Elusive Beast Alleged Culprit In Deaths Of 19 Ducks And 12 Geese

In the sleepy town of San Juan, located within the area of San Antonio (Region V), gruesome and savage murders have occurred. The mythical "chupacabra" (literally, "sucking goat") is blamed by locals as the killer of the farm animals.

The mysterious attacks are similar to those in Placilla and Huallipén, where hens and rabbits fell victim to the bizarre slaughter and predation, which left the farm animals dead and sucked completely dry of blood. However, some are cautious about blaming this supernatural being.

"It was strange what happened," said owner of the fowl Eva Pou. "But I think it must have just been an attack by dogs."

Past eyewitness accounts of this creature describe it being approximately 1.20 meters in height, furry, and with a round, bald head.

Chupacabra attacks are often paralleled with UFO sightings, which has caused some to identify the creature as extra-terrestrial or an alien pet. Although UFO sightings are considered fodder for tabloids, attacks by chupacabras feature as legitimate news in many Spanish-speaking countries.

The chupacabra became infamous in the late 1980's when a number of farm animals in Puerto Rico were found dead. Though none of the flesh was consumed, their blood had apparently been drained from their bodies.