High StrangenessS


Expert trying to identify mysterious bird flying around S. Texas

More sightings of a huge flying creature, originally reported by KENS, have prompted an investigation to determine if it is a monster or myth.

"Even though it was dark, the thing itself was black. The blackest I'd ever seen," said Frank Ramirez.

Years ago, Ramirez thought he was after a prowler in the back of his mother's Southwest Side home. But what greeted him on the garage rooftop still gives him goosebumps now.

"That's when the thing up there turned to me, and it was in a perched state, and it started to turn," he said. "It started to move its arms and this giant blackness was just coming out. At that point, I dropped the stick and I ran."

Ramirez sketched a drawing of the large, bird-like creature. The image is disturbing, and similar to dozens of sightings across San Antonio and South Texas.

Comment: KENS Video: Expert trying to identify mysterious bird flying around S. Texas


UFO sightings are no laughing matter, say pilots

UFOs may be fodder for comedians and science fiction, but there was no joking on Monday when a group of pilots and officials demanded the US government reopen an investigation into unidentified flying objects.

The 19 former pilots and government officials, who say they have seen UFOs themselves or been involved in probes of strange flying objects, told reporters their questions can no longer be dismissed more than 30 years after the US case was closed.

"We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth, conventional terms," said Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona and air force pilot who says he saw a UFO himself in 1997.

"Instead our country needs to reopen its official investigation that it shut down in 1969," Symington told a news conference.


UFO activity above Cyprus

Larnaca: Airport-bound planes and birds are commonly seen in the skies above Cyprus, but only last week there was a report of a UFO spotted over Limassol town and since an earlier article on UFOs in Cyprus, The Gazette has received many accounts from readers of their unexplained encounters.

Have you had a visit?

Anthony in Nicosia contacted the Gazette to share his experience, "just last week at 10:10pm we had a sighting of a UFO while we were traveling in the Kyrenia area that lasted for two minutes. It was an oblong shape, like a rugby ball on its end and was glowing very bright orange. It came from the coast inland near a village called Catalkoy in small but rapid zigzags then stopped and hovered for approximately 30 seconds before making a smooth ascent at 45 degrees up to the east towards a very bright star. It then disappeared. A friend had sighted a similar event at the same spot a month previously "


Clinton Library Offers Peek at UFO Files

Little Rock, Arkansas - In a move sure to provide fodder for conspiracy theorists, the Clinton Library withheld e-mails with subject lines like "X-Files" and "Area 51" from a batch of documents recently released at a UFO buff's request.

National Archives officials made several files - ranging from a White House staffer's obsession with the TV show The X-Files to President Clinton's push to hook up the Sci-Fi Channel at Camp David - available for viewing starting last Thursday in response to Freedom of Information requests.

Several pages, however, were withheld because they would "constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy," according to National Archives documents.

Among the released pages, 27 come from the files of former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, a fan of The X-Files, a show about FBI agents investigating extraterrestrials and other supernatural events. The files include articles forwarded to Podesta about the canceled Fox show.


U.S.: Whether a cloud, a ghost, an angel or a hoax, it's Blue for sure!

A strange blue cloud seen floating and darting around customers, freezing for 30 minutes and then speeding from an Ohio gas station, remains unexplained even though it was caught on security cams.

The ghostly image was seen moving near and over cars at a Marathon gas station located near the corner of State Road and Pleasant Valley in Parma on Sunday.


Minnesota, U.S.: Was it a UFO? Two witnesses believe it was

An Elk River resident and his girlfriend claimed to see an unidentified flying object in the area recently.

On Nov. 2 at 2:37 a.m., the couple called police reporting seeing a UFO in the eastern sky from the 11000 block of 200th Avenue NW.

They said it was jellyfish-shaped and displayed alternating blue, green and red lights. It was also moving back and forth and hovering in one spot. According to UFO Evidence, a Web site that contains information about the UFO phenomena, 50 percent of the population believes in UFOs and 5 percent of the population have seen a UFO.

After the call came in, an officer responded to the residence and also observed the object the two were squinting at, which appeared to be an unusually bright star or visible planet.

The officer also took note that neither of the parties was intoxicated or in need of medical attention.


UFOs are no joke, pilot's group says

UFOs may be fodder for comedians but there was no joking Monday when a group of former pilots recounted seeing strange phenomena in the sky and demanded the US government reopen an investigation into unidentified flying objects.

Several pilots offered dramatic accounts of witnessing UFOs -- including a transparent flying disc and a triangular craft with mysterious markings -- as they insisted their questions needed to be taken seriously more than 30 years after the US file was closed.

"We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth, conventional terms," said Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona and air force pilot who says he saw a UFO in 1997.

"Instead our country needs to reopen its official investigation that it shut down in 1969," Symington told a news conference.

"We believe that for reasons of both national security and flight safety, every country should make an effort to identify any object in its airspace," said a statement from the 19 former pilots and government officials from around the world.


Florida, U.S.: It's a bird, it's a plane: It's a spate of UFO sightings that put Gulf Breeze on the extraterrestrial map

Santa Rosa County Commissioner John Broxson was always a skeptical person.

He never believed the stories of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster or unidentified flying objects.

But something happened nearly 20 years ago to make him change his mind on at least one of those phenomena.

"Frankly, I saw something that blew my mind," Broxson said. "It's a mystery to me. It just looked like something I wasn't expecting to see.

©Ed Walters
Ed Walters took this photograph of a purported UFO hovering over County Road 191-B east of Gulf Breeze in January 1988. Walters provided the photo to the Daily News in 1990 to coincide with the publication of his first book, "The Gulf Breeze Sightings."


Former pilots and officials call for new U.S. UFO probe

Washington - Democratic U.S. presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich may have been ridiculed for saying he had seen a UFO, but for some former military pilots and other observers, unidentified flying objects are no laughing matter.

An international panel of two dozen former pilots and government officials called on the U.S. government on Monday to reopen its generation-old UFO investigation as a matter of safety and security given continuing reports about flying discs, glowing spheres and other strange sightings.

"Especially after the attacks of 9/11, it is no longer satisfactory to ignore radar returns ... which cannot be associated with performances of existing aircraft and helicopters," they said in a statement released at a news conference.

The panelists from seven countries, including former senior military officers, said they had each seen a UFO or conducted an official investigation into UFO phenomena.


Raising Spirits

Episodes of high comedy in the history of science are rare, but here is one: the investigation of Eusapia Palladino, a tempestuous and erotically charged medium from the slums of Naples, by a sober Cambridge don and his friends in 1895.

The Cambridge group was from Britain's Society for Psychical Research, and they trained themselves hard for the task. Their leader, Henry Sidgwick, was a prominent moral philosopher; his wife, Nora (the sister of a future British prime minister), was a mathematician and the principal of one of Cambridge's first colleges for women. Together the couple practiced how they would hold Eusapia down during seances. As Deborah Blum writes in her fascinating new book, Ghost Hunters, Sidgwick developed an impressive skill for "dropping to the floor, his white beard trailing over the carpet, while he anchored Nora's feet in place."

Eusapia's apparent ability to levitate heavy tables, make mysterious winds blow and produce a substance known as "ectoplasm" - a sort of afterbirth of the netherworld - had already convinced some scientists in Europe that paranormal powers were real. But she had been married to a traveling conjuror and would be caught in trickery countless times. Members of the Society for Psychical Research wanted to be sure. But above all, they wanted to believe. If Eusapia was exposed, they would find someone with more impressive powers. Blum's strange tale shows how and why many British and American intellectuals (including some prominent scientists) ended up on a fruitless but determined hunt for ghosts.