Earthquake Lights
© Ghost Theory
Have you been noticing a rise on reported aerial visual and auditory anomalies? Weird sounds coming from the earth and sky seem to be reported from different countries throughout the past few years. As recently as this month, there have been a few reports from Canada and Ukraine in which people describe either strange mechanical sounds emanating from the skies or a combination of low rumbling and low frequency hums.

YouTube has an interesting collection of videos in where people record these strange vibrations and noises. For example, the following compilation of this strange phenomena was uploaded by fidockave213 over at YouTube. It starts off by showing the famous Kiev, Ukraine, "mech noises" and goes on to show some interesting footage of other noises that are similar but heard throughout different parts of the world. Interestingly enough, the video also shows footage of the Windsor rumblings that were reported here on GhostTheory earlier this week. Watch it:

What is causing the strange noises being reported? Is this part of hoax? Or is this some sort of secret technological weapon being developed and tested by some obscure military division? Could the rumblings, vibrations and sounds heard in Canada be a product of this technology?

Or am I just kidding myself, and you as well? Well, let's take this following video into consideration. The video is said to have been filmed on June 22, 2010, in British Columbia. The video starts off with a high pitched sound being heard and recorded early in the day. Just a few hours later, the person who had recorded the strange sound noticed that there were some ionosphere lights showing across the sky. These are sometimes referred to as "earthquake lights". Surprisingly a 5.0-magnitude earthquake was registered across Canada just a mere 11 hours later. All of this was caught on tape:

Of course, you'd first have to trust the people who record these strange sounds. Trust that they are not artificially embedding the sounds onto the video, and trust that the videos were recorded on the dates specified. If we were to trust these people, then we are left with the question: "What the hell are these sounds and tremors?"

Many are already blaming HAARP for the sounds. Saying that HAARP's research into the Earth's ionosphere has something to do with the "New World Order". Which makes for a entertaining conversation but that's about it. If you were to follow and listen to conspiracy theorists, you'd probably remain indoors for the rest of your life.

Comment: It is true that HAARP has become a catch-all among some folks for any anomalies related to Earth Changes. However, this may only serve to cover up its true purpose:

HAARP and The Canary in the Mine

There are several other videos floating around YouTube about "strange sounds from the sky". Take the following for example:

Uploaded by lexxman1 on Feb 7, 2011

i heard this this december 2010. i was in my room and thought a jet was flying by ... but it kept making noise. so i had to see what was going on outside... and it creeped me out. the roaring sound was no was not windy at all that night.. this went on for about 30 or 45 minutes... i believe a tuesday at about 1am... it sounded like roaring meets jet engine. and at times it pulsated... it was so loud i cant believe it didnt make local news... (ps: my dog scratched the crap out of my back towards the end lol)
I don't know what the fascination is about these type of reports, but I'm hooked. It's to a point that I scan the daily headlines, sometimes twice a day, looking for official news on these sounds and tremors.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you experienced any unusual aerial anomalies or sounds? I can tell you that it's all quiet and normal here in Los Angeles. Well, at least for now.