Institute of International Affairs. The League of Nations.
1922. The end of the Ottoman empire.
1923. The British Mandate of Palestine. The Council of Foreign Relations.
Fast forward to 1930 briefly, The Bank of International Settlements, one year after the Wall Street Crash.
Anyway, these entities arose around WW2. The United Nations. GATT, a fore runner for the WTO. Nato. The World Bank. The IMF. The state of Israel...etc. The Warsaw Pact of 1955. Stalin dies 1953. The Bilderberg Group for the creation of the EU 1954, The McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950s . During WW2, Soviet operatives had the highest clearance at top US military sites, in the US!!!
Fast forward again to the 1980s/1990s, and we have the naive Gorbachev, ousted by Yeltsin. The quagmire in Afghanistan.
1991. The Soviet Union collapses. GHW Bush bombs Iraq, and announces the New World Order, and the end of history.
1999. The emergence of the great man. Vladimir Putin, and the rebirth of Russia. Just for a laugh here, Mr Putin is worth $70 billion according to celebritynetworth.com... LOL!
2001 9/11.
Then into the 21st century, the Magnitsky act, Bill Browder, and the oligarch's who left Russia and hate Mr Putin. The sanctions, Syria, Ukraine, the ME, China, Iran, and BRICS, the SCO, EAEU, and the AIIB.
Does this picture make sense?
Arrogant if you ask me. Well... since nobody really cares, you decide.... let me type a non-truth aka lie and look intellectual to benefit my own ego agrandizement
Also, in conjunction with answering the above question, what do these dates and timelines tell you?
1957 Sputnik 1
1958 NASA created
1959 Antarctic Treaty
1962 Operation Dominic
1963 - 1972 Space race
1973 onward - No access above LEO / no access below 60 degrees South
The short lived space fantasy, the formation of the Nazi based space propaganda organisation and the banning of people from Antarctic
Yes, the iGeneration has grown up with the internet - how could they not? BUT they aren't the content creators... the content they consume is pushed onto them by the generations that went before them. They are taught.... they don't teach themselves. In my experience the main influencers in the social media space tend to be people not born from the iGeneration, at least not yet really.
The same applies to the generation just before, the MTV generation. A lot of the media content being consumed by them that was shaping their behaviours was not really something that they were doing to themselves but something that was being done to them in a sort of self looping scheme i.e. you portray something as cool, some kids cordon onto it and start to imitate, if these kids are influencers within their social circles, their friends start imitating them and the contagion spreads.
I mean one thing that really stands out in the article is the pattern of ALWAYS thinking the kids growing up are messed up... I mean this pattern is in all articles about new generations from like the time of ancient Greece.
I'm not disputing what is being said here.... what I am questioning is 'what is the other side of the equation?'.
You can't say these kids will fail at adulthood.... THEY WON'T. The world will be moulded to fit them, their world won't be like your world. Their world will to a certain level be functional i.e. they will have a society just like ours and they in turn will be the drivers of that society when we're all old and grey. Everything is setting up the stage for the next generation... the platforms that social media exist on wasn't built by the iGeneration, the theories that SJWs feed off weren't designed by millennials etc.
So, what's the other side of the equation? You have told us why you think the iGeneration will fail at adulthood, yet you haven't told us what it is about them that will ensure they succeed to build the next iteration of this thing we call society and civilization.
The people that really need to worry are us... the world out there is changing so that it now appears alien to US, not THEM!
Thirty years ago, base-line societal oestrogen-bias probably looked a bit like...
Now probably looks more like...
Consider the possible implications of that.
You ever read yourself K?
"We think this is an entirely distinct phenomenon from childhood-onset gender dysphoria," says Michael Bailey, PhD, a leading researcher on sexuality and gender, and a psychology professor at Northwestern University. "Indeed, we think it didn't exist until recently. It is a socially contagious phenomenon , reminiscent of the multiple personality disorder epidemic of the 1990s."
These dunderheads never pay attention to their own kind:
"In the traditional family, father has always been acknowledged to play two vital roles in the lives of his children. First, he helps his offspring develop a sense of their own competence and independence outside the powerful intimacy of the mother/child couple. Second, he contributes powerfully to the sexual identity formation of his children. " The Nurturing Father, Dr Kyle Pruett 1987
Every generation has their portion of the stupid, the credulous, and the fools who cannot be helped. Those just have to be left to knock about as pinballs until they acquire basic sensibilities. My Gen X daughter got more nurturing than any of her siblings yet absorbed nothing from her parental instruction. Scholastically well above average, but as dense as a mule, while her youngest quasi-Millenial brother learned how to make IT tech work for him and he's on his way to 6 figure income with 3 able and self-motivated/self-governing boys.
I might have remembered it incorrectly, it was an interview he did recently... he might have a bit of OCD himself.
1) Revitalized religious youth organizations
2) Ban divorce until the 20th year of marriage
3)Require fatherhood to be upheld by a non-removable livable job.
Less divorce... and pretty much less of everything that seems to be completely ridiculous, just maybe moderately ridiculous, with a substantial reduction in the vectoring of a cyborg orientated society and the dysfunction that comes with that.
Only the religious terminology and rhetorics have been slightly amended...
LindaMay, U go get 'em grrrl!
"That's 6 hours of unsupervised activity on a medium that contains everything from porn to flat earth theory. Which explains why only 66% of this generation is sure that the Earth is round"
...When did you switch to the FE theory hard stuff?
Or were you just switching hands?