The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.
I feel the only mattering stuff towards dick cheney should approximate the hope that the caretaker spared as much money & efforts as possible...
Rolling out of my crib before dawn today (...) I wondered where Dick Cheney was. :P LOL LOL I'm myself more into some "coffee-fag" trends when I...
Churchill was a callous and bloody-minded right winger and unashamed British Imperialist. Among other things he ordered the bombing and poison...
" according to the Royal Navy" they are a world class force. In reality the RN is underfunded, understaffed, under equipped and under trained. RN...
Trying to stay "on topic" here but can't respond to my own message just now - so I'll post it here - more Billy Strings I tried to post on the...
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P.s. If your birthday is considered to be June 12, that's even better, above and beyond the numerological coolness of that date, which is special in my heart for other reasons.
* Did you know that in public schools in Florida, that they no longer teach children how to write in cursive script? I guess it's too much to expect from their dumbed down brains, and I'm sure that our PTB have no fear that the idiot parents of those kids will complain, as they are mostly from that first full-blown generation of the purposely dumbed-down.
Think of it: the smarmy, proud of their being dumb enough to be 'entitled', 'parents' of our current herd of children idiots, being raised by immature idiot moms, with far, far too many 'dads' nowhere near and/or not known, etc.
Contrast our current society with the one where and when you were born and/or raised, SOTTites, and how you dealt with the hardballs life throws at everyone.
Snowflakes are not excepted from such events; they're just unreasonably and thoroughly unprepared for the rocks buried in the snowballs that are even now heading their metaphorical ways towards their ill prepared targets. (In Florida, same tend to be green oranges.)