Society's ChildS

Light Saber

Pakistan moves to ban 'honor killings' after social media star is murdered by brother

Pakistan honor killing
© STR / Agence France-PressMurdered Pakistani social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch
Pakistan's ruling party plans to pass legislation against so-called "honor killings," Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said following the murder of social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch.

The bill will go before a parliamentary committee on Thursday, Maryam Nawaz Sharif told Reuters.

"We have finalized the draft law in the light of negotiations," she said. "The final draft will be presented to a committee of joint session of parliament on July 21 for consideration and approval."

Maryam said that once the parliamentary committee has approved the bill, it will be presented for a vote in a "couple of weeks" before a joint session of parliament. If passed into law, the legislation would remove a loophole which currently allows other family members to pardon a killer.

Maryam, who has become an increasingly influential member of her father's ruling party, said the government wants to pass the law unanimously and has been negotiating with religious parties in parliament.

A senior government official also confirmed to Reuters that all major parties are indeed backing the bill and it is likely to be passed by the joint session of parliament.

"The prime minister is taking a personal interest," a second official and close aide to Sharif added. "You will see in the coming days more will be done, big changes will be announced."

Comment: Pakistan may pass a law banning such horrors, but it will be an uphill battle to change centuries of societal norms. How much effort they put into making those changes will be the real test of how seriously they take this issue.


LA Times editorial writer advocates coup if Donald Trump elected president

Donald Trump
© AP Photo/ Andrew Harnik
The candidate has broken the one unspoken rule of the Beltway establishment in calling for the country to focus on existential threats rather than the imaginary specter of Russian aggression for the sake of selling more weapons.

LA Times editorial writer James Kirchick took his distaste for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to a new rhetorical limit, by calling for an armed insurrection against the real-estate-mogul-turned-candidate, should he succeed in his election bid.

Kirchick calls Trump a "brazenly authoritarian figure," accusing the former reality television producer of being unfit for office because his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, worked with "former Ukrainian president and Vladimir Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovich."


Good news: O'Reilly, Hannity, Van Susteren might leave Fox News if Ailes forced out

CEO Roger Ailes
© AP Photo/ Reed Saxon
Hosts of some of Fox News' most popular shows have threatened to leave the network if CEO Roger Ailes is forced to depart amid recent sexual harassment allegations. Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren and Bill O'Reilly have threatened to leave the network if parent company 21st Century Fox gives Ailes the boot.

Since former Fox host Gretchen Carlson and current host Megyn Kelly have leveled accusations of sexual misconduct against the 76-year-old executive, O'Reilly, Van Susteren and Hannity have come to his defense.

Hannity tweeted that the accusations are "BS" and that he has "spoken to many women who work at Fox that have the most amazing stories of how kind Roger is to them." During an interview on Late Night with Seth Meyers, O'Reilly stated that Ailes conduct and the fallout from it is a "very sad situation," adding, "I've worked for Roger Ailes for 20 years. Best boss I've ever had. Straight shooter, always honest with me. And I believe that, over the years — he's been in the business for 50 years — 95 percent of the people who have worked for Roger Ailes would say exactly the same thing that I just told you." O'Reilly claims that Ailes is a "target" and that damning accusations can be directed at almost any "famous, powerful or wealthy person."


Saudi Arabia's top religious body renews ban on Pokemon for "promoting gambling and theory of evolution"

pokemon go
© Tiziana Fabi / AFP
As the world goes crazy over Pokémon Go, the augmented reality game, Saudi Arabia's top religious body has renewed a 2001 ruling banning the Pokémon franchise as un-Islamic, saying it promotes gambling and Darwin's theory of evolution.

The 15-year-old ban on the Pokémon game has been revived, the General Secretariat of the Council of Senior Scholars said on the website of the General Presidency for Scholarly Research and Ifta, Arab News reported on Wednesday.

The old fatwa dealt with the Pokémon card game, however Sheikh Saleh Al-Fozan, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars, said it is no different from today's mobile version of the game.

Both versions encourage gambling prohibited in Islam and adopt the theory of evolution, he said.

"One of the most important things that makes man condemn this game is adopting the theory of evolution developed by Darwin," thefatwa reads. "Astonishingly, the children frequently use the word 'evolution' inside and outside the game."

Heart - Black

Abhorrent: Rape victim put in jail after breakdown during testimony in Texas court

A rape victim and rapist
© Click2Houston
A Texas woman who was the victim of rape and who was placed in jail after having a mental breakdown while testifying against her assailant is now suing Harris County and its sheriff, among others.

The woman, named Jenny, is in her 20s and was the star witness in the rape trial of Keith Hendricks. Hendricks was ultimately given two life sentences for raping multiple women, according to KRPC.

Jenny was to give her testimony on Dec. 8, 2015. However, she has bipolar disorder and was unable to finish her testimony, with transcripts showing she broke down and ran from the court saying she would never go back.

Sean Buckley, Jenny's attorney, said his client was placed in jail without due process and was given a black eye by another inmate while in jail for nearly a month. She was also reportedly punched by a jail guard after attacking him. She was finally released from jail when she testified against Hendricks on Jan. 14, 2016.

"This young lady should never have been put in the Harris County jail," Buckley said. "That is not an environment for a rape victim." Jenny was apparently jailed through a Texas legal mechanism called an attachment order, which can be used to hold witnesses without bail if the witness is unlikely to show up for a trial.

Comment: Another example of the legal system degrading female victims of rape.

Rape Culture in America - How the system protects the rapists and fails the victims


Eva Bartlett's photo essay shows life has returned to Damascus after 5 years of NATO-led destruction

Life for many in Damascus, Syria is beginning to regain a sense of normalcy. Once besieged by foreign fighters, the ancient city and it's residents struggle to rebuild their lives, land and livelihood, rejoicing in the simple mundanity of day-to-day life.
damascus eatery
© Eva BartlettThe croissant stand in Aamarie district of Thomas Gate is known not only to Damascenes but visitors from other areas of Syria. While prices for most goods have risen all across Syria, the stand keeps its prices low: 125 Syrian pounds per sumptuous croissant. On the first day of ‘Eid celebrations the stand is packed.
On prior visits to Damascus, staying in the Old City, the sound of mortars being fired from terrorist-held districts outside of the city was a constant. In recent months, the mortars on Damascus have stopped. Previously, Jebhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria), Jaysh al-Islam and the Free Syrian Army, among other terrorist factions, rained mortars daily on residential areas of Damascus, hitting schools, homes, vehicles and pedestrians, killing and maiming indiscriminately, leaving civilians, including children, with critical injuries and amputations.

With the recent absence of mortars, Damascenes have opened outdoor establishments where before it was formerly too dangerous. Sidewalks cafes and outdoor eateries open at night were unthinkable less than half a year ago, let alone rooftop cafes and lounges. Although Syrians suffer immensely from an economy devastated by war and western sanctions, in Damascus there is a renewed sense of defiance, a refusal to give in, or as a young man in his twenties visiting from Aleppo said: "They have their own war against death by living."


SOTT Focus: Pokémon Go and mass dissociation: Anchoring the frequency of chaos and destruction

pokemon go
Hordes of students converge to catch an imaginary animal at Florida International University.
Pokémon Go, a mobile app that has surpassed Twitter and Facebook in terms of the number of active users, is the latest craze to sweep the globe, with tens of millions distracting themselves with this game on a daily basis. This in itself is disturbing, but even more horrifying is the complete lack of critical thinking, common sense, or humanity exhibited by users who have been finding themselves hospitalized in search of elusive, illusory creatures.

What's next? Will people break into houses if there's some rare Pokémon inside? It seems that people are losing all connection to reality, and what little ability they had to determine right from wrong and the sensible from the stupid. People have turned into zombies, with technology having almost full control over their daily lives. It's 'the rise of the machines', just not in the way that Hollywood imagined it.

Let's go into a few particularly unbelievable instances of what I'm talking about.


Palestinian swimmer discusses overcoming Israeli restrictions to compete in 2016 Summer Olympics [VIDEO]

Mary al Atrash
Mary al Atrash, a 22-year-old swimmer from Beit Sahour that will represent Palestine in the 2016 Olympic Games.
Less than a month before the 2016 Summer Olympics begin in Rio De Janeiro, Mondoweiss met with Mary al Atrash, a 22-year-old swimmer from Beit Sahour in the West Bank who will be part of the largest delegation Palestine has ever sent to the Olympics Games.

Al Atrash will compete in the 50 meters freestyle, but her training has been complicated. She does not have an Olympic-size pool to train in, and she also has no training partners. Nearby Jerusalem has better facilities, including several Olympic-sized pools and many swimmers to train with, but due to the Israeli occupation al Atrash is unable to travel to Jerusalem to train.

A new generation of athletes is emerging in Palestine due to the work of sport federations as well as the Palestine Olympic Committee and the significant role played by the new head of the committee Jibril Rajoub. Mary's coach, Musa Nawawra, hopes that her achievements will inspire a younger generation of athletes in Palestine.

Mary al Atrash is extremely proud to wear the Palestinian colors in Rio and can't wait to compete in the the Olympic games. She recently left Beit Sahour to train in Algeria before the international competition. It will be her first time training in a real, Olympic-sized pool.

Light Sabers

Protesters and police clash in Armenian capital as hostage crisis continues

armenia hostage crisis
© Ruptly
Clashes have erupted between protesters and police in the Armenian capital of Yerevan. People erected barricades next to a police station that was hijacked by armed men on July 17 and which is still under their control.

People have been throwing stones at police, while law enforcement officials lobbed stun grenades in return. Several people were injured during the stand off with police, TASS reported.

Protesters are said to be the supporters of hijackers who are currently inside the police station, News Armenia reported, as cited by Russia's RBK news outlet.

Green Light

3 states file lawsuits against Volkswagen accusing them of fraud and a widespread conspiracy to cover up defects

© Mike Blake / Reuters
Volkswagen's "top brass" stand accused of "defrauding" thousands of people in new lawsuits from New York and two other states alleging a "widespread conspiracy." The German car manufacturer could end up culpable for billions of dollars in fines.

Attorneys general for New York, Massachusetts and Maryland have announced their legal actions against the Volkswagen Group, which also owns German carmakers Porsche and Audi.

The three companies have been accused of selling diesel cars with illegal "defeat devices" that were installed to conceal the actual amounts of harmful emissions, as well as allegedly to try and cover-up their "corrupt behavior."

"Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche defrauded thousands of Massachusetts consumers, polluted our air, and damaged our environment and then, to make matters worse, plotted a massive cover-up to mislead environmental regulators," Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said, vowing to "bring the full force of the law and seek the stiffest possible sanctions."