SOTT Focus:

Better Earth

SOTT Focus: The New Pro-Semitism

There is something called "the new anti-Semitism."

Now the old anti-Semite is a frightening, despicable creature, responsible for all manner of hate crimes up to and including the Holocaust. The old anti-Semite is a creature alien to the human race.

I have nothing to do with such creatures.

But recently I heard President Jimmy Carter called an anti-Semite.


SOTT Focus: The Tale Of The Unwitting "Suicide Bomber" And SuperBowl XLI

Today, Iraq, Baghdad, hot off the mainstream media presses, this just in:
More than 120 feared dead in Baghdad bombing

A suicide truck bomber struck a market in a predominantly Shiite area of Baghdad today, killing as many as 121 people among the crowd buying food for evening meals, one of the most devastating attacks in the capital since the war started.

The attacker was driving a truck carrying foodstuffs including oil and flour when he detonated a ton of explosives, destroying stores and stalls that had been set up in the busy outdoor Sadriyah market, police said.

The late-afternoon explosion was the latest in a series of attacks against mainly Shiite commercial targets in the capital. No group claimed responsibility for the attack, but it appeared to be part of a bid by Sunni insurgents to provoke retaliatory violence and kill as many people as possible ahead of a planned US-Iraqi security sweep.


SOTT Focus: A New Definition Of Terror

Three news stories, three examples of the mania that has gripped the American mind, three reasons to believe that, at this point, the American people are completely at the mercy of their political leaders' hidden agenda.


SOTT Focus: Of The Chameleon's (or Caterpillar's) Dish


King: 'How fares our cousin Hamlet?'

Hamlet: 'Excellent, i' faith; Of the chameleon's dish: I eat the air, promise-crammed;'
I awoke from a nap with that passage tripping through my mind. What on earth does that mean? I wondered, as I pulled down the Bard from my bookshelf, and thanked the God of Helpful Editors, for sending me one who had noted in the margins:
"chameleon's dish", i.e., the air (which was believed to be the chameleon's food); Hamlet willfully takes "fares" in the sense of "feeds".
Air, huh? So I took a sniff, then a huff, and then a great, big, deep gulp of air. Unlike Hamlet, however, I cannot say that I "fared" very well with my serving of "the chameleon's dish". No, not at all.

Bizarro Earth

SOTT Focus: Pathocracy Begets Idiocracy


I recently rented the movie Idiocracy, having heard from several people that it was hilariously funny and, from a few others, that it would make me weep. As usual, the few were closer to the mark.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: On This Day 1972: Bloody Sunday, Derry, N. Ireland

British Justice. Bloody Sunday, Derry, Jan 1972. That was then.

A civil rights march by 15,000 Irish Catholics in the city of Derry was attacked by members of the British paratroop regiment. Under direct orders to "get some kills", the British soldiers opened fire on unarmed demonstrators, killing thirteen including six children. Five of the dead had been shot in the back. One demonstrator was shot twice in the back as he lay wounded on the ground. Another was shot at close range in the face. There was also evidence to suggest that some soldiers had used modified 'dum dum' bullets that create a larger wound with greater blood loss and trauma.

All the dead were unarmed members of the civilian community.

Cloud Lightning

SOTT Focus: Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

©Middle East Online
Victim of Israeli Cluster Bomb in Lebanon

In an article published this week in the New York Times on Israel's use of cluster bombs on a civilian population in their illegal war last summer on Lebanon (carried out under the guise of attacking Hezbollah) -- although the Times did not quite phrase it that way -- we read the following justification given by Sean McCormack of the US State Department:
"It is important to remember the kind of war Hezbollah waged," he said. "They used innocent civilians as a way to shield their fighters."

Star of David

SOTT Focus: The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber

While the Israeli government has turned the Gaza strip and West Bank regions of Palestine into virtual prison camps, there is one section of the Palestinian community that appears to enjoy unhindered freedom of movement and a blind eye form the Israeli camps guards: "suicide bombers".

Today, one of these rare breed allegedly managed to get all the way down to the southern tip of Israel, to the Red Sea resort town of Eilat.

At 9.45 this morning (Eilat time), we are told that a "Palestinian suicide bomber" detonated his explosives in a small bakery, killing three people and himself. As with every other "suicide bombing" attributed to Palestinians over the past 6 years, we are forced to rely only on the claims of Israeli state security forces that each bombing was indeed a "suicide" attack. Such claims are almost always made within minutes of the event, subsequently propagating virus-like around the world's news agencies so that, by the time the world public gets wind of the news, it is already a closed case. There is however much to be gained from looking at the details of these alleged suicide bombings, because when we do, problems with the story invariably arise, not to mention uncomfortable questions.


SOTT Focus: War Without End - But Who's To Blame?


SOTT Focus: Paramoralisms Where You Least Expect Them

Imagine you're out in the country, visiting one fine summer's day, and you ask your host to give you a walking tour through some of the beautiful countryside surrounding his house. He's agreeable to your suggestion, and you spend a pleasant hour hiking up and down the surrounding low mountains.