The closure is for routine maintenance, according to Egypt's antiquities authority, but online chatter and local media reports have focused on rumors that "Masonic" or "Jewish" rites were planned on the site at 11:11 a.m. local time on Nov. 11, 2011. According to the AP, Egyptian officials said nothing out of the ordinary happened at 11:11.
"Everything is normal," Giza complex director Ali al-Asfar told the news agency.
The Egyptian pyramids are a consistent focus for conspiracy theorists, with believers arguing that human hands could not have built these huge structures. (Aliens often get the credit.) Conspiracy theories also swirl around supposed secret chambers and passageways in the pyramids as well as the mathematics of the architecture.
Increasing the hype around the pyramids and 11/11/11, al-Asfar told the AP, is the fact that last month an Egyptian company requested permission to gather 120 people to "hug the pyramid," joining hands around the largest pyramid's base. That request was rejected, as-Asfar said, but it triggered online protest among Egyptians nonetheless.
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is that they were the ones holding the secretive rituals.
It seems that the above information refers to the ceremony, which was to be carried out by people connected with the so-called "Projekt Cheops" ("Khufu Project"). This is a group of some haunted New Age freaks, who were reportedly ordered by some chanelled "spiritual entity" called "Enki-Samuel" to carry out this ceremony in order to "rescue Earth and humanity".
Four of "angelic human beings" were supposed to place a "miraculous crystal" in the tomb of Pharaoh, and insert somewhere else some gold bars. The task of the other participants was to be pouring buckets of "love energy" to "activate" the Great Pyramid in order to "rescue the planet and humanity".
Anyway, in the English version of their message, they argue that the ceremony was "cancelled due to security concerns. All three Pyramids will be closed during that day in spite of the fact that about 2000 tourists from all over the world wanted to participate at the evening event."
[Link]In Polish version of the message they claim it was carried out as planned.
Let The Pagans Play. They need to take the Burning Man Event and move it to the Pyramids. Imagine the cost of that ticket.