Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Hope she's right. Not feeling that confident at all but UTTERLY RELIEVED BIDEN GONE
Spoken like a true teen dramaqueen DW. 🙄
For those interested, here is a Smart Meter documentary that won awards in 2017. [Link]
free bird basically speaking, this world (however else you wish to describe it and imbibe in it--yakety yak, yakety yak, yak yak yak), is ruled by...
ps - i am still not convinced it is genetic ... that rings like a drug commercial to me .
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Reader Comments
The area of Santa Catarina state mentioned in this article is known to be the coldest in the entire country and this is due to its location to the south of the country and also a very high altitude. São Joaquim, Urupema and other neighboring cities are locatade on an area of mountains and always make the news in the winter when the most unbrazilian thing happens there: it snows.
if the ice age comes, we Brazilians will be glad.