Noam Chomsky
Noted leftist thinker and pioneering linguist Noam Chomsky recently sat down at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for a wide-ranging discussion titled "Propaganda Vs. Reality."
The host of the event, Professor Jan Nederveen Pieterse, began by noting that there would be, the next day, "a party celebrating the 1 percent."
"We live in an era," he continued, "when Hollywood celebrates idiots as culture heroes -
The Great Gatsby,
The Wolf of Wall Street. So is there good news for the 99 percent, and [if there isn't] what kind of news would you be looking for?" Pieterse asked.
"The good news is that there are people like you," Chomsky replied. "People committed to overcoming the narrowness of the spectrum of political discussion and the enormous oppression and inequities of society. That there are people trying to end the extremely ominous threat of nuclear war or environmental catastrophe - that is good news."
"But that's always the good news," he continued. "Class war goes on all the time, it's usually just one-sided. The business classes are very dedicated to class war. Constantly fighting it, so the question is whether there will be an opposition."
"When you see rising opposition, that's the good news."
When asked about the fate of those in a capitalist society who are living "a precarious existence," Chomsky said that "from the point of view of those conducting the class war - part of the business classes and the government - the best thing would be to have a population which is living a precarious existence."
Comment: Interesting that the US is arresting police for corruption in Puerto Rico while it systematically ignores blatant corruption and brutality on its own shores. Apparently the PRPD is following the example set here:
Police States of America: Americans killed by cops now outnumber Americans killed in Iraq war
Militarization of American police: Skyrocketing SWAT team raids causing needless deaths of innocent suspects
Why have police in America turned into such ruthless thugs?
Police state Amerika: Call the cops at your peril