Oakland Police officer with no badge number
© Lucy KafanovOakland Police officer with no badge number

It's 4:45 a.m. in Oakland and a flurry of Tweets from the ground are announcing an eminent confrontation with police.

"I love the smell of vinegar in the morning," was the Tweet that got my attention and a Google search found that vinegar soaked bandannas are used by protesters without gas-masks to neutralized the effects of tear-gas.

The Silicon Valley News reports protesters have been anticipating a raid since 3 a.m. at the intersection of Broadway and 14th Street after an anonymous tip came via email to camp leaders.

According to the email, "Peaceful protesters are advised by police to stand down until the situation stabilizes. The general public is advised to stay away from the area during the action to avoid potential personal injury from incidental contact with conflicts."

Shoshona Walter at The Bay Citizen reports the Oakland Police Department is planning an enormous raid and is employing up to 1,000 officers from numerous agencies to oust protesters in what they're calling "the largest and most expensive police action in Oakland in recent memory."