xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx YouTube Sun, 05 Aug 2012 09:48 UTC
Comment: Interesting that the witness speaks of four shooters and the police officer of one. No prizes for guessing which version will prevail as the official story.
This story, too, is raising questions like that of the Aurora incident some weeks back. How the mainstream media ignored the witnesses stating they saw someone take a cell phone call and exit through the back door, etc. Same here, some guy who was inside said 4 white males all dressed in black came in ... nope, no coverage.
Tragic, but this has signs of a false flag to wage yet another battle over the second amendment to get the American people to disarm and subdue to the coming New World Order.
This tragic incident doesn't smell, it wreaks of another FBI "domestic terrorism" setup, as they are apparently leading the investigation. Humm .....
and maybe even to wage another battle over the second amendment, for the purpose of distraction. But our fear, and the fact that we might begin to shoot everything that moves, might serve their purposes better.
But if they play the disarmament card (which has historically been played, before the act of mass murder by government) the only one's whose arms they will be able to confiscate will be the upstanding, law abiding citizens who actually gave up all their personal information, fingerprints, etc. for the right to bear arms. That will still leave ALOT of weapons out there.
Maybe 'Disarmament' is a false flag too? Or maybe it's a 'kill two birds with one stone' thing. Disarm the people who carry arms for the sense of survival and personal security, while allowing those that carry arms for more nefarious purposes their weapons?
I am not a fan of guns. I would vote for Total Disarmament, but that would mean the MIC would have to give up theirs too, and that ain't happening! My God, they are elite members of the Nuclear Club for Christ's sake. And I don't think for one minute that they are, in the least bit, threatened by a gun carrying populace. They would laugh at the 'citizen militia' while they shoot them with an ultrasonic blast that would drop them to their knees, or whatever other high tech killing device they have in their arsenal.
Disarmament? Of the sheeple perhaps, but not their lords and masters of course!
Amy Goodman: The Obama administration torpedoes the arms trade treaty [Link]
This is why: After defeat of Senate cybersecurity bill, Obama weighs executive-order option [Link]
Amardeep Kaleka, son of president of Sikh Temple: multiple shooters of Caucasian descent.[Link][Link]
Amardeep Kaleka, whose father was killed at the Sikh Temple, is a co-producer of a film on the UFO-alien Disclosure Project, Sirus [Link]
"The Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that has studied hate crimes for decades, says on its website that Page was a frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band known as End Apathy." [Link]A Revealing 2010 Interview [Link]
Dark Knight Film has references to the Sikh religion, and apparently some parts were filmed in an ancient Sikh Temple. [Link]
Also, the alleged shooter recently moved to a street called Holmes Avenue in Cudahy, WI [Link]
[off topic] Is it just me or is Mark Zuckerb3rg [Link]related to James Holmes? [Link]
(SPLC **) "Heidi Beirich, director of the center's intelligence project, tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that her group had been tracking Page since 2000, when he tried to purchase goods from the National Alliance, a well-known hate group." [Link]
(ADL) "He founded bands and joined in others, with names such as Definite Hate, End Apathy and Youngland that were affiliated with Hammerskins, one of the oldest and largest skinhead organizations in the country, says Mark Pitcavage, director of research for the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks such groups."[Link]
Is the Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin another PSYOP killing? Or, is someone trying to send a message to a certain director presently working on a very important and groundbreaking film on UFO disclosure? Or, is it both? Or, neither?
A new film presently being directed by Amardeep Kaleka and due out in late 2012 promises to blow the lid off of UFO secrecy and what is so important about this subject. “SIRIUS” is the name of the film and Dr. Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project witnesses are featured in this expose’.
Amardeep Kaleka’s father and president of the temple, Satwant Singh Kaleka, 65, was shot while trying to tackle the gunman, CNN reported. Amardeep’s mother was also at the temple, but escaped the massacre. On the day of the shooting, Amardeep reported that it was a well-coordinated attack and that there were multiple shooters, according to his sources who were there.
Dr. Steven Greer just announced on July 28th, 2012 that he knows of someone who has the deceased body of an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) and they were soliciting more funds to analyze the remains to prove it is not from this planet and include that information in the upcoming film. This would be Earth-shattering news if true! Someone trying to suppress something this important could be the reason why this shooting was done.
So, don’t believe the hype that is being put out about this shooting. It has all the earmarks of a targeted assassination to prevent certain people from completing very important work and releasing paradigm changing information.
Witnesses in the Holmes case said there were two shooters. The govt is resorting to murder to get rid of the second amendment - just like it resorted to murder on 911 to bring about a police state.
Tragic, but this has signs of a false flag to wage yet another battle over the second amendment to get the American people to disarm and subdue to the coming New World Order.
This tragic incident doesn't smell, it wreaks of another FBI "domestic terrorism" setup, as they are apparently leading the investigation. Humm .....