
Fireball 5

Did a meteorite smash through a roof in Sri Lanka?

Meteroite Smashes Roof
© HIRU News
Scientists at several universities in Sri Lanka have been examining unknown stones that fell on a house in Ragala, Walapane - in a mountainous part of Sri Lanka - early in the morning yesterday (February 19, 2014). At least one scientist, Professor Athula Senarathna of the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, said today that the stone was a meteorite, or rock from space.

The owner of the house upon which the strange stone fell in Ragala is H.B. Ranjanee.

According to Hiru News, a local news outlet, the Crime Division of the Ragala police conducted an investigation into the fall of the unknown stone. Police Media Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana told Hiru News that particles of the stone scattered within an area of 26 square feet.


Meteor spotted over Epping, England not part of recognised shower

© Guardian Series, UKDaniel Bagan-Jones was driving in High Street, Epping, when the object caught his eye.
A stargazer has described spotting "huge green fireball" in the sky over Epping as a meteor flew close to the earth.

Daniel Bagan-Jones, 45, was travelling in a car with his wife in High Street, Epping, at 6:30pm on Saturday when the object caught his eye.

He said: "It was like a bright green slash, like a fireball.

"My immediate thought was that it was a firework only it was coming down instead of going up before burning out completely - that's when we realised it was a meteor.

"Seeing one on our way to Tesco was unexpected - anyone going down the M11 would have seen it - my wife thought it was the end of the world.

"I'm interested in astronomy so I checked online and noticed that others had seen the same."

It transpired that there had also been various sightings across the country, including Norfolk, Plymouth, Cheshire, Bristol and Cardiff.

The fireball was classified as "sporadic" as it didn't belong to any known meteor shower. The meteor traveled at a speed of 16.3 km per second and started to burn up in the atmosphere at an altitude of 86.3km. The full event lasted 4.4 seconds and the meteor covered distance of 47.7km within the earth's atmosphere.

Fireball 5

Scientists probe meteor link to Argentina explosion

Buenos Aires' Planetarium
© AFP/File, Alejandro PagniA view of Buenos Aires' Planetarium on March 31, 2012.
Buenos Aires - Scientists said Tuesday that a meteor crashing to earth could explain reports of an explosion in the Argentine countryside some 350 kilometers (250 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires.

The loud boom was reported at 10 am (1300 GMT) in Argentina's central-eastern province of Santa Fe.

"It's possible it was a meteor," said Andrea Clerici of the Buenos Aires Planetarium, speaking to local television.

Authorities have not yet found any meteor fragments, but "it is possible that the orb disintegrated in the air," astronomer Jorge Coghlan of the Santa Fe Astronomical Observatory told local radio.

Residents in the area who reported hearing a loud explosion Tuesday said that the ground and also buildings shook.

Bizarro Earth

Widespread polar vortex freezing, erupting volcanoes, strange loud booms, big waves, earthquakes and lots of meteors - Something in space lurks close to earth

© China DailyMount Sinabung, Indonesia
Current worldwide weather anomalies and drastic changes with the earth and sun give indication that some type of massive celestial object may be moving in to range, possibly even threatening the inhabitants of earth as emergency preparations by various nations have been taken

It's no big secret that weather patterns are drastically changing worldwide. In Indonesia alone 19 volcanoes were raised to alert status Tuesday, after the Mount Sinabung eruption in North Sumatra killed 16 people last week. Three volcanoes in the region still remain on "high alert". This doevtails with seismic activity in the U.S. Yellowstone region which was also reported to have picked up recently, showing a clear trend of noticeable earth changes worldwide.

And what about the recent cold spell which broke cold weather records in over 50 cities across the U.S.? Shockingly, the temperatures even ran into the frigid negatives throughout pockets of the U.S. that typically never fall that low in temperature.

Influential weathermen, like NBC's Today's Al Roker, are now claiming that the "polar vortex" is to blame, a term listed in some 1959 weather publication entitled the "Glossary of Meteorology" and almost unheard of by modern society. Some weathermen say that the dense cold air has migrated down from the poles causing unusually abnormal weather patterns further south into the United States, making for the coldest spell in decades.

Strangely on Jan. 8, the Today show made mention of a "left winged global conspiracy" regarding the polar vortex, giving a force-fed tidbit to the masses. Take note that the seeding has already begun and corporate propaganda is already in full swing.

Comment: There is evidence that these environmental events may be caused by a companion star to the Sun:

"Check out the Wikipedia page on the so-called 'Nemesis' hypothesis. (And see here for additional resources.) It was introduced in 1984 by two teams of astronomers (Whitmire & Jackson, and Davis, Hut & Muller) to explain the periodically spaced extinction events observed in the earth's fossil record. The idea was that a companion sun passing through or close to the spherical Oort cloud would send a death-dealing swarm of comets in earth's direction every 26 million years or so. Its presence may also help explain the non-random trajectories of certain long-period comets, as well as the strange and unexpected elliptical orbit of the recently discovered transneptunian object Sedna."

You can read more here: The Cs Hit List 07: Sun Star Companion, Singing Stones and Smoking Visions

Fireball 4

Loud boom shakes homes in Oregon, no USGS earthquake reports: What was it?

Dozens of people from Lincoln County to Tillamook County reported hearing a loud boom and feeling the ground shake earlier today. Beaver resident Josh Sisco said he felt it.

"Twice and I assumed it was a sonic boom," Sisco posted on Facebook page.

Lincoln City Police said they took only two calls, one from Neskowin and the other from a person at 14th Street in Lincoln City, both reporting a boom and ground shaking. Several people have posted comments on The News Guard's sister publication in Tillamook, The Headlight Herald:

"It shook the house," wrote Heather Hurliman.

"Yes, I live in Netarts, and and went running out to see what it was only to find nothing," wrote Ken Hawes. "I felt the house shake as well. It was more of a rumble."

"We heard it here in Rockaway," wrote Racheal Young. "It was loud and shook the house."

Fireball 3

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2006 DP14 flew by on February 10, 2014

Asteroid 2006 DP14
© Remanzacco Observatory
The Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) 2006 DP14 was discovered on 2006, February 23 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) program. PHAs are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time.

2006 DP14 has an estimated size of 460 m - 1.0 km (based on the object's absolute magnitude H=18.8) and it had a close approach with Earth at about 6.2 LD (Lunar Distances = ~384,000 kilometers) or 0.0160 AU (1 AU = ~150 million kilometers) at 1905 UT on 2014, February 10. This asteroid reached the peak magnitude ~12.8 on February 11, 2014. Shortly before and after the closest approach, this asteroid will be far enough north for Goldstone to track, and it is expecting to be a strong imaging target. Goldstone tracks are scheduled on February 8, 12, and 13.


HAZMAT called to explosion that rocked upstate South Carolina homes

© Unknown
Deputies are investigating reports of an explosion that rocked residents Friday night.

Dispatchers told FOX Carolina that the calls started coming into their call center around 10 p.m.

People in Chesnee, Gaffney, Pacolet, SC and Grover, NC all reported to FOX Carolina that they felt and heard an explosion.

Lt. Tony Ivey with the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office said a firefighter in Chesnee noticed a small area next to the roadway that appeared to be the site of an explosion.

An investigator from the Hazardous Devices Unit responded to Henderson Road near Turkey Farm Road to investigate.

Robbie Buhl lives three miles from Henderson Road and felt his house shake and heard a loud boom Friday night. He said it's happened many times before and wants someone to figure out what's going on.


Booms and tremors in Ocean City, Maryland blamed on military jets (yeah, right!)

Michael Maykrantz was on duty at a fire house on 74th street in Ocean City when the floor began to shake and the doors started to rattle.

At Bart Rader's house in Ocean Pines, a loud boom "like somebody blew something up" preceded shaking so heavy that it rattled a 50-pound metal sculpture against the wall.

Miles away in Annapolis, Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan was meeting in state Sen. James Mathias' office when he got a text message from his daughter: "What the heck was that?"

A series of tremors rattled residents across Ocean City and the lower Delmarva Peninsula around midday Thursday, puzzling geologists and emergency managers. Within a few hours, geologists ruled out an earthquake, and by Thursday evening, signs pointed to supersonic jets flying from the Patuxent Naval Air Station.

Air station officials said Friday two jets were in the air off the coast at the time the rumbling was felt, and that weather conditions made it likely that sonic booms could have traveled further than normal.

The phenomenon nevertheless mystified many, including Maykrantz.

"We've had sonic booms in town before, but this seemed different," said the firefighter and paramedic. "It was more sustained, and then there was a pause for about a minute and then it started again."

Comment: Wow, the media has bought this line about military jets and 'frost quakes', hook, line and sinker!

From Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls:
"Over the past few years, while has been tracking the increasing flux of fireballs and meteorites entering the earth's atmosphere, we have been, by turns, amused and horrified at the ignorant reactions and declarations that issue from academia and the media regarding these incursions. A few years ago, we read that "this is a 'once in a hundred years' event!" Not long after it was a "once in a lifetime" event. Still later, after a lot more incidents it became a "once in a decade" event. More recently, it has been admitted in some quarters that meteorites hit the ground (as opposed to safely burning up in the atmosphere) several times a year! And of course, we have discovered the fact that the governments of our planet are well aware that there are atmospheric explosions from such bodies numerous times a year. We have also learned in this series that the frequent reports of unusual booms and shaking of the ground is often due to such overhead explosions. Yet the media steadfastly refuses to honestly address this issue, though we have noted a plethora of recent articles presenting opposing academic arguments designed to put the populace back to sleep, to reassure them that there is nothing to worry about, that such things only happen every 100,000 years or so, and certainly, the Space Watch Program is going to find all the possible impactors and take care of things."


Best of the Web: Signs of Change in January 2014

Dazzling green fireball filmed above Belgium, January 2014
Mysterious booms across the US, often occuring in and around earthquakes - A series of unusual earthquakes in Australia - More 'strange sky sounds' - More meteor fireballs raining down - Massive sinkholes swallowing houses, cars and people - Storm after storm battering the UK and Western Europe, bringing massive waves, widespread flooding and landslides - Mass whale stranding in New Zealand - Polar Vortex (twice!) freezing most of the US in ice age conditions and making it colder than Mars - Major flooding in Florida, while hurricane-force winds smash into Oregon and the Carolinas - Tonga flattened by most powerful cyclone to hit the region half a century - A strong earthquake hit Puerto Rico - 100,000 people affected by major flooding in the Philippines, while another 40,000 were displaced by heavy rainfall in Indonesia - Bats falling out of the sky as wildfires rage in Australia's record heatwave - 'Winter wildfires' raging across snow-covered US - An eerily quiet Sun that hasn't been seen since the 17th Century - Several volcanic eruptions in Indonesia causing multiple deaths and the evacuation of thousands - Another strong earthquake in New Zealand - More mass animal deaths, including a whole pod of pilot whales off the coast of Florida - Record-breaking snowfall across the US...

2014 has stated with a bang, literally, with a surge of loud booms being heard and felt throughout much of North America. But then again, didn't the last few years start this way? This video includes strange and extreme weather, geological and cosmic events, covering most of the month of January. Things aren't looking good for certain few heavily populated areas...

Fireball 4

Meteor streaking across sky Canadian city, captured on amateur video

It wasn't a bird, or a plane, or Superman that streaked across the skies of Charlottetown last Friday night, but it was the colour of kryptonite and it was from out of this world.

Greg Tingman spotted the green light streaking across the sky behind the Charlottetown Mall Friday.

"I was kind of excited that I had my camera on. It was pointed in the right direction. We were on a road with a bit of an upward incline so definitely all good timing," he said.

He shot the above video on his car's dashboard camera - a camera he only received at Christmas time after seeing a massive meteor hit Russia last February.

"Saw that on the news and YouTube and thought it might be neat to have my own camera so my daughter bought it for me for Christmas," he said.