The human race currently thrives in a world of deceit where most nothing is what it seems to be. There are malevolent forces behind the curtain, pulling the strings of society and guiding people towards conformity and blind submission. 'They' make us believe what they need us to believe in order to aid their agenda, doing so through their puppeteered 'leaders' of the world, as well as by using their various control systems such as religion, public education, mainstream media, politics, and so on.
Wherever you look, there are distractions and diversions, intentionally implemented to keep us from seeing what is right in front of us, and to stray our attention away from what they are doing.All the world's a stage, and they are the illusionists of tonight's performance.
But who are 'they', exactly? It is said by many that they are the people at the very top of the chain of control, beyond those who we believe to be the most powerful. Others say that 'they' are a secret society, composed of thirteen of the most influential families in the world. They have been given quite a few nicknames, such as the Illuminati and Big Brother. However, who they are is not the most important thing to know about them at this point of their performance. What's important is the knowledge that they are there, and that they are purposely misleading, misdirecting, and manipulating the minds of the human race for their own advantage.
Just simply knowing that they exist greatly defies their agenda. They intend to stay in the shadows until such time as to when the human race is so entranced by their tricks and treats that they could announce what they've been doing to the human race for millennia and nobody would give a damn as long as we can go about our daily lives. They have set up many control systems to keep us from questioning most anything, turning us into obedient sheeple. Our perspective of what's going on is not any better than that of a horse wearing blinders that keeps it from seeing anything to the left or right of the path it's being guided down. However, there is a massive chain reaction of people waking up all over the world, which I doubt they will be able to contain for much longer.
Comment: For more on the DEA's involvment in drug running see:
Largest cocaine smuggler in the U.S. revealed: The DEA