lf you look at the eyes of this man you do not see the tyrant described by the lying Zionist media. I see a man I would be proud to call a friend.
Some of them come from people now sworn to defame him, before Syria became the focus of extreme NATO intervention a few years ago... with so much more NATO horror to come. One thing you will see is that this man is another leader who, just by being what he is, strikes fear and loathing in the hearts of his enemies who are, to all intents and purposes, also the enemies of humankind in general.
Edited and translated by Mohamad Abdo Al-Ibrahim
''H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad is the last Arab Leader, who is still steadfast, and glorified resisting Western world. I stand by Bashar and would support him to the last of my breath. Be sure that not the Emir of Qatar, or al-Jazeera nor the USA can down Bashar; and I will go to Damascus to congratulate him because he will not fail.'' ~ The Egyptian Star, Adel Imam, February 26, 2012.
"We award the Russian Union of Writers Award to H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad for his steadfastness in resisting the Western hegemony and the attempts to impose their dictations on the Syrian People. We wish success to President Al-Assad in solving the current crisis, and we believe in this success." ~ The Chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia, Professor Valerie Gainchiev, January 22, 2012.
"The Russian Leadership views President Bashar Al-Assad as the legitimate president who is committed to preserving security and order in his country. President Al-Assad is looking after his citizens and assuming responsibility for ensuring general order in Syria." ~ Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary of the Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin, March 22, 2012
"Syria, given its cool nerves and strong military, and its President Al-Assad, is a hundred times more dangerous for Israel than Iran." ~ Israeli TV Channel 10. March 2012.
"President Assad is a very cultured man." ~ Gregorios Elias Tabé, 70, the Syrian Catholic archbishop of Damascus, November 2011.
''Assad lives in a relatively small house in a normal - albeit guarded - street. He believes that his modest lifestyle is another component of his appeal... from conversations with residents in Damascus at least, it does in fact seem to make Assad somewhat better esteemed by his own people than many other Arab rulers.'' ~ Andrew Gilligan, The Telegraph Journalist, October 30. 2011
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has accorded the most of care, human initiatives, generosity, sublime politeness and amity to artists. His Excellency has put medicine and doctors at my disposal so as to treat me, engulfing me with his goodness, generosity and utmost care. Had President Al-Assad asked for my eyes, I would happily have given them to His Excellency as a gift in recognition of his great humanity.'' ~ Singer Wadi Al-Safi, Lebanese singer, October 18, 2011
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is the first reformer who called for reform in Syria and has proposed, since assuming office in 2000, a comprehensive reform plan in the social, economic and political domains.'' ~ Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister (September 25, 2011)
''President Bashar Al-Assad is the last bastion of Arabism.'' ~ Alessia Lai, Italian Journalist, the Renascita, October 2, 2011
''H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad is well-educated, he is broad-minded, and we think that he has a chance for modernization in his country if the ruling class of Syria becomes more open-minded, more receptive to new ideas.'' ~ Mikhael Margelov, a Russian presidential envoy to the region (September 8, 2011)
''Syria under the leadership of President Al-Assad will become a model in the Arab world after accomplishing the reforms announced by the Syrian leadership.'' ~ Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey's Foreign Minister, August 9, 2011.
"H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad is a fascinating man with a brilliant, open mind." ~ Roland Dumas, ex-French Foreign Minister in his book Coups et Blessures, July 2011.
''President Bashar Al-Assad wants reform and change to meet the aspirations of his people. They are trying to pressure Syria and President Al-Assad because of the good things that he did such as supporting Palestinian and Lebanese resistance and rejecting surrender to Israel.'' ~ British MP George Galloway, July 26, 2011
"President Bashar Al-Assad cares so much about what is taking place in Syria, which is evident in his efforts for a new Syria; and everybody who meets him can be certain of this. His Excellency President Al-Assad is highly beloved and appreciated by the Syrians whom I met." ~ U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, June 27, 2011
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is very popular as the beloved President by the masses of the Syrian People.'' ~ Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey's Foreign Minister, May 29, 2011
''His Excellency President Al-Assad believes in reform. He is serious, determined and ready to go on with greater reform measures, but with responsibility and calculated steps." ~ Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, May 25, 2011
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is a humanist, doctor, educated in London, in no way an extremist; he is a man of great human sensitivity. We salute him from here." ~ President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, March 27, 2011.
''I have touched the great trust of the Syrian People in President Bashar Al-Assad, who is committed to carry out huge reforms in his country.'' ~ MP Nicholas Soames, Chairman of the British Conservative Middle East Council, February 27, 2011.
"The long-term strategic vision of President Bashar Al-Assad, which we share with him, has played an important role in the rapid development of the Syrian-Turkish relations." ~ Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Premier, December 19, 2010.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is THE man of dignity and pride, whose words are deeds, which makes Syria continue, under his courageous and wise leadership, to encounter whoever wants evil for the Nation.'' ~ Sheikh Dr. Mustafa Albagha of Manjaq Mosque, Damascus, November 16, 2010.
''H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad is the key player in the Middle East; His Excellency has been steadfastly leading Syria under the most difficult circumstances.'' ~ Bahraini Al-Bilad newspaper, November 8, 2010.
"The Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad always speaks in a transparent and clear way. He avoids manipulating policy. He never hesitates to say what he thinks of. He adheres to his principles." ~ The Saudi al-Jazirah Newspaper, October 27, 2010.
"H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad is a very brave, wise and strong Leader.'' ~ President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, October 21, 2010.
"H.E. President Assad is also a key figure in the Middle East. He is a proud nationalist and supporter of the Palestinians." ~ Ian Black, the Guardian, July 14, 2010.
"This order is recognition for all of the effort you have been exerting, not only as a leader of Syria but as a leader in the Arab region and the world, in the ongoing and courageous struggle for freedom of the peoples, peace and for life. I am not exaggerating when I say you are one of the new world liberators. This medal is presented by us and our people to President Al-Assad and then we present a replica of the sword of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, the sword of the liberation of peoples to President Al-Assad, who does deserve it.'' ~ President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, (June 26, 2010)
''For sure, President Bashar Al-Assad is the most of Arabs in harmony with himself and in satisfaction with his stances with their resulting success accomplished in Syria. H.E. President Al-Assad occupies a distinguished position which surpasses the Arab, regional and international level.'' ~ Talal Salman, As-Safir Editor-in-Chief, June 7, 2010.
''President Bashar Al-Assad's agenda is fully filled with appointments; Lebanon, however, is second to none as for emotion and political interest as well. As for Palestine, it is never absent from any meeting; Palestine is the Cause: in the past, present and future.'' ~ Talal Salman, As-Safir Editor-in-Chief, June 7, 2010.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is the best successor to the best predecessor.'' ~ H.E. President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, (May 10, 2010)
''We highly appreciate President Bashar Al-Assad's wise leadership and his keenness in constructive cooperation, which has established a solid bridge between the Turkish and Syrian fraternal people, and contributed to the development of sincere and close relations between them.'' ~ Ali Bardakoglu, Director of Turkish Religious Affairs, (April 22, 2010)
"President Bashar Al-Assad's March and his national stances create hope for the Arab Nation." ~ Abdulrahim Morad, Lebanese Union Party Leader, (April 21, 2010)
"H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad is a great Arab Leader, who has a strategic vision and analysis for the nature of the conflict in the region, with its priorities governing all relations," ~ Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Lebanese Hizbullah Party, (March 31, 2010)
"H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad has great credibility; he is sincere and never flatters anybody. I have concretely felt his high kindness and manners." ~ H.E. President Michel Suleiman of Lebanon, (March 30, 2010)
''We are accustomed to His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad's persistent follow-up and support for the Arab Parliament as to make sure that this Parliament is in its due course in the interest of the Arab Nation Causes, and in bolstering of Joint Arab Action.'' ~ H.E. Huda Bin Amer Chairwoman of the Arab Interim Parliament, February 18, 2010
''Assad has become the pivotal player in the rapidly realigning Middle East... Assad now has leverage over both the pragmatic camp and the radical axis. Both sides want him to come over fully. Europe sees him as part of the solution... He has skillfully navigated his country's interests over the past few years...Avigdor Lieberman is not nearly as welcome as Bashar Assad in many of the world's capitals. And Thursday's comments by the foreign minister will most likely not shake the Syrian leader's hold on power.'' ~ Amir Mizroch, the Jerusalem Post, February 5, 2010
''Again, I found President Bashar Al-Assad's total commitment to peace in the region. He expects the European Union to be more active and much more engaged in the peace process and to help the parties engaged.'' ~ Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, February 3, 2010
''Under the courageous wise Presidency of His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad, Syria, surpassing domestic as well foreign obstacles, has witnessed many of the unique accomplishments and miracles of the modern history. The position of Syria was bolstered and President Bashar Al-Assad emerged as a national hero against every gambit by enemies and adversaries; unexpectedly from the young kind-hearted ophthalmologist following years of persistent intensive pressures. Indeed H.E. Al-Assad, the Popular President of Syria, has a remarkable capacity to surpass barbed wires.'' ~ The Yemeni Mareb Press, January 16, 2010.
"The year of 2009 is the year of Syria and of His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad's brilliance. President Al-Assad is closest to his people, Arabs and to public opinion; enjoying more amity, confidence, and closeness to Arabs.'' ~ Prof. Mohsen Bilal, Minister of Information, December 30, 2009.
''President Bashar Al-Assad has cornerstoned his policy on his absolute trust in his people, belief in his causes, formulating future visions so as to safeguard those causes, on top of which comes the Palestinian cause to safeguard sovereignty, laying down the basis on which to fortify Syria, steadfastly, and ultimately to liberate the land.'' ~ Prof. Mohsen Bilal, the Minister of Information, December 30, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is a practical man of his word, adopts and reactivates what he says within a mechanism of implementation. His Excellency Al-Assad embodies the National, Arab and Human conscience in His eagerness as to mend the fences, bridge the gap, and to unite the Arab ranks, not to mention the theory of his own, related to the order and organization of differences.'' ~ Prof. Mohsen Bilal, the Minister of Information, December 30, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is the only steadfast Arab President.'' ~ George Galloway, renowned British politician, December 26, 2009.
"The policy of His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has largely contributed to changing equations, finding suitable solutions and exits from crises; in which enemies have left no stone unturned so as to get Syria involved, deterring her from playing her national role. Syria has been able to emerge stronger, more determined and more self-and-future confident, transforming the policy from the art of the possible to the art of the stance.'' ~ Fahd Al-Rimawai, a prominent Jordanian Journalist, December 24, 2009.
''The role of Syria and Mr. President Bashar Al-Assad has a big importance in the process of peace negotiations; Syria has long history and role to this effect, and is, with its vital and pivotal role, the best to represent the region.'' ~ Mr. Werner Faymann, the Austrian Federal Chancellor, December 23, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad's decision in 2005 to confront the attack against Syria, defending National and Pan-Arab interests, has resulted in the political success of Syria, not to mention positive change of the regional as well as international stances towards her. President Al-Assad's decision was based on his farsighted political insight and vision, as well as on his trust in the Syrian and Arab People.'' ~ Professor Bouthaina Shaa'ban, Advisor to President Al-Assad for Political and Media Affairs, November 19, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad represents the conscience of his People and Nation. President Al-Assad has moved Syria's stance from that of defence to taking of the initiative, regionally as well as internationally, strengthening the Arab stance in front of the World.'' ~ Professor Bouthaina Shaa'ban, Advisor to President Al-Assad for Political and Media Affairs, November 19, 2009.
''The Syrian president's visit to France was successful and important for the Syrian president, who received a "loftier" reception than usual in traditional working visits. He was able to conduct unprecedented levels of public relations in the French capital. Al-Assad was not stingy when it came to media interviews and television appearances. Meetings were held for him with the leading French intellectuals and media figures, who saw the president's attractiveness, modernity and skill in dealing with the media.'' ~ Randa Takieddine, the Saudi Al-Hayat Daily, November 18, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has great ideas, wise policy, and seeks the realization of a Just Peace, which is to restore rights in full to the Syrian People.'' ~ His Holiness Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians, November 15, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has ever been the voice of the Nation, sparing no efforts for Arab and Islamic Solidarity and Unity of the Stance. We are so proud of His Excellency President Al-Assad's leadership and honourable stances.'' ~ Miss Rayana Masso, a Lebanese Facebook follower of H.E. President Al-Assad, November 9, 2009.
''I have spoken to many heads of state, presidents and prime ministers but I have never seen one like Bashar Al-Assad, who is so comfortable, so confident and who treats you like a friend. His Excellency President Al-Assad is self-confident and full of energy, knowing what he wants to achieve.'' ~ Mehmet Ali Birand, Turkish Hürriyet journalist, November 8, 2009.
"We do take pride in the stances of H. E. President Bashar Al-Assad, and in his courageous vision, which has proved credibility to the World in tackling the region's causes, and as well in dealing with regional and international causes. I am proud to be an American of Syrian origin. As Syrian Expatriates from the Syrian Arab Origin, we are so proud of His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad.'' ~ H. E. Mary Rose Oakar, President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and a former US Democratic Congresswoman, October 30, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad of the Syrian Arab Republic has proven to be well acquainted with European politics, reality, and models. His Excellency is very well aware, and precisely, of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. Syria, under His Leadership, is the most important factor for the realization of Mideast Peace.'' ~ His Excellency President Stjepan Mesić of Croatia, October 29, 2009.
''President Bashar Al-Assad is a distinguished character; His Excellency has been leading his country towards economic openness and development. I have held an extraordinary meeting and very good talks with His Excellency.'' ~ Her Excellency Jadranka Kosor, the Croatian Prime Minister, October 28, 2009.
''His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad's steadfast and principled stances are a source of pride and glory, which has been giving us the power, resistance and steadfastness in the face of Israeli oppressive measures.'' ~ Sheikh Taher Abu Saleh, Chairman of the Golan Heights Delegation visiting Syria, the Motherland, September 27, 2009.
''Your Excellency, we do congratulate you; that you have been chosen by the Almighty Allah as to gather us bridging the human beings' bonds of relations, and as to build the bridges of peace, based on the principles, values, and morals, which benefits and fruits are to be enjoyed the future generations.'' ~ Professor Mohamad Sai'd Ramadan Al-Buotti, renowned Islamic intellectual, September 20, 2009.
''President Bashar Al-Assad's stances on the region's causes, and as far as the realization of peace, stability and security in the region are ever constructive and positive; all in the world are very well aware of this fact. Our meetings with His Excellency President Al-Assad are important and do contribute to the bolstering of the standing brotherly relations between both sisterly countries and peoples. Both Syria and Turkey continuously work for solving Mideast problems, securing the requirements of security and stability in the region.'' ~ His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Prime Minister of Turkey, September 15, 2009.
''Viva Bashar Al-Assad. I hereby dedicate my heart for Syria and for Bashar Al-Assad, the great international leader, filled with steadfastness and firmness. The pictures of President Al-Assad were even with me hoisted during my Presidential elections campaigns. We all are with Bashar Al-Assad. I recall on this occasion the memory of his great father, Hafez Al-Assad, whose character, courage, steadfastness and leadership outstretched the borders of Syria to the entire Arab World, Middle East and world.'' ~ His Excellency President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, September 4, 2009.
''Since I have listened to His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad delivering his Presidential oath speech in 2000, I said here we are, President Al-Assad embodies the new leadership, which the world needs. His Excellency is strong, steadfast and firm in the face of challenges and imperialist aggressions against people. I do congratulate Your Excellency President Al-Assad; you are the real hero of resistance; who merits our applause, hoisting the banner of nationalism and Arab Unity.'' ~ His Excellency President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, September 3, 2009.
''All were thunderstruck by the wise policy pursued by H. E. President Bashar Al-Assad, who does deserve every admiration and appreciation. President Al-Assad is very talented, nationalist, smart, and intelligent; we have been and are to be more amazed by His Excellency.'' ~ Dr. Nidal Maa'rouf, a well-known Arab literary critic and analyst, August 28, 2009.
''President Bashar Al-Assad's wisdom, not to mention the vision of His Excellency, based on steadfastness and resistance, and the dynamics of his policy, in addition to his strategic vision for the Just and Comprehensive Peace, based on the restoration of the entire Land, and Arab rights, have fortified the Syrian pivotal role in the region, enabling Syria to steadfastly and firmly encounter last years' pressures and challenges.'' ~ Professor Bouthaina Shaa'ban, Advisor to H. E. President Al-Assad for Political and Media Affairs, August 15, 2009.
''The basic criterion of President Bashar Al-Assad's wise and steadfast policy is the interest of the Homeland, People, and Nation. His Excellency's vision for the Syrian role is based on the commitment to the Arab Rights, realization of peace and on the consolidation of every power card.'' ~ Professor Bouthaina Shaa'ban, Advisor to H. E. President Al-Assad for Political and Media Affairs, August 15, 2009.
"Syrian President Bashar Assad has reiterated his father's "strategic option for peace," which is based on the principle of land for peace." ~ Edward P. Djerejian, founding director of the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University, August 10, 2009.
''This mixture of diplomacy, open society and strong democracy made Syria a key for peace in the region. The assessment of Bashar al-Assad's first nine years in power is a positive one. In 2008, Bashar al-Assad was invited for the July 14 celebration in France, an honor that few receive.'' ~ Anton Caragea, a professor of international relations and political science, and director of the Institute for Research on International Relations and Political Science in Romania, July 30, 2009
''The American People and I appreciate the wise congratulatory letter sent by Your Excellency on the 233rd anniversary of US Independence.'' ~ H. E. President Barack Obama of the USA, July 27, 2009.
"H. E. President Bashar Al-Assad's early years in power, especially the years 2002 to 2006, were a period of great anxiety, which he managed to survive against great odds. He survived the U.S. NeoCons' aggressive determination to reshape the Middle East to Israel's benefit. He survived the American occupation of Iraq. And he survived the forced withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon, after the February 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri." ~ Patrick Seale, July 3, 2009.
"President Bashar al-Assad is well aware that regional peace is essential if he is to achieve his ambition of building a modern state. He has called repeatedly for negotiations with Israel. Not surprisingly, he is anxious to recover the Golan Heights, seized by Israel in 1967. But Syria has no time for a peace which will give Israel further strategic advantage or allow it to continue to oppress the Palestinians." ~ Patrick Seale, July 3, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is behind the influential active presence of Syria in the region as well as in the world." ~ His Beatitude Gregorios III Laham, Patriarch of Antioch and of All the East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, June 27, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has made Syria the centre of balance and political activity in the Middle East. His Excellency, in favour of his wise, national and courageous policy, has made a success in surpassing bids of pressure, siege, and destabilization against the political, economic and social stability in Syria." ~ French TV Channel 5, June 22, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad, the leader of courageous stances, is talented with the inmost of culture and the farsightedness of strategic vision." ~ His Holiness Garaging II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, June 18, 2009
"I have had the honor of meeting His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad; I was surprised when His Excellency, personally, met me at the gate of his house, telling me that I was, as a Syrian Expatriate, a real Ambassador for Syria representing the glitter of Syrian Civilization, and that hopes were pinned on me, as well as on all the expatriates of Syria. The words and instructions of H. E. President Al-Assad have echoed in my ears while receiving the award. To your excellency, Mr. President, I dedicate this Award." ~ Dr. Mohamad Radwan Khawatmi, the Syrian-Italian businessman, winner of the Money Gram Award 2009, owner of Hirux International and President "Movimento i Nuovi Italiani", May 27, 2009.
"Upon leaving his house in Aleppo, Turkish journalists who met President Bashar Al-Assad have wondered among themselves how they could have been left alone in the house of President Al-Assad with no bodyguards whatsoever; and even how they could have been personally seen off at the gate of the house by the President and his family themselves. The journalists have been amazed by how President Al-Assad answered open-heartedly all of their questions, with no in-advance demand to read the questions; and how they could have direct and clear-cut answers for their questions with no so-called 'diplomatic phrases'!!!" ~ Youssef Al-Sharif, journalist, Al-Hayat Daily, May 25, 2009.
According to a major survey of public opinion in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), released by the Brookings Institution and Zogby International, May 19, 2009, His Excellency Bashar Al-Assad was voted the most popular Aral Leader.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a very positive and constructive thinking in the process of peace; and this is very important. President Al-Assad is a sincere, true peace monger." ~ His Excellency Abdullah Gül, the Turkish President, May 17, 2009.
"We have touched since the very beginning the credibility and seriousness of President Al-Assad in relation to all of the region issues; on this very basis, we have gone forward in relations with other countries as to explain the reality of the Syrian pivotal stances in all of the files of interest to the region." ~ His Excellency Abdullah Gül, the Turkish President, May 14, 2009.
"President Al-Assad has a true and strong intention in opening up to the west." ~ His Excellency Abdullah Gül, the Turkish President, May 12, 2009.
"I dedicate the Award for His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad, for his outstanding and distinguished dealing with and response to Media. Without the transparency, frankness, courage and open-mindedness of President Al-Assad welcoming all the questions I put to His Excellency, I would not have won this Award." ~ Journalist Ahmed Ali of the Qatari Al-Watan newspaper, the winner of Dubai Press Club First Award for the Best Press Interview he made with H. E. President Bashar Al Assad, May 12, 2009.
"My interview with H. E. President Al-Assad was not a normal one; it is the dialogue of every and all dialogue, because it has been with President Al-Assad, and only when President Al-Assad, as the sole Arab Leader, speaks, the entire public opinion carefully listens. What H. E. Al-Assad says has impacts on several tracks in the Middle East, in light of the importance of Syria, her pivotal role in the region, and the position of her President on the international scene." ~ Journalist Ahmed Ali of the Qatari Al-Watan Newspaper, the winner of Dubai Press Club First Award for the Best Press Interview he made with H. E. President Bashar Al Assad, May 12, 2009.
"I was overwhelmed during my interview with H. E. President Al-Assad by the fact that H.E. did not get antipathetic by my booby-trapped questions, did not hesitate to answer them, nor did H. E. object or show reservations against any of the put-forward questions. H. E. was very open and transparent in his answers, which did encourage me to go on and on, reaching to the top of political transparency and journalistic frankness." ~ Journalist Ahmed Ali of the Qatari Al-Watan Newspaper, the winner of Dubai Press Club First Award for the Best Press Interview he made with H. E. President Bashar Al Assad, May 12, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has a very big kind heart, loving all people of the entire world, and not only his own people, wishing for all the best of progress, civilization, and cooperation." ~ His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, May 2, 2009.
"We do believe, as men of religion, that President Al-Assad, who called on us as to be messengers of civilization, amity, and meeting among people, is the very owner of these called-for principles, and sublime human basics. His Excellency has ever been leading his people to success and prosperity, which is quite clear through the present amity and coherence among the Syrian People." ~ His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, May 2, 2009.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is a very influential politician, dynamic and modern. H. E. President Al-Assad is very interested in what is happening in the European Union." ~ The Slovak Prime Minister, H. E. Robert Fico, April 29, 2009.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has been playing a very active role in dialogue, especially as far as the issue of peace is concerned." ~ Mr. Michael Häup, the Mayor and Governor of Vienna, April 27, 2009.
"We could have never been able to overcome the stormy tides with optimism and satisfaction without the wisdom and courage of H. E. President Bashar Al-Assad." ~ H.H. Patriarch Mor Ignatios Zakka I Iwas, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, April 19, 2009.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the believer, whom we wish the best of success; hence his success is to be reflected upon us." ~ His Beatitude Ignatius IV Hazim, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of and All the East, April 19, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad has a far-sighted clear vision, and a great understanding of phase during which the Arab Nation has been passing, the prerequisites of the Joint Arab Action, and a keen great keenness on the creation of a unity case in the Arab Nation, disregarding difference , seeking the unity of the Arab Word." ~ Jaber Al-Harmi, the Qatari Al-Sharq Newspaper, April 1, 2009.
"I have had a very good useful meeting with President Bashar Al-Assad. I appreciate H. E. President Al-Assad, for his efforts as to achieve peace and stability in the region and for his role during the Syrian Arab Summit presidency." ~ Mr. Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General, March 29, 2009.
"I have had the honor to meet His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad, for about two and a half hour, in a family-like lovely and kind atmosphere. I have never touched any slight difference in his character; H. E. is still the young, whom I had taught in his elementary school: calm, smart, noble-minded and well-mannered." ~ Mr. Mowafaq Rajab, President Al-Assad's Elementary School Teacher, March 19, 2008. (Syria News).
"Syrian President Bashar Assad has become the hottest ticket in the world, from Washington to Paris and from Riyadh to Cairo. Everybody wants to meet him, be seen with him and get on his good side. Syria has suddenly become the key to solving the insoluble problems of the Middle East. And in a way it is true, but the question remains: what does Assad really intend to do and ask for?" ~ Olivier Guitta, Middle East Times, March 16, 2009.
"His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is dedicated for the interests of his people and country. Syria has been taking correct strides towards the accomplishment of her developmental objectives." ~ Dr. Margaret Chan, the Director General of World Health Organization, March 12, 2009.
"The meeting with President Al-Assad was a very good one; I feel great satisfaction in Syria, because the leadership of Syria has the principles to which adheres and clings in this time of concern, deeming the presence of such a leadership they must." ~ Rev. Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, the current President of the United Nations General Assembly, February 22, 2009.
"Syria's President Bashar al-Assad is being actively courted by the new US administration, the EU as well as fellow Arab leaders making Damascus the Middle Eastern city to visit." ~ The Guardian, February 17, 2009.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the freedom-fighter resistance-man. who is fond of his Homeland." ~ Jamila Buhrid, the well-known Algerian resistance-woman, January 28, 2009.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is very intelligent, very forceful. From my experience, His Excellency is very popular in his own country." ~ Jimmy Carter, ex-President of the United States of America, January, 2009. (Forward Magazine)
"President Bashar Al-Assad has made us accustomed to the fact that he has been the supporter for those, who decide not to bow their heads, though of oppression, tyranny, and massacres, hoisting the banner of resistance-support against occupation as the legitimate right enshrined by all international laws and legislations. We do pin hope on President Al-Assad for the bolstering of the protection of the Palestinian right to liberation, and steadfastness." ~ Dr. Sami Nasser Khalifa, a Kuwaiti intellectual, January 18, 2009"President Bashar Al-Assad has in his character the symbol of the distinguished position of the Arab Syria, the position of the Leader who supports the Leaders of the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance through deeds, as well as through the clear-cut political stances. His Excellency is up to the Arab People rising up in support of the national cause throughout the past six decades; the New Arab Resistance," ~ Ghalib Qandil, the well-known Lebanese journalist, January 17, 2009.
"President Al-Assad responds to the will and to the echoes of the Arab Masses in the interest of the Nation with its historic project of liberation. His Excellency represents the wise, able, and enlightened leadership." ~ Ghalib Qandil, the well-known Lebanese journalist, January 17, 2009.
"Though President Assad does face some criticisms from his country's citizens, on the core issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict and social equity he represents their views much more accurately than do the leaders of U.S.-backed Arab countries like Egypt or Jordan." ~ Helena Cobban, a US a veteran writer, researcher, and program organizer on global affairs, January 16, 2009."The reality of what President Bashar Al-Assad has been doing proves the correctness of the Syrian Vision. The solid Syrian Leadership of President Al-Assad has written glorious pages of challenge and grand defense of the Nation surmounting all bids against Syria." ~ Sheikh Diham Shumar Himidi, the Grand Sheikh of Shumar Tribes, January 6, 2009
"President Bashar Al-Assad has proved to be the most experienced and most able to take decisive stances. His Excellency President Al-Assad has been steadfast when it was impossible for any other Arab leader to be so, defended the dignity of his country, the dignity of Iraq as well as the dignity of the Arab Nation." ~ Sheikh Diham Shumar Himidi, the Grand Sheikh of Shumar Tribes, January 6, 2009
"After eight and a half years at Syria's helm, President Bashar Assad is gaining the respect and admiration that had been reserved for his father Hafez. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been courting him enthusiastically with the help of a Turkish matchmaker, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. European leaders are standing in line to meet with him. Close associates of U.S. president-elect Barack Obama see Syria as the basis for a new balance of power in the region." ~ Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent, December 26, 2008.
"President Al-Assad is the father of the grand Syrian Family, with a heart full of noble feelings; he is the tender-hearted, watchful, just father, who defends every victim of injustice, and every oppressed." ~ His Beatitude Gregorios III Laham, Patriarch of Antioch and of All the East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, December 25, 2008.
"Assad's easy demeanor suggested that he's more firmly in charge now. The Bush administration's attempt to isolate Syria has failed, even in the judgment of senior White House officials. That leaves Assad in the catbird seat, courted by European and Arab nations and conducting back-channel talks through Turkey with his erstwhile enemy Israel." ~ David Ignatius, the Washington Post, December 24, 2008.
"Assad is receiving a stream of visiting diplomats. He looks like a ready partner for Obama's diplomacy, but a cautious one ~ waiting to see what's on offer before he shows more of his hand." ~ David Ignatius, the Washington Post, December 24, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad, the Leader of Syria Al-Assad, is THE historic Leader hoisting the banner of the civilized Arabism; he is the defender of the National Rights." ~ Mr. Talal Arslan, the Lebanese Democratic Party President, Minister of Youth & Sports, December 12, 2008."Once again the road to Damascus is jammed with foreign dignitaries coming to hold court with President Bashar al-Assad." ~ Martin Asser, BBC News, December 8, 2008.
"President Basha Al-Assad cements the National harmony and coexistence, hoisting high the flags of the deep-rooted Syrian Civilization, as to make of our people proud of the bright glory of this Civilization, presenting it, with pride, as the rich priceless heritage for every visitor, tourist and every friend. President Al-Assad himself has been encouraging us since the first moment to go ahead in the achievement of the project of the bringing into view of the Maronite heritage places in Brad as well as in Kalouta Castel." ~ His Exc. Bishop Youssef - Anis Abi Aad, the Patriarch of the Maronite Diocese of Aleppo.
President Bashar Al-Assad "has quietly liberalised what was a stolid, socialist economy, welcomed private banks and foreign investment and begun to open up the internet. Syria is suddenly being featured in travel supplements as a hip new destination." ~ Margarette Driscoll, a well-known British Journalist, December 7, 2008.
"Based on my knowledge, on my personal experience, on my readings, I consider President Bashar Al Assad the best ME Leader nowadays in charge. Though of his young age and limited past experience in politics, he has reached soon after his nomination a deep knowledge of all political aspects internally and internationally. He is open-minded, frank and careful towards his Country's people from whom he has gained respect and trust. He is fully aware of what are Country's lacks and needs and he is doing his best to solve them in Country's benefit, improvement and development. His approach towards World leaders has always been clear and frank; the efforts he is doing to reach peace in ME, and consequently in the rest of the world, is really remarkable and praiseworthy." ~ Luciana Di Floriano, ME Researcher, Italy, December 4, 2008."His Excellency President Bashar Al-Assad is a Statesman, who has been able to present a clear-cut vision of tackling international issues, presenting useful solutions for world crises, demonstrating the principles of courage in decision-takings, not to mention the clarity of vision." ~ Süleyman Sensoy, TASAM Chairman, November 25, 2008.
"Notwithstanding the regional as well as international complications, H. E. President Al-Assad has made of Syria a very fundamental center to make decisions and a key regional player," ~ Süleyman Sensoy, TASAM Chairman, November 25, 2008.
"President Al-Assad, with all of his wisdom and skill, has been able to move Syria forward to a more advanced phase and more up to date in keeping pace with Modern Life and Technology in realization of the friendly Syrian people ambitions, especially in the fields of development and modernization." ~ Süleyman Sensoy, TASAM Chairman, November 25, 2008.
"Under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad, the stances of Syria and her approach in support of the honest resistance in rejection for whatever unjust settlement, is the credit for all the freedom fighters and resistance men." ~ Samir Al-Quntar, the Lebanese Liberated Captive, November 25, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad with his deep vision represents the spirit of the Arab Nation and her resistant voice against all hegemony schemes and conspiracies." ~ Samir Al-Quntar, the Lebanese Liberated Captive, November 24, 2008
"Under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad, Syria has encountered steadfastly the US-Israeli scheme in the region achieving successes to be registered by history. The immortal leader Hafez Al-Assad himself had underlined the importance of Syria, her role, and position formulating her national choice increased under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad making of Syria taking her suitable international position." ~ Nasser Qandil, former Lebanese MP, November 20, 2008.
The wise policy of President Bashar Al-Assad has foiled all bids against Syria," ~ Azmi Bishara, the well-known Palestinian Intellectual, October 21, 2008.
"We love and admire the dynamic character of President Bashar Al-Assad, whose wise policy has been able to make Syria surmount the many of challenges." ~ Maxim Shiftchinco, Russian Social Council member, August 20, 2008
"President Bashar Al-Assad is self-confident, humble, and fond of dialogue; he masters the art of listening before taking decisions and knows how to bet; he has won the bet in international politics." ~ The French 'Le Figaro', July 11, 2008."President Bashar Al-Assad is the national Arab Leader leading his country to development and prosperity." ~ Sitram Yatishuri, Indian MP, June 15, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a comprehensive open vision regarding Arab issues and whatever pertains to the region." ~ Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashahadani, Iraqi Parliament Chairman, May 28, 2008.
"History records for President Bashar Al-Assad his strength in defense of his country; he leads a country with international presence, where no one would dare to inflict harm on any Syrian citizen. I want all to learn from President Al-Assad how to protect our citizens." ~ Majida Al-Roumi, the well-known Lebanese Singer, May 10, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad's vision for Arab National Thought stems from the necessity of modernizing the reality to be more capable and efficient as to stand up to the challenges surrounding the Nation." ~ Issam Nouman, Lebanese former Minister, April 16, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is very keen on the unity and solidarity of Arabs." ~ Mohamad Said Idris, an Egyptian Intellectual, April 16, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a clear-cut political and human vision, and confidence in the future." ~ Hassan Joni, Lebanese Intellectual, April 16, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a political and intellectual depth and a spirit of dialogue. Syria under his leadership is the formidable castle for the Arab Nation." ~ Soubhi Gandour, Lebanese Intellectual, April 16, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is transparent and franc; His Excellency has a political presence accompanied with thought and capacity to analyze cleverly and quietly all domestic, regional as well as international factors." ~ Sarkis Abu Zayid, Lebanese Thinker, April 16, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad's reading of the reality is very comprehensive and strategic based on the history-deducted lessons." ~ Rafiq Naserallah Khouri, Lebanese journalist, April 16, 2008.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a very deep vision in the reading of changes in the region, which makes us fell optimistic and satisfied." ~ Mrs. Tojan Al-Faysal, Jordanian Former MP, April 16, 2008.
"My meeting with President Bashar Al-Assad is the most interesting one of my life ever. Syria is to remain ever the country of free men, heroes, the country of loyalty, generosity and hospitality." ~ Wadi Al-Safi, the well-known Lebanese Singer, March 3, 2008.
President Bashar Al-Assad has a deep vision for the bolstering of relations with Europe, especially with France, based on cultural and historic bases." ~ Gérard Bapt, Chairman of the French- Syrian Friendship Association at the French National Assembly, January 9, 2008.
Events and developments have proved that Syria has been on the right course; President Bashar Al-Assad is the only man who has been able to read well the reality and course of events." ~ Dr. Abdullah Al-Ashal, International Law Professor and former Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister, August 10, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has made of Syria the formidable bastion in the face of all pressures and threats against the Syrian National stances." ~ Sami A'shour, Arab Lawyers Union Chairman, August 7, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad enjoys Arab, domestic and international respect and appreciation because His Excellency is the shrewd captain of the ship asserting the Nation basics notwithstanding the challenges and pressures put on Syria. President Al-Assad bets on his people in Syria as well as on the Arab People who reject surrender, affirming the restoration of the rights and the just and comprehensive peace." ~ Dr. Nouman Abdul Razq Al-Samirai, the Iraqi Ulamma Council Secretary General, June 10, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the choice of the Syrian People as the basic guarantee for the present and Future of Syria in defense of the rights and national basics." ~ Ahmad Ali Sa'ed, the Yemeni Popular Unionist Liberation Party Secretary General, May 30, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has presented the most credible picture for Syria." ~ Lucien Bitterlin, Président de l'association France-pays arabes, May 29, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad enjoys international respect, and the Russian People do appreciate and respect His Excellency for what he possesses of wisdom, wide political experience and knowledge, which make many of world leaders admire His Excellency as a professional Statesman." ~ Father Lionede Calinin of the Russian Orthodox Church May 19, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad represents the Arab Dignity, Steadfastness, Pride, and Highness. Standing behind his leadership is to stand against conspiracies and challenges hatched against Syria and the Arab World." ~ Wia'm Wahab, former Lebanese Minister, May 15, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has been able to defend the interests of Syria; he has never made concessions pursuing an independent policy in the face of foreign pressures, taking courageous and wise decisions regarding regional issues." ~ Sayd Jalal Fayadhi, Iranian News Agency Director General, May 15, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has been able with his proven wisdom to be the formidable bastion, which has foiled all sinister bids against Syria." ~ Abdul Aziz Al-Sayed, Arab Parties Congress Secretary General, May 15, 2007.
"Courageously, President Bashar Al-Assad has chosen the clinging to the National Basics as to face up to the Zionist-US scheme in the region. He has chosen the interests of the Syrian People and the upper interests of the Arab Nation guiding the political process skillfully." ~ Fou'ad Dabour, The Arab Baa'th Progressive Party Secretary General, May 15, 2007."President Bashar Al-Assad is capable of reading events wisely on the bases of the policy committed to the right, justice, national dignity, correct course, and wide vision." ~ Abul Al-Wali Al-Bahir, the Yemeni 'Khudhir' Party Secretary General, May 15, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a National resurrection project and his leadership represents the future for Syria as well as for the Arab Nation. President Al-Assad is the most able of raising the level of the Syrian Arab People economically, socially and culturally; he is the most capable of restoring the usurped rights supporting Arab brethrens and their just causes." ~ Radwan Abdul Al-Malak Al-Hobani, the Yemeni 'Popular Unity' Party Secretary General, May 14, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the professional strategic analyst, who knows history very well, explains reality, capable of drawing the concrete lines as to tackle the reality, with a farsighted vision and talented capability to lead Syria towards the brilliant future." ~ Wia'm Wahab, former Lebanese Minister, May 14, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is talented with the wise policy and farsightedness." ~ Sheikh Ahmad Al-Hajri, May 13, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has faced the challenges to which Syria is exposed with wisdom and experience worth of admiration and appreciations. President Al-Assad through his steadfastness and firm stances has obliged all to acknowledge the pivotal key role of Syria in the region. President Bashar Al-Assad has proved to be the shrewd politician and the extraordinary Arab leader." ~ The Jordanian 'Al-Wahda' Daily, May 13, 2007."President Bashar Al-Assad has proved that the owner of the right is worth of being top on the pyramid as the courageous Arab leader." ~ Dr. Khaldoun Al-Nasser, the Jordanian 'Al-A'hd' Party Secretary General, May 11, 2007.
"When Bashar al-Assad, the youngest president in Syria history, was inaugurated before the Syrian Parliament in July 2000, he gave a speech that was a sharp departure from the dreary realist pronouncements by Baath leaders during the previous thirty-seven years of Baath rule in Syria. Where did Dr Assad's high-toned sentiments originate? In his inaugural address, a Syrian might recognize the measured, intelligent, and uplifting rhetoric voiced by the leading lights of the Syrian independence movement, beginning in Ottoman times and ending in Syria's emergence from French colonial rule in 1946." ~ Scott C. Davis, US Writer& Journalist May, 2007
"A modern-day Frenchman who read Assad's inaugural address might recognize something close to home in the President's use of the phrase "the Other." In his speech, President Assad told Syrians that, to prepare for democracy, "we must learn to respect the opinions of the Other." This is the language of European academic discourse, a discourse that originated many years ago in a revolution that shouted, "Liberté, egalité, fraternité." ~ Scott C. Davis, US Writer& Journalist May, 2007
"Syrians had come to know Bashar al-Assad, in the years before the death of his father, as a national ombudsman, the head of the Syrian Computer Society. He was their guy, leading anti-corruption campaigns and fighting for the little guy against the bureaucrats. And he was a modern man, computer literate and foreign educated, a man who would carry forth the resonant heart of Syria into the new world of high tech and global commerce." ~ Scott C. Davis, US Writer& Journalist May, 2007
Syrians spoke most fervently on Bashar al-Assad's respect for law. "The president came to Aleppo," one woman told me. He was driving his car, and the light turned red, and HE STOPPED!" In Aleppo, as any observer knows, Bashar al-Assad was probably the only driver on the road who obeyed the traffic laws." ~ Scott C. Davis, US Writer& Journalist May, 2007"The stances of President Bashar Al-Assad represent the hope for all Arab people yearning for liberation, and the restoration of the occupied territories." ~ Engineer Adel Al-Kharafi, Arab Engineers Union Chairman, March 5, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad accords every attention and care for Arab Causes. President Al-Assad has a very deep sense and is aware of all the developments taking place in the region. I have benefited from listening to the analyses for Arab condition by His Excellency." ~ Yousef Bin Alawi Abdullah, Omani Foreign Affairs Minister, February 10, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a genuine sincere desire for a secure and stable Iraq." ~ Jalal Talabani, President of Iraq, January 21, 2007.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has proven presidency to be the paternity." ~ H. B. Patriarch Ignatius of Antioch all the East, December 25, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the man of thought and deeds simultaneously; he possess a documentary renewable thinking enabling His Excellency to know all about the Nation and Homeland problems, and the mechanisms through which to solve these problems and face up standing challenges. The social and human aspect for President Al-Assad are as important as the political and economic ones." ~ Dr. Maa'n Salahdeein Ali, the renowned Syrian intellectual, November 29, 2006."President Bashar Al-Assad is firm and steadfast clinging to his national stances and convictions." ~ Usama Saa'd, Lebanese MP, November 20, 2006.
"Under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad, Syria is to remain the steadfast castle in the face of every sinister schemes and aggressions." ~ Major General Tariq Al-Kadhra, Palestinian Liberation Army Commander, October 24, 2006."President Assad is a quiet, intellectually precise man, who looks much more like the ophthalmologist. He is clearly trying to introduce a new approach to the exercise of power in a traditionally fierce autocracy, persuading people that they should not see their president as super-human and all-powerful. For all his quiet calmness, you can still see occasional signs of his father's steeliness." ~ John Simpson, the BBC renowned journalist, October 9, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has responded to my plea for treatment; His Excellency has always been in support of Art." ~ Sabah, the Famous Lebanese Singer, September 30, 2006.
"The principled stances of President Bashar Al-Assad and his national support for the Arab causes in general, and for the Palestinian Cause in particular, is the source of pride and honor for every genuine Arab." ~ The spokesperson of the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem archimandrite Atta Allah Hana, September 12, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is very clear in his views, stances, and his reading for the events. President Al-Assad's commitment to the basics of Syria are to be highly appreciated." ~ Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, Iraqi Parliament Speaker, August 26, 2006
"We stand by you Mr. President congratulating Your Excellency for this high determination and for this steadfastness." ~ Emir Walid Bin Talal, March 22, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad embodies his people and the concept of citizenship. He plays a very important role, shoulders big responsibilities." ~ Miss. Hana Ibrahim, member of the independent national Iraqi Conference, March 3, 2006
."President Bashar Al-Assad is a grand politician; His Excellency is an optimist and peaceful." ~ Francisco Javier Rojo Garcia, Spanish Senate President, February 27, 2006."President Bashar Al-Assad is a national leader with a strategic vision, clear ideas, which he formulates strongly and quietly on the basis of his people interests and firm political principles." ~ David Letsch, US intellectual, February 15, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is a historic leader; where history is to jot down his excellent National stances." ~ The Kuwaiti 'Arai Al-Aam' Daily, January 27, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad's deeds as well as words are filled with thought and illumination. His Excellency is very well aware of the entire situation. President Al-Assad is the stronger, most able, and correct Leader. Regardless of the severe winds of threats against Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad never, under no condition, accepts to renounce any Arab National stance." ~Dr. Ahmad Al-Sawi, Cairo University Professor, January 24, 2006.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has opted for steadfastness as to resist submission strategy. President Al-Assad, undoubtedly, an ophthalmologist, masters the seeing of regional and international changes." ~ Milhim Karam, Lebanese Journalists Chairman, November 21, 2005.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the Arab Islamic Leader standing heroically in defense of the Syrian rights and interests, of the Arab and Moslem dignity in the face of US and Israeli sinister schemes." ~ Shamil Sultanov, Russian MP, November, 16, 2005.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the Arab Courageous Leader." ~ 'Fateh' Magazine, November 15, 2005.
"President Bashar Al-Assad embodies the pulse of the Syrians." ~ Wisal Farha Bakdash, the Syrian Communist Party Secretary General, November 11, 2005.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the man of Decision." ~ The Religious Authority, H. E. Sheikh Mohamad Hussein Fadel Allah, August 26, 2005.
"The Syrians' love for President Bashar Al-Assad as well as their love for their dignity and land would make him victorious against all conspiracies. Bashar Al-Assad is the leader in possession of the many of intelligence, wisdom and skill, with his own civilized and advanced way to realize his objectives." ~ Mohamad Farid Zakaria, Egyptian MP, July 15, 2005."The National interest is President Bashar Al-Assad's first preoccupation." ~ Isam Al-Mahayri, the Syrian Nationalist Social Party Secretary General, May 7, 2005.
"HR Assad posses an excellent political skill in dealing with developments, events, giving priority to dialogue." ~Alberto Arrighi, Italian MP, March 30, 2005.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the first Arab President making a comprehensive clear and courageous reading for all issues presented." ~ Najib Miqati, Lebanese MP, March 8, 2005.
President Bashar Al-Assad has proved to the entire world that we never leave aside our spiritual history, and that we are proud of our Christian as well as Islamic Heritage together." ~ His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV (Hazim) of Antioch and all the East, November 27, 2004."President Bashar Al-Assad dots the i's and cross the t's at every historic and fateful turning point as to analyze things with all frankness and transparency, demonstrating new concepts never known by Arab officials before, especially as far as acknowledging differences." ~ Jasem Budi, Editor in Chief of the Kuwaiti 'Al-Rai Al-Aam' Daily, October 10, 2004.
"President Bashar Al-Assad enjoys great patience, firmness, high capacity in dealing with crises, containing pressures, facing up challenges." ~ The Jordanian ' Al-Majd' Daily, November 8, 2004.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has proved extraordinary capacity in achieving accomplishments at all levels, in solidifying Syria safeguarding her security and stability, at a time when the entire region is pregnant with big events and consequences, which are the most dangerous in Modern history." ~ Aouni Al-Kaki, Editor in Chief of the Lebanese 'Al-Sharq' Daily, July 19, 2004."President Bashar Al-Assad, through his national stances, has given the sons of the Nation the hope as to emerge from the condition of disappointment aspiring to the just and comprehensive peace on the bases of dignity, firm commitment to the stances as to restore the legitimate rights in full, defending the Arab national Causes." ~ Mostafa Bakri, Editor in Chief of the Egyptian 'Al-Isbo'- (The Week) Magazine, June 22, 2004.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a wide vision for the development of Syria; his stances have proved him as the wise man of politics, with a distinguished leadership character." ~ Igor Aostash, Vice Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, June 7, 2004.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a clear-cut political vision as to face all hot issues with serenity and tranquility." ~ Salah Addin Abdullah, the Tunisian Information Minister, May, 2004.
"Syria, under the leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad represents the spirit of religious tolerance and coexistence among all of her sons." ~ His Beatitude Nerses Bedros 19th
Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian Catholics, May, 2004."President Bashar Al-Assad is the talented Leader and the hope under these difficult circumstances." ~ Fayez Ismael, Secretary General of the Unionists Socialists Party, May 29, 2004.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is not only a Statesman, but, further, is the distinguished Arab Leader; when all succumbed to dictations, President Al-Assad never fears threats of sanctions and blockades." ~ Sheikh Wadi Al-Khazin, former Vice chairman of the General Maronite Council, May 10, 2004."President Bashar Al-Assad is the conscience of the Nation in facing up the challenges; talking about resistance is for the strong-willed leaders who are committed to their Homeland future and Security." ~ Ahmad Al-Hassan, the Secretary General of the Arab Democratic Nasserite Party, May 4, 2004.
"Bashar Al-Assad is the Sun rising over Syria." ~ The Turkish Hedef Magazine, April, 2004.
"In President Bashar Al-Assad, I have seen all success, an identical image of his late father in features, morals, sense of responsibility. President Bashar definitely enjoys the full support of the Syrians and would achieve the sublime status realized by his late father.'' ~ Fidel Castro President of Cuba.
"Lieutenant General Bashar Hafez Al-Assad is the best successor for the best predecessor. He is the man of the time like father like son.'' "Dr. Bashar is fully aware and knowledgeable of all the specific details of the issue under discussion as he put precise questions in indication of his all-out grasp and knowledge of the issue." ~ Kofi Annan the UN Secretary General.
"I do believe that President Bashar Al-Assad held the UN resolutions, especially 242 and 338 as the basic reference for the peace process." ~ Kofi Annan the UN Secretary General.
"President Bashar is one of the most excellent Arab leaders; he precisely comprehends all the conditions surrounding the region." ~ President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
"It's important for Dr. Al-Assad to take on the mantle and for the transition process to be pursued," "I will repeat again to whomever I meet that the door is open, and we will be exploring." "There is no question that we need to work with the Syrian leadership in order to accomplish a comprehensive peace." ~ US Secretary of State, Madeline Albright.
"I am optimist that my late brother will present for his people a leader who would keep the assurance.'' ~ Algerian President Abdul Aziz Boutafliqa.
HassanNasralalh, Hizbollah Leader, stressed the Lebanese resistance would be "permanent following the steadfastness and struggle inclination of the late President Hafez Al-Assad and to back his process.'
"I am here to support the process and inclination of Dr. Bashar Al-Assad due to his being a perpetuity to his father.''
"The 37-year-old Syrian president expressed strong and sometimes scornful opposition to U.S. war plans. He likened American policy to a car hurtling toward a big concrete block and said the coming weeks will test which is stronger -- the car or the concrete block." ~ David Ignatius, the Washington Post
"This practical science analogy is typical of Assad, who was trained as a doctor and spent two years in Britain practicing his specialty of ophthalmology. He's an articulate man who speaks good English but preferred to conduct most of the interview in Arabic through an interpreter." ~ David Ignatius, the Washington Post
"Despite his youth and interest in modern technology, Assad is his father's son. He speaks in a similarly didactic style ~ mixing references to science with comments about Syrian history and culture. This straddle of past and future can be seen in the twin portraits of father and son that appear along every Syrian highway and in every public place. The son's legitimacy clearly depends in part on the continuity of his father's policies." ~ David Ignatius, the Washington Post
"Dr. Bashar is a national personality and the Syrian people love and support him." ~ Russian AmbAl-Assador to Amman Alexander Ivanov.
"I am sure that lieutenant general Dr. Bashar Al-Assad will protect the big legacy left by the great late president." ~ Former Jordanian Ambassador, lawyer Jawdet Al-Mheisen.
"Dr. Bashar Al-Assad will follow up and develop the traditional friendship relations between Syria and Russia that were established by his late father." ~ Deputy in the Russian Duma council and member of the Parliamentary committee for foreign affairs, Alexander Shabanov."The Syrian Leadership, on top Dr. Bashar Hafez Al-Assad, would seek via all means to modernize Syria and to boost the economy,"
"Dr. Bashar has a well-studied comprehensive timetable to upgrade Syria. Dr. Bashar Hafez Al-Assad wishes to open for the world. He is an excellent person characterized with many merits and attributes." ~ The reputed British Intellectual, Patrick Seale.
"President Bashar Al-Assad, the young leader of Syria, believes, as his late father did believe, that Arabs are masters in their countries and should never leave their destiny conditioned to the will of others. Furthermore, President Bashar courageously and categorically rejects whatever dictations regarding the policy and stances of Syria," ~ The reputed British Intellectual, Patrick Seale."President Al-Assad is determined to improve and develop Syria' relations with the west hoping that the west would understand the reality of facts in the Middle East region as to support Arab causes and the big role which Syria plays in the peace process," ~ The reputed British Intellectual, Patrick Seale.
"In addition to his notable and remarkable moves regionally and internationally, President Al-Assad has started large scale development initiatives in Syria covering all walks of life, where all political observers underlined that these initiatives would reactivate the political and economic life in Syria," ~ The reputed British Intellectual, Patrick Seale."Dr. Bashar Al-Assad is the pioneer of Internet and Media Means modernization. He works as to attract investors in support of the Syrian Economy in an atmosphere of transparency." ~ The reputed British Intellectual, Patrick Seale.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is doing exactly what he has to do; he is the embodiment of Arab public opinion, conscience and aspirations." ~ Curnilio Vadim Tudor, President of Great Romanian Party.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has inherited high values and moral, rich and distinguished experience. He believes in the continuity of what his late father, Hafez Al-Assad established in reform, as well as in development; he is the source of pride for Syria and for the Arab Nation.'' ~ Dr. Nijma Hibat Allah, Indian Parliament Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the International Parliamentarians Union.
"President Bashar is far and deep sighted; his vision indicates clear transparency. He clearly, transparently, and outstandingly has presented Syria's stances in the Arab Summits of Cairo and Amman." ~ Youssef Bin Alawai, Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.
"President Bashar has proved, in a very short period of time, that he is a master navigator able to continue the march in commitment to the national principles laid down by his late father." ~ Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Ismael, the Egyptian Ambassador to Damascus.
"President Bashar is the best guardian for late president's march of struggle." ~ Sheikh Abdulamir Qabalan, Deputy Chairman of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council.
"President Bashar pursues the same national and patriotic way of his late father in defense of Arabs' rights to their land." ~ Dr. Mohidin Sliq, the Secretary General of the International Academy of Informatics, Moscow.
"President Bashar pursues the national march of his late father towards progress in the higher interests of the Arab Nation's capabilities as to steadfast and resist.'' ~ Lawyer Usama Al-Arab, deputy of the Lebanese Central Fund for Expatriates.
"Syria under the leadership of President Bashar continues the march of construction, modernization on the one hand; and on the other resists surrender and normalization schemes.'' ~ Samir Ahmad, Secretary General of Palestinian Journalists and Writers in Lebanon.
"President Bashar leads Syria with the same wisdom and power of late president.'' ~ Ibrahim Ahmad Omar, Secretary General of the Sudanese National Party.
"President Bashar embodies the meanings of Arab dignity, and pride, which were earlier established by his late father.'' ~ Al-Naib Adam Q 'amar Al-din, Chairman of the Sudanese Journalists Union.
"President Bashar is the best successor for the best predecessor." ~ Amre Moussa, Arab League Secretary General.
"President Bashar has remarkable ability, high proficiency; he does enjoy respect.'' ~ Marshal Dimitri Yazove, former Soviet Union Defense Minister.
"President Bashar demonstrated firmness in confronting Israel and in breeding a political vitality to the Syrian street in accordance with the logic of today's world." ~ Izalsin Maihobi, Chairman of Algerian Writers.
"Syria under the young leadership of President Bashar would achieve the more of development and reform; Syria is proud of his leadership. He hoists her flag with determination towards dignity and pride.'' ~ Jawsat Al-Mohisin, Former Jordanian Ambassador.
"Syria pursues the march strong and firm under the leadership of president Bashar.'' ~ Salim Al-Hoss, Former Lebanese premier.
"President Bashar boosted Syria's roles at the Arab and international arena." ~ Jobran Arbaji, Chairman of the Syrian National Social Party.
"President Bashar has a remarkable ability in confrontation and steadfastness, at a time when the Arab and Islamic cause needs the more of power, patience, and firmness.'' ~ H. E. the Religious Authority Sheikh Mohammad Hussein Fadelallah.
"Syria, under the leadership of president Bashar, is a qualitative interaction with Arab causes with the challenges it faces.'' ~ Anwar Khalil, former Lebanese Information Minister.
"President Bashar is the guardian of the legacy of struggle and huge accomplishments realized by our people under the leadership of late president.'' ~ Gazi Zou'iter, Former Lebanese Minister of Defense.
"President Bashar follows up the process of reform and modernization initiated by late president.'' ~ Dr. Mohammad Saleh Al-Awran, the Secretary General of the Jordanian Arab Land Party.
"The young and courageous leadership of president Bashar is the defender of Aqsa Mosque, Palestine, the supporter of the Intifada, and the holder of Arabism flag, national legitimacy, and of Arab developmental project.'' ~ Dr. Mohammad Saleh Al-Awran, the Secretary General of the Jordanian Arab Land Party.
"The performance of President Bashar Al-Assad as a Statesman exceeded all expectations; he represents a high minaret in the region; he who follows president Bashar in conferences: Arab and international circles, feels how much this leader is very powerful.'' ~ George Galway, British Parliamentarian.
"President Bashar surprised the world and proved in less than a year that Syria Bashar Al-Assad is the same of the late immortal president.'' ~ Talal Naji, Assistant Secretary General of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
"President Bashar pursues the march with strength and determination toward his objectives and the objectives of the Arab Nation. The Syrian steadfastness under President Bashar Al-Assad increased her power," ~ 'Ashahar' Magazine issued in Paris, 14-7-2001.
"Every single citizen in Syria and in the Arab homeland keeps a close dear image of President Bashar Al-Assad, an image for the president and the citizen in whom they saw reflection for their concerns, and dreams; all felt that he talks like them, in their names and on their behalves in Arab, Islamic Summits, and in his meetings with international officials and European leaders." ~ 'Ashahar' Magazine issued in Paris, 14-7-2001.
"In President Bashar Al-Assad's case, we see the very balance of stances, and the exceptional ability in confrontation, complete clarity in formulation of modern plans, programs." ~ Joseph Harib, Lebanese Writers Union Chairman.
"President Bashar Al-Assad is the son of the distinguished Arab Academy established by the late president; he has a strategic vision and an ability to assimilate all stances and causes," ~ The Lebanese ' Al-Bairaq' daily.
"President Bashar Al-Assad has a modern way of governing the state and distinguished ability to assimilate world changes; he is a Statesman of the first class.'' ~ The Lebanese ' Al-Bairaq' daily.
"President Bashar is a Statesman of the first class when he asserted that the general strategy of development should consider historical circumstances pertaining to Syria." ~ The Lebanese ' Al-Bairaq' daily.
"President Bashar is a man of no fear, no haste, no rush, no fear of responsibility neither belittling of its charges." ~ The Lebanese As- Safir Daily.
''President Bashar never cares about the occasion; accomplishment is the most important thing for him." ~ The Lebanese As- Safir Daily.
"Bashar Al-Assad, after a year in presidency is more self-confident and more confident ,in his father's footsteps, of the correctness of the policy adopted by late president; President Bashar is preoccupied now with how to add to the legacy of Hafez Al-Assad not only with how to maintain and protect the legacy." ~ The Lebanese As- Safir Daily.
''President Bashar Al-Assad's talks with the Europeans made a big gap in the Israeli influence in Europe; President Al-Assad reaped some international justice, a justice liable for expansion once the Arab countries were to very well read the outcomes of President Al-Assad's European tours." ~ Al-Kifah Al-Arabi Magazine.
"What president Bashar offered for Syria and for the national cause of accomplishments was so great by all accounts and exceeded all expectations.'' ~ Dr. Joma Atiqa, Libyan Professor and human rights representative.
"President Bashar represents the Arab national conscience; he has been able through his distinguished performance to live in every Arab conscience.'' ~ Jamal Mabrouk, Assistant Secretary General of the international organization for Peace, Care and Relief.
"President Bashar represents the ambitions of the Arab nation in defense of the nation just causes; he stood firm in support of these causes during his important visits to Europe.'' ~ Fou'd Dabour, Assistant Secretary General of the Baa'th Party in Jordan.
"President Al-Assad remained firm to the national Syrian principles and stances in adhering to Arab rights, just and comprehensive peace." ~ Sai'd Zyab, Secretary General of the Jordanian Wahda Party.
"President Al-Assad has made of the Arab steadfastness cause and confrontation of Israeli expansionist schemes top of his priorities." ~ Monir Hamarna, Secretary General of the Jordanian Communist Party. "Syria under the leadership of president Bashar would defeat all its enemies and foil all hatched conspiracies.'' ~ Mahmoud Sharif, Jordanian ex-information Minister.
"President Bashar has been keen on cementing relations between Syria and all Arab countries and initiated new horizons for co-operation.'' ~ Mosad Rashid Haron, the Kuwaiti Minister of Education and Higher Education.
"President Bashar has proved political wisdom and good planning for Arab and Islamic causes.'' ~ Mohammads Ali Tashari chairman of Islamic and Cultural Association in Iran.
"President Bashar has been able through his ability to clarify matters and to convince public opinion of the Syrian right to defend herself.'' ~ Hamid Riza Asifi, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman.
"President Bashar has been able to prove high proficiency and efficiency in directing matters as well as in surmounting difficulties.'' ~ Dr. Sabah Zanka, Advisor for Iranian Foreign Minister.
"President Bashar is characterized with wisdom, courage, vitality, and farsightedness.'' ~ Valantine Kupotsov, First Deputy of the Russian Communist Party."President Bashar is a professional president of the strategic vision; he leads Syria with all confidence, ability in adherence to the national principles.'' ~ Prof. Alexander Sarimov, Director of Afro-Asian countries in the Russian Cultural Centre.
"In less than a year, president Bashar has proved himself as a Statesman; he enjoys love and trust inside Syria, respect and appreciation in the Arab and foreign countries.'' ~ Alexander Vilionik, Chairman of Economy Department in The Russian Academy of Science.
"President Bashar is a wise, courageous leader; he is committed with a crystal clear vision.'' ~ Walid Ido, Lebanese Parliament member.
"President Al-Assad was able courageously to make views clear as far as the domestic, Arab as well as international matters.'' ~ Mahfouz Nihnah, Chairman of Peace Society in Algeria.
"We, in Algeria, are proud of President Bashar as a president and as the best successor for the best predecessor.'' ~ Zhor Wainas, Algerian Parliament member.
"President Bashar possesses political wisdom where he has been able to balance between continuity, modernization without changing the Syrian basic principles.'' ~ Saida Bint Jilis, Algerian Former Minister."Syria under the leadership of president Al-Assad is the example for Arab national conscience and would ever be a steadfast castle in the face of the Zionist aggressor.'' ~ Noraldin Al-Sad, Algerian writer.
"President Al-Assad is the best successor for the best predecessor; he never surrendered Arab rights, never hesitated in supporting Palestinians, and in providing all means of support for the Lebanese resistance.'' ~ Khalid Al-Sufiani, Chairman of the Moroccan Society in support for Palestinian Struggle.
"President Bashar was able to present the Arab and Syrian vision of peace to the western public opinion.'' ~ The Egyptian 'Ahram' Daily.
"President Bashar has been able during the short term of his presidency to prove shrewdness in political work and to continue the realization of achievements for his people.'' ~ Sheikh Sabah Ahmad Al-Jaber the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister.
"President Bashar Al-Assad's moves at the Arab and international arenas stem from a firm national faith in the Arab nation causes and from a strategic vision of standing challenges. Syria's position would be boosted by this young president; his language is that of achievements on the ground with no exaggeration.'' ~ Dr. Usama Al-Baz, Egyptian President Advisor.
"President Bashar is very clever, knowledgeable and active; in a very short period he has proved to possess efficiency and ability to direct the affairs of his country. A promising and brilliant future is expected for Syria under the leadership of president Bashar, equipped with zeal and enthusiasm.'' ~ Dr. Kamal Kharazi, Iranian Foreign Minister.
"President Bashar has proved ability in leading Syria and seriously dealt with regional and international developments." ~ The Euro-Arab Mediterranean Centre.
Thanks for bringing this article. There are so few real statesmen these days and when one appears such as President Bashar who is a man with a heart and who cares for his people, then the power elite in the world is against him. They can not tolerate an example of a just and human society as it would stir revolution in their own countries.
This was also why they took out President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.
See also this article of his wife: http://www.sott.net/article/264587-A-Rose-in-the-Desert-Asma-Al-Assad-Lady-Diana-of-the-Middle-East